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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 352x400, race_IQscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3131052 No.3131052 [Reply] [Original]

Whoops! Don't pay attention at this pseudo-scientific racist nonsense.

>> No.3131080 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 500x517, 1305101770792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, I am offended by the use of the word Oriental.

>> No.3131093

dont feed the trolls

>> No.3131121

Don't mind these trolls, after all, there's no evidence to make up the claims in OP's picture (don't mind hundreds of studies, including those made by the American Psychological Association).

>> No.3131139

If blacks in america score higher than blacks in africa, it is indeed a proof that your intelligence is depended upon your social environment, and such a thing like biological inferior or superior races do not exist.

>> No.3131141

Asians are the master race.

>> No.3131146

Don't mind that most blacks have mixed with whites at some point in US.

>> No.3131151

Or they got better education and a better living environment.

>> No.3131153

The funny thing is that superior and inferior people do exist, but stupid equality is being forced on the population by the political correctness.

>> No.3131156

Leftism is a new religion that completely ignores modern science, just like the religious do. Races are not equal, individuals are not equal and you can't make them equal without bringing the best down. You cannot bring the worst up to the level of the best. If race is an arbitrary quantification then so is a species and we must have equality with them as well.

>> No.3131166

Or most of them have mixed with whites, which is the case.

>> No.3131180 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 533x405, Fig_57_-_men_4-yr_college_degrees[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind those intolerant republicans! They're just a bunch of stupid uneducated rednecks.

>> No.3131192


>> No.3131213

studies have shown the contrary that even when taken into a better environment and education system they still do worse than poor disadvantaged whites.


>> No.3131220


>> No.3131239

Its funny how people can accept intelligence differences between individuals but not between races, and that intelligence ability is somehow not limited by genetics like some metaphysical aspect like a soul.

>> No.3131241

Also anyone referring to Asians as "orientals" is bound to be from stormfront or something alike.

>> No.3131242

Why are whites even so obsessed with racism? It just shows that they aren't the true masterrace either and should be vanished from earth so the asians can build a perfect world.

>> No.3131257

But it's a rather hasty conclusion to conclude that the lower IQ is due to genetics, isn't it? When you take into account that blacks on average are poorer than whites and live in worse areas, and a big part of their culture doesn't stress education, and society's expectation for them is very low, doesn't that also sound like a good reason for lower test scores? I just feel like you're ignoring other factors all together.

>> No.3131268


But there are black people who are smarter than most white people. It really depends on the individual. All people should be judged on an individual basis.

Seriously, what do you want us to do? Segregate the schools again? Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.3131282


I didn't even know that "oriental" was supposed to be offensive until a few years ago.

If someone is offended by it, he's obviously going out of his way to be offended.

>> No.3131285
File: 425 KB, 1530x2048, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question:

To what extent is the intelligence of individuals determined by genetics? Barring mental retardation.

>> No.3131297


Except its proof of the opposite?

Genetics determine your baseline ability, but society can raise it to some degree.

Some software can be better than others and provide higher performance for less resources, but in the end it simply cannot exceed the limitations of the hardware no matter how well it is coded.

This concept is so unbelievably simple yet so hard for some people to get.

>> No.3131304


For everyone who claims to know the answer to this question, you can find someone just as credible who can refute that answer.

>> No.3131313

Never said it was offensive. Its not the proper term to describe the ethnicity of a group.

And no there are no different "races" in humans.

>> No.3131323


But I think this is important. Isn't there at least a viewpoint one way or the other with some kind of scientific backing?

>> No.3131329

to be honest i think culture and socialization has wayyy more to do with a lot of black people acting dumb. One time my black friend told me that there's a lot of pressure or there's a temptation to act "ghetto"

>> No.3131330

To get realistic results you must compare the races within a social class.

If blacks from the ghetto are in average dumber than whites and asians from the ghetto, and if blacks from the middle-class are in average dumber than whites and asians from the middle class, and if blacks from the upper class are in average dumber than whites and asians from the upper class, then you have proven a point.

