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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3132981 No.3132981 [Reply] [Original]

Just a stupid rant.....
Ok some stupid son of a bitch has been blasting /Sci/ with a shit ton of anti-capitalism, pro-communism threads. And I would like to straighten things out right now. Communism is not a dream boat in which you do very little to survive and you can sit in your room and play call of duty all day while the government pays your bills and feeds you and takes care of you. Its really quite shitty. In a true capitalist society where things are done mostly to economize, you miss things like fashion, and personal customization of everything. Just think about if cars and clothes were produced by the government for the people, actually forget about cars we would all use mass transit. (look at N. Korea hundreds of streets no cars) fashion would go away, clothes would be produced by the government according to needs. Good bye bathing suit and going to the beach to see the hot barely dressed chicks. Forget the night scene where you go to drink and look at hot women. Movies will go away unless they are a benefit to the state. Television shows will be only of benefit to the state. New's would be controlled, and your way of life would just be generally shitty compared to what you are used to know living in the united states. So shut the fuck up you communist fag, and go live in N. Korea if you believe that communism will save your soul. If not go die in a fire with all the religousfags that constantly post crap here in their sick attempts at trolling.
Pic related you wont find chicks like this in any communist state.

>> No.3132996

capitalist countries feed communist countries

the shittiest, poorest countries in the world are socialist/communist, and if it weren't for the food capitalist countries exported to them, they would starve to death. see, e.g., Africa, South America, and most of Asia.

>> No.3133023

>>China is socialist.
>>US government owes the Chinese government 14 trillion dollars.
>>your argument is invalid.

>> No.3133033

If only the US stopped feeding Cuba and started handing out more aid to Haiti.

>> No.3133048

You fucking idiot. #1 Socialist and Communist are not the same thing

#2 China claims to be communist but there is barely any socialism. It's more of a capitalist environment. They switched because their massive country could not survive being a socialist country. Now what exact type of government is China? People spend days arguing about this and it's pointless.

Also I know you're a troll but I wish to stop people from reacting from your shit posting.

>> No.3133104

China also has capitalism, which is why we owe them money. China before capitalism entered = shit.
China after capitalism entered = owns america.
Your argument is invalid.
By the way Socialism does not equal communism, It's ok, rookie mistake. Here is a link to help you identify the two.

Also i Herped before i derped and forgot to post the source for there being no fashion in communism.

>> No.3133133

I see things like this and am confused. China also has a massive debt growing at the same rate as the US debt, as does India and Japan's debt puts the US debt to shame. I is confused.

>> No.3133146

unless, of course, millions of chinese were currently starving (which they are), and if china still is a net importer of food (which they are)

>> No.3133150

the world is confused

if only there were a strongly charismatic world leader who could unite the planet under 10 kingdoms, with a common unit for buying and selling goods somehow implanted on everybody's right hand (or forehead if they don't have a right hand), who would bring peace to the middle east after all the annoying christfags disappear without a trace.

ah, if only

>> No.3133161

lol antichrist

>> No.3133162

If you are starving you are lazy and an enemy of the state.

>> No.3133166

hate to tell you, but it's a pretty well known fact that the US gov't keeps 4chan around to use as a quick focus group; what we post here comes out of the administration's mouth within days.

they're floating a test balloon to see if americans still have a gut reaction against socialism/communism, or if they can call their agenda exactly what it is, instead of all this vague "hope and change" bullshit.

>> No.3133172

Just to enlight some people about some definitions:

Socialism and capitalism are both economic systems

Communism is a politic ideology (such as fascism, liberalism, marxism socialism, etc.)

The U.R.S.S.'s experiences of communism were really extremist socialism. Communism doesn't supposes any control of the government for there is no state as we intend it.

And China's economy isn't socialist, just like North Korea isn't a democracy even though it is called Democratic Republic of Korea

>> No.3133193

While I don't support communism outright I feel as though capitalism is a flawed as is encourages the haves to prey upon the have nots.

>> No.3133198

how the haves can only have if people voluntarily give them money in exchange for a product. All you have to really do to become rich is sell more than you use.

>> No.3133229

>No fashion
>Mass transit

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3133244

I know right... OP is a faggot scene-goer

>> No.3133249

Sweet go join the military.

>> No.3133487

>the haves can only have if people voluntarily give them money in exchange for a product.

Uh huh. Because rich people are never born into wealth, right?

We also don't have a problem with rich people getting away with white collar crimes, influencing politics, and exploiting legal loopholes, right?

>> No.3133519
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>capitalist countries

>see, e.g., Africa, South America, and most of Asia.

>> No.3133532

How exactly is this science?

>> No.3133549
File: 19 KB, 175x190, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw unfashionable aspies actually look forward to the state deciding what they should wear

>> No.3133559
File: 99 KB, 392x300, COOLFACEYEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually going to post this

>> No.3133613

anyone who honestly thinks that gray-faced centrist Obama is a secret socialist is out of their goddamn mind.

OP, capitalism and socialism are two economic systems. They're means to an end, not an end in and of themselves. As long as capitalism continues to fail, it will continue to be criticized. But part of the problem is you're assuming there are only two choices in the first place. Look at history: economic systems come and go, starting with hunter-gatherers, then the agricultural revolution, which led to feudalism, which led to capitalism. In each case the new economic system was revolutionary, and (thankfully) usually changed people's lives for the better. It's extremely unlikely that capitalism is the end state of human economics, and while socialism may not be the answer it is extremely likely (as in 99.99999%) that capitalism will be supplanted by a different economic model eventually. It's not even a given that money will exist in the future! Remember that these are all tools that we use, not a sports team to chant for.

One more thing: the success of a country has many more factors than which economic system they choose. The amount of resources available per capita, culture, geography, and external realities all play a role in deciding an economy's fate. I would argue that in fact there is no such thing as a one-size-fits all 'best' economic system, but that some systems are better than others for a particular time, place, and group of people. Take communism for example: in a collectivist culture with small communities, a near-anarchic communism may very well work better than a free market system. It's like arguing over which pair of shoes is the best; the only real answer is "the ones that fit your feet comfortably".

>> No.3133841
File: 52 KB, 360x600, 1304906979864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centrist Obama

captcha: leInto nebulosus

>> No.3133877

proposing the health care plan touted by Mitt Romney and Bob muthafuckin' Dole? That filthy pinko Commie!

>> No.3133955

>night scene

Yep. Our health care and unemployment rates may be worse than fucking communist Cuba, but at least we've got the important things down like fashion and Hollywood movies.