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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3125549 No.3125549 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here wish they had all the time in the universe to study all the sciences and arts, and read every bit of literature and view every painting ever created.
Do every science on invented by man and create every means of art discovered by man.
Create new sciences and discover new art.
I do.

>> No.3125562

Not everything.

>> No.3125564

I do. It's a shame that I just spend 20 seconds reading the same three sentences...

>> No.3125598

Sometimes I do.

There was this one mindfuck sci-fi story I read once; in that story every person that ever lived was actually the same person and every time he/she died, some "god" just resurrected him in a new body, in different time, and he never remembered the past. So essentially he was the only person that actually existed.

>> No.3125606


>> No.3125700
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if it was available i would go for a lifetime of 10,000 or more years.
i would accept the 'brain in a jar' condition if thats what it took.
imagine the ammount of data you could take in.
the insights gained would be most intresting.
i think the artistic works of individual humans would eventually blend together into a lucid view of their inner motives and character, much in the same manner of handwriting analysis.
science, however, would be quite awesome to watch develop across so much time.

>> No.3125721

The mere thought of that gave me shivers down the spine.
Human artwork would be rather meaningless at some point as would all science. Once we transcend the mortal body and discover all there is about our universe. But then any sentient being would lose purpose or direction in such a world, much like agent Smith trapped in the matrix - without purpose there can be no reality as there is nobody to recognize the mentioned reality?

>> No.3125724
File: 89 KB, 387x580, kurzweil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called clinical life extension (bridge 1) and finally transhumanism.

Get with the program, noob.

captcha:iceights cognitive

>> No.3125725

I am Jack's broken dreams.

>> No.3125778

To be honest, that probably won't happen, even if we do work out everything, there is always exploring the universe. It probably isn't going to be fully explored before the heat death of the universe. There is also the possibility of parallel universes.

>> No.3125785

>every bit of literature

The Twilight Saga.

Think about it.

>> No.3125786

Depends, if I'm limited by my human brain then I couldn't study everything, just too much information.
But if i wasn't limited then yes, I would but not the art shit, just science and math and maybe some books

>> No.3125806

I was thinking about this for ages.

1: Upload brain
2: Create a matrix
3: You can erase/add memories to yourself while keeping many backups of different.
4: Create worlds with their own physics, any movie you like, any anime, be anyone you like do anything you like (a hero, a singer, an actor or even yourself in this world but being more awesome etc), any time.
If you get bored delete memory, make your new world etc etc etc
5: Or keep memories, add more, make your brain to never get bored.
6: So basically you can alter your memory, your feelings, senses, world, time, space, etc etc etc EVERYTHING.

Conclusion: Infinite life, however you want, anytime you want it.

This pretty much tops what God offers you: immortality
With technology you get immortality AND infinite ways to live it however you want it with no limitation.

Fuck God.

>> No.3125815

>Dinosaurs eat man - women inherit the Earth
Think about it

>> No.3125830
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I kinda see a problem there.
Namely that the order of things you learn matters.

I'm doing physics and I often get the feel that I can't into chemistry because if see that it's "just a bunch of rules" (not trying to be mean here) and I just can't learn it if I know that it's "just derived".

Also, I don't think that there are too many people who are simultaneously interested in theory for theory sake and application.

like I know nobody who would do p-adic number theory and at the same time wants to do biomechanical engeneering.

>> No.3125832

Very thorough thought, but consider this:
Your imagination and thus your ability to create new unique experiences is limited by what you know and, I would think by the limitations of physics of the universe itself (surely with physics being so predefined and limited so should be everything that build on top of it - including human thought)

>> No.3125835
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Imagine all the knowledge of all alien races in the universe too

>> No.3125838

Let's fuck ^___^

bitch doesn't know about my turing-completeness

>> No.3125842

yes i know.
But as a creature i am it doesnt matter.
Once i use all the trillion trillion etc scenarios i would probably start again.

>> No.3125846
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>> No.3125853

Can I insert it in your ass?

>> No.3125861


>> No.3125865

>infinite this, infinite that
Get a grip man

>> No.3125867

lol fudge-packers

>> No.3127172
File: 11 KB, 190x265, 000129edf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Yes yes Yes Yes!

>> No.3127220

Of Course.

>> No.3127244

you do have all the time in the universe.
That is, none.
Time is an illusion and all things always exist. They just change form and position.
Therefore, you already have all the time you could ever need. You just need to make sure you have control over your physical form.

>> No.3128254

>go into this thread
>see ^___^
>see fuck god
>see shitty memes

pop sci summer is here

>> No.3128462


post more, or post links or something anon I like what you are talking about here

>> No.3128477

but minus all the art stuff..

>> No.3128793

Op has clearly never been to deviant art, or read half the pushlished "scientific" papers.

I understand what your trying to say and agree, but in reality the way you have outlined it would actually be more of a torture then anything else.

To suffer through all the horrible ideas, and terrible paintings(which far out weigh/number the good ones..)

>> No.3128817

Honestly, no.

Right now, I feel like a tourist. I'm going to have to leave soon, so I'm learning and experiencing as much as I can in this stop before I have to go. Having all the time in the universe would eventually make this place boring.

>> No.3128856

How many of you are lazy procrastinating fucks? Not at all of you, but I'd wager a fair portion. You guys can't get your shit together now, when you KNOW your life will eventually end.

Do you honestly believe that if you knew you were practically immortal, you'd suddenly become some sort of renaissance man? Fuck no. You'd become even more lazy than you are now. With no sense of urgency in your life, you wouldn't get SHIT done.

>> No.3128908

a tiny stream can carve a canyon if given enough time

>> No.3128933

There is such a vast source of amazing human creations. That sheer fact stuns me into not tapping into it, since I will undoubtedly waste most of my time looking at pure shit.

>> No.3128949

Absolutely true. I would be wasting eternity. I am bright and interested in many subjects, but I'm also scared of wasting my time. The freedom of eternity would scare me even more.