But then a question still remains; what are you trying to achieve with it? Should blacks have less rights and not so many opportunities? This would be very unfair to the talented, smart blacks, and would favor a stupid white person without any obvious reason.

>> No.3131363

"Race, Evolution, and Behavior" got its data by aggregating the results of a fuck-ton of studies with equal weight, without weeding out the biased or sloppy ones. The justification was that the law of large numbers should cause the net effect of all those biases to be close to zero...except that bias in those studies was generally anti-black. Whoops.
OP is a candy-ass.

>> No.3131389


No, by accepting that they are inferior in intellect, the immense amount of money being shuffled to education can finally be put to good use, because we would finally admit the problem being faced by them and act accordingly to HELP them.

By denying that blacks are on average less intelligent than other races, you are only hurting them and preventing their progress, as well as others because the system is held to the lowest denominator.

The road to evil is paved with good intentions.

>> No.3131397

>troll baww wacist ignorant baww

why do anti-racists hate science?

>> No.3131420


How would we help them, if we don't educate them at all?

Dont act like studies like this add anything constructive to society. They are being posted by white or asian losers who want to push their ego.

>> No.3131422

You can stop the affirmative action bullshit and stop inditing the entirety of our society without due process of some conspiracy against brown people and and giving our kids an advantage by giving a fuck about them.

>> No.3131434

>africans:not enough nutrients or even calories, shitty environment
>US Blacks: have enough calories but again not enough nutrients thanks to mcdonalds, shitty environment
it's not about the race imho. Culture and food play a huge role too.

Distinguishing between races is useless anyway, because there are genetically stupid whites too, so what's the point of doing this?
you can't identify stupid people through race, it's a gross generalization. Obama is not stupid otherwise he wouldn't have got in that position.

>> No.3131436
File: 24 KB, 250x250, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

successful troll is successful

>> No.3131445
File: 86 KB, 300x404, jfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because we have affirmative action which basically tells us that its our fault blacks fail rather than their genetics.

>> No.3131457
File: 236 KB, 748x561, papua_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herp Derp



>> No.3131459


Well its more due to the effects of segregation that blacks ended up in bad neighborhoods and the conditions in these neighborhoods are so bad that it makes focusing on school harder

>> No.3131466

were black people segregated in the north, no and they do just as poorly, look at africa for more evidence.

>> No.3131473

Actually it has been determined to be at least 85%, probably more given testing error. It is called heritability of IQ.

>> No.3131475

The main influencing factor in average IQ scores is the socioeconomic condition of the participants. Yes individually some people are smarter than others but on average all humans are more less equally intelligent give the same surrounding circumstances.

>> No.3131520

More like 50-80%

If it's not true that intelligence is heritable and comes from your genes, but rather that intelligence is dependant on your social environment; then why isn't everyone who lives in the same neighborhood equally as smart?.

>> No.3131535


Because they dont live in the same family.

>> No.3131540

you basically assume the only thing heritable is genetic

culture is also passed on from parents to children

>why do black africans speak ungo-bongo langauge, and also all look the same? language must be genetic.

>> No.3131570

But then how can twins who were seperated at birth still be equally as smart and score almost the exact same number on IQ tests even when they were raised by different families?

>> No.3131586

Because INDIVIDUALLY some people ARE smarter than others but on AVERAGE all races and populations are more or less equal. Also same neighborhood =/= same socioeconomic situation.

>> No.3131595
File: 32 KB, 323x500, blankslate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it.


>> No.3131606

[citation needed]

>> No.3131619

Bouchard, TJ (2004). "Genetic influence on human psychological traits"


>> No.3131624

>MFW my IQ is over 40 points higher than the average oriental and over double the average nigger.

>> No.3131656

No I'm not.
I'm saying that just as you inherit appearance from your parents, you also inherit intelligence.

Yes of course some people always will be smarter disregarding their race, but if you look at the facts they clearly show that chances are significantly larger that a white man will be a genius than a black man.

>> No.3131659
File: 158 KB, 1086x753, table1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3131669

ITT: Look at me, I'm such an edgy teenager. I see the racial "truth" that everyone is ignoring. I am such a rebel and free-thinker. Proudface.jpg

Now back to /new/ with you, cunt.

