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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3130283 No.3130283 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, i have to hand in a huge mathematical modeling project (ODEs) by Monday. It is equivalent to solving 50 hard differential equations. Motivate me to pursue such a task. I NEED A MUSIC PLAYLIST.

>> No.3130295


Something to look forward to when you finish

>> No.3130302
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>> No.3130323

Inurdaes, are you atheist? Out of pure curiosity from someone who knows you know what you're talking about most the time.

>> No.3130329



>> No.3130334
File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1293482348221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheist in what sense exactly? As in any religion or creator of the universe ever conceived? Gnostic atheist there. As in something that could be equated to consciousness creating the universe or the universe being some tiny unobserved byproduct of it? I don't know. Possible. Agnostic atheist there.

Religion makes me sad because I really do feel more 'enlightened' just by being scientifically literate rather than praying to whatever. And It makes me sad that it's very hard to show this aspect of 'knowing' to any religious person.

>> No.3130341


Did you answer my question before the thread 404'ed? Are you still going to be an aerospace engineer?

>> No.3130342

Einstein's version of pantheism ftw?

>> No.3130351


Because you were saying that you were dedicating your life to finding a way to give unlimited funds to longevity research. That implies you're going to be a polititian?

>> No.3130355

Yes. I have a LOT of stuff that I want to do. After working a few years in some aerospace company I will try to start up an aerospace-related company. I need it for funding for further operations for the TRS. Assuming I can get the TRS up, then I will offer anyone that can come up with a free-to-everyone patented cure for aging or at least longevity extension a spot on the first manned missions to Jupiter and Saturn, as well as shitloads of resource credits. Gotta have some way of turbocharging 'funding' for such research.

>> No.3130358


>> No.3130361

>That implies you're going to be a polititian?
Hah, at least not in any of the world's current political systems. Too little shit gets done.

>> No.3130364


I'll probably end up working for you. You seem to be more motivated than me, but I'll be in post-grad when you're starting your company.
I probably won't even know who that you're this guy who posts shit on /sci/.
>two years older than you
>bachelor's in aerospace engineering

>> No.3130366
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I fucking love the idea of /sci/entists working with me on aerospace shit

Holy shit my face

>> No.3130376


You live in Tasmania? Just guessing, because that's where you wanted to base the TCS.

>> No.3130378
File: 478 KB, 1664x918, technocraticrepublicofsciphotos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia yes, Tasmania no. It's just the only real place in Australia that is sparsely inhabited and doesn't look like Mars and doesn't have cyclones

>> No.3130381


I live in Australia too, south of Brisbane. That's what I meant by I'll end up working for you. :D

>> No.3130385
File: 19 KB, 371x322, msndrawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm moving to Canada...

>> No.3130391


>mfw I have no face

This runs so many parallels to my friends. Except you're 17, and I don't have any 17 year old friends.
I also have a desire to move to Canada.
Are you a younger me?

>> No.3130396
File: 56 KB, 640x480, obama mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am possibly your clone from approximately 240 years into what you know as the future.

>> No.3130405


>I send my clone to travel back in time in the subjective future
Are you here to motivate me? Am I the next galactic President?

>> No.3130409

I touched myself without thinking when I saw that.

>> No.3130419


We look forward to the arrival of another sciborg.

>> No.3130417

You save/d around 2,400,000 people from a asteroid terrorist attack on Sea of Tranquility City

You are also deputy 'prime minister' of Southwest Tharsis

>> No.3130435


This made me smile. I'll have to meet you one day.

>> No.3130437


We's in univers nao?

>> No.3130441
File: 238 KB, 678x1024, 1294799876403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to meeting you again for the first time.


>> No.3130456
File: 45 KB, 425x329, G1toon_starscreams_last_appearance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to go and derail the thread, ass.

>> No.3130457

I can submit more music links if you'd like.

>> No.3130504

Ok really?
Then hear is my playlist, you better listen the them
Listen to all of this, it gets better at 3:10
Skip to 0:59

>> No.3130517

Are you 16, Inurdaes? Holy goddamn shit, you have a bright future in front of you. I'm relatively new to this board, so I haven't heard about you before; Tell me something about yourself!
Also, do you think Tasmania will be the new Los Alamos?

>> No.3130530

OP here this derailment is entertaining, carry on

>> No.3130533
File: 112 KB, 500x500, Mars4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am known on this board for:
Terraforming (Largely Mars, I have a hard-on for Mars)
Longevity extension/Cure for aging
Asteroid mining
Space elevator
Space-based solar
Space colonization
Technocratic Republic of Sci
Robots (as our future)

I live in SA, I like Drum n Bass/Dubstep music mainly.
I like drawing and have only done serious art in the past couple of years. What else are you interested in knowing about me?

>> No.3130540

Oh, and hopefully TRS will be so appealing that we outshine Los Alamos completely.

Technocracy is the name, post-scarcity is the game.

>> No.3130555

This sounds great - A place for aerospace-exploration, I guess? The future way! Thanks for information, mate; you sound like a great person

>> No.3130559
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>> No.3130584


You are now aware that post scarcity will never occur because the most scarce resource of all is land.

>> No.3130590



Post-scarcity (right now) is as unattainable as absolute zero. We can only get closer and closer, as we should.

>> No.3130633


while we're at it, can you explain aging/cure for aging for someone with mid-tier biology knowledge and ~ when it will be attainable?

i've seen a group posted on sci who claim that it will be achievable by 2030 i think (can't remember their name though) but i presume that is too unrealistic.

>> No.3130653


Eventually we'll be able to increase life expectancy by a year, every year. This is what they mean by ending aging by 2030.
And then, once you live for another 100 years, it's only likely that someone will discover either biological immortality, or some other kind of immortality.

>> No.3130661
File: 47 KB, 604x370, 1292911873856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aubrey de Grey (the guy that heads the Manhattan Beach Project to cure aging by 2029) has his site which explains how they would combat aging more effectively than I.


Personally I think he's spot on, but I don't think his team will discover it. I reckon that if Aubrey just continues attracting attention and support there will eventually be a mainstream presence of the idea. Once this happens it all snowballs. ~2025 - 2040
Aubrey predicted the first mouse to have aging reversed in some or all of its organs would happen around 2020. It happened just recently.


Here is a documentary on Aubrey and his quest


And here is a story that brilliantly illustrates the problem we face with death by aging.
