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3136171 No.3136171 [Reply] [Original]

What causes some people to look younger than their actual age?

>> No.3136182


>> No.3136189

Biological age is different than chronological age.
Read something about telomeres and cell aging.

>> No.3136196

>implying there is a universal reference frame

>> No.3136197

Generally child-like features (relatively large eyes, flat nose, big ears)

>> No.3136202
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1298794753486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make-up is for insecure faggots

>> No.3136203

Avoiding sun damage and alcohol products on skin and organs,

>> No.3136204

i actually agree, i hardly ever use any, or if i do, i don't use much.

>> No.3136212

Why would a neckbeard wear makeup?

>> No.3136216

They could have developmental disorganization and be a baby at the age of teenage years.

>> No.3136219

For me it is a rare genetic disorder that has resulted in me being intersexed (and asexual) however I have been told that I am very attractive and I look very young for my age and naturally I use this to my advantage.

>> No.3136454


seriously though, why are you supporting LBGT if you're asexual?

>> No.3136477

Because it's the nice thing to do.

>> No.3136487

not sure, maybe when going to trekke events, and dressing as aliens and shit
...oh wait, i just got it
>implying I am a neckbeard.

as freakishly awesome as it would look if i were capable of growing a neckbeard, i'm sure the novelty would wear off pretty qickly and just start freaking people out.

>> No.3136490

thats ok, you are an unattractive cunt anyway, wearing makeup and not dressing like a man might make you look better but giving the impression that you are female in anything but chromosomes would be bad
>implying you understand females at all

>> No.3136527

Thread ruined after one post.