>> No.3131671

I miss old 4chan, seriously pretending to be a stormfag is even low by 4chan standards.

>> No.3131674

"Early in life, shared environmental factors are the dominant influence on IQ, but gradually genetic influence increases, with the effects of shared environment dropping to near zero (see the twin studies in Table 1). Although not reported here, adoption studies of (a) unrelated individuals reared together and (b) adoptive parents and their adopted offspring have reported similar results—increasing genetic influence on IQ with age and decreasing shared environmental influence. Results from two twin studies of IQ in old age (over 75) are reported in Table 1. Both studies found a substantial level of genetic influence and little shared environmental influence. The results do, however, suggest some decline in heritability when compared with results for earlier ages. There is no evidence for sex differences in heritability for IQ at any age."

>> No.3131710

No replies?

>> No.3132014

Another person who doesn't understand what heritability is.

>> No.3132160

How so?

>> No.3132177


That's becomes whites have been dominant in society.

>> No.3132199
File: 24 KB, 352x400, 1306514410870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, sorry, posted the wrong chart, here's the correct version.

>> No.3132226
File: 183 KB, 1280x960, Y-U-SO-STUPID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Whoops! Don't pay attention at this pseudo-scientific racist nonsense.

>Whoops! Don't pay attention to me failing to recognize the difference between fluid and crystallized intelligence

>Whoops! Don't pay attention to me failing to live up to my heritage by investigating this evidence before throwing it out there

>Whoops! Don't pay attention to me being a hypocrite

Oh, one more thing....

>Whoops! Don't pay attention at this pseudo-scientific racist nonsense.
>Whoops! Don't pay attention at this
> pay attention at this

>> No.3132301

You are completely correct. I go to a shool in brooklyn, I take an average level pre calculus class. There are a bunch of asians, a few white people and three black people. All the black people are girls. Black people in society are expected to take the least and easiest amount of classes to graduate, or not graduate at all. Especialy young black men. It's not that they are incapable they just don't want seem "white".

>> No.3132310
File: 554 KB, 295x221, 1262662488076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people have a lower IQ than white people
>That means we should reinstate segregation and treat them like subhumans

Got to love americans. You won't find this shit in Europe.

>> No.3132315

there are no black people in europe enjoy your muslims.

>> No.3132316

Who here is advocating that?

Nice straw man, brah.

>> No.3132321

then why are asians smarter than white people.

>> No.3132325


Haha, oh wow.

>> No.3132331

are, but have not always been. The west will decline and China will rise again soon as the highpoint of civilization.

>> No.3132332

>mfw no answer
>mfw I have no face

>> No.3132333

Pretty sure that's the general concensus in most stormfront communities. Blatant racism was the reason /new/ was taken down, or maybe you weren't here for that.

Also, if that wasn't the center of your argument, then you wouldn't have an argument, because the IQ of the different human races wouldn't matter.

>> No.3132345

>>IQ of different human races
>>human races
>>Implying that Caucasians and black people aren't part of the same race

>> No.3132348

You sure showed me, buddy.

>> No.3132349

>Who here is advocating that?
By "here" I mean "in this thread."

>Also, if that wasn't the center of your argument, then you wouldn't have an argument, because the IQ of the different human races wouldn't matter.
All I'm arguing is that intelligence is significantly genetically heritable, and that there is some evidence that the racial IQ gap may have some genetic basis.

>> No.3132353

They're part of the same species, not the same race.

>> No.3132363
File: 59 KB, 636x1333, International_PISA TEST scores by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do niggers manage to score lower than spics who come here with such broken English? How do niggers manage to score lower than spics at pretty much everything except athletics?

>> No.3132364

I hope you don't believe that if a person believes that two people of different races should get along together and see each other as equals, then that means they're biological twins.

>> No.3132371

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3132372

Any other psychologyfags here?

Seriously, I.Q. tests need to be standardised, they were made by whites for whites.

>> No.3132373

Average African IQ is 70?? Really? I can't claim to know or care much about the IQ system, but I thought below 80 or something around that mark was considered retarded. It's not a surprise that they are lower but 70? The 85 statistic seems far-fetched enough for me.

