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3133512 No.3133512 [Reply] [Original]

Evening, /sci/
Pharmacyfag here.
Do you know that feel when you brush your teeth before bed, go to sleep and wake up with that sour-ass bacteria ridden taste in your mouth?Sure you do.
Now this got me thinking, what if there was a way to create some kind of long (6-8hr) lasting hard paste, which you would chew upon before going to bed. It would last about 6 hours, slowly dissolving while you're sleeping, thus preventing tooth decay? Problem is that it may also kill everything else beside lacto-bacteriae and digesting it may cause some side effects.
Overall, it creating this kind of product plausible? What does /sci/ think?

>> No.3133516

The major factor here is reduced saliva flow during sleep.

>> No.3133531

just don't rinse all of the paste after brushing at night. that'll leave your mouth basic which negates the effect of the acid.

>> No.3133536

Could be possible to reduce the dosage if needed, corresponding to the dissolvage speed.

>> No.3133544

I always wake up with a dry as fuck mouth. Very rarely I have the taste you described.
I just seem to have a naturally hygenic mouth.
Also, yeah, I think it's plausible, I mean, you ARE a pharmacyfag so you should know yourself. Certain medicine only kill certain bacteria and nothing else because of their specificity. What specific traits do the lactobacteriae have?

>> No.3133546

This way it may last for a few hours only, the bacteria just continues to spread afterwards. We need the paste to stay in the mouth for the whole duration in order to negate the new bacteria.

>> No.3133576

I think it would be hard to target the specific bacteria responsible for tooth decay in this case. Straptococcus and Lactobacilli are mostly responsible for caries and other problems concerning teeth. If we were to use some basic disinfectants, they may spread to the stomach and damage the micro-flora there.

>> No.3133602

There is a reason why they occur in the mouth.
pH 1 is quite hard to get passed man.
Also, I think it's quite useless to try and sterilize the mouth as much as possible, because all you have to do is open your mouth once or inhale and your shit is full of it again.
Bacteria are just a way of the natural flora of the mouth imo. Some people have bad luck with them, others don't.

>> No.3133617

It's called a tongue scraper.
You don't even need to go out and buy one, just use your nails.
Scrape your tongue daily and you will never have bad breath or wake up with a nasty taste in your mouth again.