>> No.3132376

>>niggers niggers niggers niggers

protip: there's a reason why people don't take you seriously when you try to prove a point about the differences between races

>> No.3132378

You aren't very good at healthy skepticism.

>> No.3132385


Also, imposed etics have totally fucked this entire intelligence idea.

However, Greece 2000 years ago> africa today...

>> No.3132388

Saying "I fucking hate niggers, niggers are fucking stupid, I wish we killed all the niggers" is different than saying "Black people have a lower IQ than white people", and only bigots tend to blend the two things together.

>> No.3132389

That doesn't make any sense because East Asians and Jews still score higher than whites.

The porch monkeys have no excuses.

>> No.3132394

shitskins are stupid because they mad as fuck

>> No.3132399


You don't understand, If a test is created for a specific culture, then all other cultures results will be unreliable. They could be higher or lower than what they should be, they might even be accurate, but they will not be reliable.

>> No.3132401

Indeed. And nowhere did I blend the two: YOU did.

>>3132376 makes a good point.

>> No.3132403
File: 319 KB, 1311x3150, liberals gonna lib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why ignore all the statistical facts and evidence? Just because you love black cock doesn't mean you get to ignore reality and blame others for your problems. Pic related

>> No.3132412



>> No.3132448

keep /new/ out of /sci/

>> No.3132452

I don't think anyone is advocating that black individuals should be treated differently based on their race. They are arguing against the hurricane of rhetoric that comes from the left, to the tune of: "blacks have lower achievement on average, which is evidence of racism, therefore the government should make extraordinary efforts to help them in order to correct for the racism." The "help" comes in the form of affirmative action, extra spending on inner-city schools, regulations that force the government to favor minority-owned businesses for contracts, etc. If the average black IQ is lower, then all of these efforts are expensive attempts to force the economy into an irrational situation (where blacks are equally successful on average despite not being equally capable on average).

Accepting that average IQs are different would stop such statistics-based attempts to prove that there's horrible racism happening, and we could accept that different races will have different average levels of success at different things. Then people, businesses, and societies would only be accused of racism if they're actually racist (real racism is discriminating against a more capable black INDIVIDUAL because he's black).

>> No.3132469

At least the niggers are good at running and playing with balls like faggots.

See? Equality. Everybody is good at something.

>> No.3132472


and yet asians still score higher, what do you have to say about that?

>> No.3132534
File: 39 KB, 552x739, 54534545444444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackanon here

Most people assume disparities and differences in performance arise from environmental differences. Racists assume disparities and differences in performance arise from genetic differences. Neither these positions are "proveable", but it's idiotic that one is taboo and held to arbitrarily higher standards of scientific rigor than the other. This should be a question of open inquiry, hurt feelings or not.

the human race is blessed with tools and technology so adaptation is no longer needed. This is why some mistakenly claim some races are better than others in general

its the same argument with animal fights, what's better a lion or a tiger?
neither they are both suited to different situations

but what if you put them in a neutral place?
there is no such thing, every environment is an environment

Stating that one race is superior to another takes a stance that one race's qualities are superior, which is rooted in bias.

Objectively, no race is superior to another, and no species is superior to another, no matter how much more evolved. Not until you introduce the identifying and comparing of an ability are you able to compare the differences of each species against another. But doing so means you have just made a bias that that chosen ability is something of merit.

>> No.3132554
File: 26 KB, 467x623, FUU preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I'll take being smart over being athletic. Plenty of people may disagree with me. I'm a fairly average athlete (started for HS football team, but that's about it), but I scored in the 99th percentile on my ACT/SAT.

I think it all comes down to adaptations to environments. Africans developed differently as a direct result of environmental aspects, and as a result many people of african descent have genetics that are favorable to an athletic build, but place less emphasis on intelligence. It simply wasn't selected for. Smart non-athletes were devoured by the animals. Quick idiots survived. And smart athletes survived, but few are blessed with both qualities. The exact opposite took place in Europe, where natural selection was more dependent on intelligence because society developed much faster.

TL;DR, stereotypes exist because of the majority and are true because of the environments which cultivated the phenotype originally. However, exceptions exist semi-frequently, and there are smart black people and athletic whites. Racism is unwarranted because not EVERYONE in a racial group is the same(blacks having the most genetic variability), even if a majority are

>> No.3132571


There are so many variables involved in determining intelligence that attributing racial differences entirely to either genetic or environmental factors is extremely presumptuous.
Studies into the matter have suggested that environmental factors alone can cause variance of 25 points or more in IQ.

>> No.3132601


I actually think putting money in inner-city schools is necessary because segregation is what put most black families there in the first place. Doing well in those schools is far harder than in a suburban area because of everything else going on so it needs some extra support.

>> No.3132615

>>3132571 continued
Furthermore, there are immeasurably many compounding variables that affect racial IQ scores.
Blacks are much more likely to be poor than whites, and growing up in a poor household has been shown to negatively affect IQ, even when genetic factors are controlled for (e.g., adopted babies)
Black parents also tend to be more likely to be uneducated and have lower IQs themselves, which has also been shown to affect the IQ of children (again, genetic factors being controlled for). Thus, there may be a vicious cycle in which parents with low IQs raise children to have low IQs, who then go on to raise their own children with low IQs, etc.

>> No.3132617

Saying that black people are better at sports than at things that take more intellect is a pretty hasty conclusion.

>> No.3132623


IQ is completely genetic. Environmental factors do not affect IQ.

>> No.3132627

>stereotypes exist because of the majority and are true
I'm going to disagree with that. Some stereotypes may be true of a majority, but many are only true of a very vocal or visible minority.

>> No.3132629


wait, you're serious


>> No.3132640

No. Studies in which genetic factors are controlled for (e.g. twin studies, adoption) have clearly shown that IQ can be drastically affected by environmental factors, especially parenting style.

>> No.3132641


copypasta is copypasta

>> No.3132647

Sure is loud arguments in here lol.

If you guys really care about race THIS much, you need to find a hobby. Seriously.

>> No.3132658

Give me sources to these peer reviewed studies then. Don't spout bullshit you can't back up and then tell me to find it myself.

>> No.3132670

Also, just as an example, it has been shown that there are statistically significant differences in IQ within families just based on birth order. Younger siblings, when taken as a very large average over a population, have somewhat lower IQs than older siblings.

>> No.3132672


See >>3131674

Largely genetic, but not entirely.

>> No.3132683

Your typical 4channer is an underachiever who thinks they are super smart and are pissed that the world didnt hand them success. To feel good about themselves they try to tie achievements of other people to themselves so they can continue to feel superior to others.

>> No.3132686

Ad hominems errywhere.

>> No.3132694

Well for starters, you can take a look at the references on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ

>> No.3132698

I'm pretty sure that's mostly during childhood, within the home. There is increasing genetic influence with age.

>> No.3132708

Read this in Pinker's "The Blank Slate," BTW. Don't feel like finding it and checking the references at the moment.

>> No.3132709

I'm pretty sure the study I'm thinking of did tests well into adulthood.
Hang on, let me look for it.

>> No.3132723

Any sources that prove this to be true?

Also, looking at Black/Hispanic kids raised in white family studies, they still score lower than whites and Asians in white families and still lower than whites and asians who are raised in black families. To be fair, the whites in asians in black families still scored lower than ones in white families but only by a division of 5 points. Economic conditions are already proven false. Yes, they can affect IQ scores but not anywhere significant in the slightest. Many high IQ people have also grown up in poverty.

>> No.3132728


nope. Oldest siblings actually have lower iqs than younger ones untill the age of 12, THEN they start having a higher IQ.

My only source is one of the lectures in this great course:


:(, but i'm sure googling sibling iq effect or something will have lots of info

>> No.3132730

>thinks heritability implies genetic

i imagine you think the language we speak is genetic because we inherit it.

>> No.3132734

They failed peer reviews.

You better directly give me a credible peer reviewed source or fail all your points and arguments.

>> No.3132742


btw, if you want a good understanding of genes and psychology you could do much worse than watch those videos.

>> No.3132743

>thinks those studies eliminate confounding variable


>> No.3132744

> "Heritability", in this sense, "refers to the genetic contribution to variance within a population and in a specific environment"

>> No.3132757

There are more environmental factors than just the economic status of the family, you also need to consider the society at large. Our society right now encourages blacks to be lazy, stupid, violent thugs, and even black children by a white family would be exposed to that.
It's nearly impossible to control for all environmental factors.

>> No.3132767

Also, black children who were put up for adoption are not necessarily a representative sample of all black children.

>> No.3132790

Alright then.

Do blacks in Europe score just as high or higher than whites in Europe?

They are obviously different from the blacks in America, right?

How about every where else? All the studies wherever blacks are they score lower than everybody else.

The excuse of blacks being encourage being lazy and whatnot could also be applied to Mexicans, who come here with nothing and less education yet still do better.

Why do you think that is?

It's already proven in other animals that things like behavior and intelligence are inheritable.

>> No.3132806

Will watch it later, thanks.

Here's the excerpt from The Blank Slate that I was referring to:

"...[S]ubsequent analyses have shown that any effects of birth order on personality turn up in the studies that ask siblings or parents to rate one another, or to rate themselves with respect to a sibling, which of course can assess only their family relationships. When personality is measured by neutral parties outside the family, birth-order effects diminish or disappear.[48]"

48. Harris, 1998a, appendix 1; Harris, in press.

Of course, this is referring to personality traits, not IQ.

>> No.3132815

Hi. Jolly ol' African American here. 135. Suck it bitches.

>inbe4 dozens of posters claiming to have 140+

>> No.3132837

Ah, this supports your claim.


As the article notes, the difference is "slight...but significant."

>> No.3132839 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 483x425, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say the predominant black culture is largely anti-intellectual.
And lets say humans are naturally racist, and children in particular are still ruled to a large degree by their subconcious behavioural predispositions (i.e slight racial favouritism).
And lets say humans (and indeed all social animals) are very good at subconciously detecting how broadly related someone is to them (ever found mixed race women attractive, but not women of other races, what's up with that?).

And lets say white kids subconciously give more favouritism towards kids who are more related to them (i.e other white kids) and give less favouritism towards kids the least related to them the least (i.e full black, with mixed race in between).
And lets say black kids are more subconciously drawn towards kids who share more genes with them (i.e black kids), with more mixed kids more inbetween (simple evolutionary psychology really).

>and huzzah!

Instant [impossible to control for] environmental explaination for the black-white iq discrepancy in adoption studies (including when mixed-race kids do better than black kids despite being told they are fully black).

Stormfags, U MAD?

>> No.3132855

Really? Which ones?

>> No.3132862

>It's already proven in other animals that things like behavior and intelligence are inheritable.
Animal brains are also much less complex than ours, and take nowhere near as long to form and develop.
Most human behavior is learned from interaction with each other and the environment, whereas the behaviors of most animals are largely based on instinct and genetics.
tl;dr: you're making a bad analogy

>> No.3132865


>> No.3132870


As a matter of fact...


>> No.3132872
File: 57 KB, 483x425, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say the predominant black culture is largely anti-intellectual.
And lets say humans are naturally racist, and children in particular are still ruled to a large degree by their subconcious behavioural predispositions (i.e slight racial favouritism).
And lets say humans (and indeed all social animals) are very good at subconciously detecting how broadly related someone is to them (ever found people of mixed race sexually attractive, but felt not much attraction towards people fully of other races, what's up with that?).- in fact, some argue this ability is vital for kin alruism to work properly.

And lets say white kids subconciously give more favouritism towards kids who are more related to them (i.e other white kids) and give less favouritism towards kids the least related to them the least (i.e full black, with mixed race in between).
And lets say black kids are more subconciously drawn towards kids who share more genes with them (i.e black kids), with more mixed kids more inbetween (simple evolutionary psychology really).

>and huzzah!

Instant [impossible to control for] environmental explaination for the black-white iq discrepancy in adoption studies (including when mixed-race kids do better than black kids despite being told they are fully black).

Stormfags, U MAD?

>> No.3132878

>Most human behavior is learned from interaction with each other and the environment
That's not really true. You should really read Pinker's "The Blank Slate."

>> No.3132881

most of my information I learned from my developmental psychology textbook, which I don't have right now. it's a very good textbook though, and nearly all of the information in it is cited from peer-reviewed articles.

>> No.3132887

I know you're trying to troll, but you actually just made a very good argument as to why it's very hasty to claim outright that racial differences in intelligence are entirely caused by genetics.

>> No.3132890


Untrue. Niggers in America were bred by artificial selection by slaveowners.

>> No.3132892

Here's a download link, if you're interested:


>> No.3132902


sometimes you can troll with the truth......

>> No.3132905

>master race
>extremely short
> nonathletic
>pencil dick

There is a reason that Aryans were selected. The best of both worlds.

>> No.3132914

>Liberals bring their IQ score into any argument possible to appeal to ethos
>refuse to use it in race-to-race comparison

>> No.3132921

It looks like the stormfags have nowhere to go without /new/. I recommend politico.

>> No.3132924

Another relevant and interesting paper:


"The heritability of human behavioral traits is now well established, due in large measure to classical twin studies. We see little need for further studies of the heritability of individual traits in behavioral science, but the twin study is far from having outlived its usefulness. *The existence of pervasive familial influences on behavior means that selection bias is always a concern in any study of the causal effects of environmental circumstances*."

>> No.3132953

Niggers are naturally stupid, violent, and subhuman creatures. Deal with it.

>> No.3132972
File: 10 KB, 156x172, 1289327480043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone got beat up at school today..

>> No.3132975

It's racist to make the assumption that this obviously unfounded prejudice is justified by some real-world experience.

>> No.3132985
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1290310133631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do liberals enjoy being so delusional?

>> No.3133002


pick one

>> No.3133038

implying /new/ hasn't been reborn on another board

>> No.3133148

Those fucking Perso-Indian Aryans.

Or those Aryans denoting an enlightened member of the Hindu religion.

Not some pseudoscientific, unsupported idea of an ancient invading German race.

>> No.3133372

Asians are an odd bunch. They always score well on IQ tests and get good grades, yet their accomplishments in the area of inventions, business, nobel prizes, and social sciences isn't nearly as good as Whites.

>> No.3133405


>> No.3133410


>> No.3133414


>> No.3133578

To all the people who think that IQ disparities between race are genetic, why the fuck do the disparities keep changing? How the hell does the average IQ keep increasing (Flynn effect) if it is pure genetics?

>> No.3133587

Already pointed this out on another shit thread. Quoted from Wiki:
>Suppose two handfuls are taken from a sack containing a genetically diverse variety of corn, and each grown under carefully controlled and standardized conditions, except that one batch is lacking in certain nutrients that are supplied to the other. After several weeks, the plants are measured. There is variability of growth within each batch, due to the genetic variability of the corn. Given that the growing conditions are closely controlled, nearly all the variation in the height of the plants within a batch will be due to differences in their genes. Thus, within populations, heritabilities will be very high. Nevertheless, the difference between the two groups is due entirely to an environmental factor - differential nutrition. Lewontin didn't go so far as to have the one set of pots painted white and the other set black, but you get the idea. The point of the example, in any case, is that the causes of between-group differences may in principle be quite different from the causes of within-group variation.

Anybody with good critical thinking skills should've realized this when they read the definition of heritability. It would be hilarious that people are trying to support their views with Wikipedia citations when the very article they've cribbed their references from destroys their logic if it weren't so repugnant.

>> No.3133601

Actually that would be quite easy to explain with education, aside from the "africans" in OP's pic the differences are all so small as to be insignificant when compared against education and nurture.

So there could be a very real genetic component, and this very real case is overshadowed by the myriad of other more powerful factors.

>> No.3135157


they're on average more conservative-brained than whites, which is ironic because it's mostly the white conservative-brained people who want to prove whites are superior to asians, and in an attempt to do so they latch onto the very qualities that they themselves lack.


>> No.3135184

back to /new/