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3121599 No.3121599 [Reply] [Original]

Actually, you don't touch anything.

Look around you. You're not touching your mouse nor your keyboard. Your ass is not touching the chair. Your mother has never touched you. Your girlfriend is not touching your dick nor you have ever touched her pussie. You haven't touched anything at all.

Why? Because of one single thing. Electrons.

As electrons are in the atom's orbital, when you are `touching` something, it, actually, gets repelled, as the electrons of the atoms that compose your body get near to the electrons of whatever shit you're trying to `touch`, the other electrons get repelled because of equal charges.

How do you feel now?

>> No.3121608

that still counts as touching.

>> No.3121618

>that still counts as touching.
Practically: Yes
Technically: No.

>> No.3121628
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>> No.3121633

OP has changed my life.

Me and my romantic parter will jump into a fusion tokamak so we'll be dissolved into our compounding protons and become one in the magnetic fields.

>> No.3121638

I already knew that.

>> No.3121650

Wow you do realize how little energy one electron or even one atom has?
Fucking summerfags

>> No.3121662


>> No.3121663

The thing we do with electrons and moving macroscopical things?

That's the definition of touching. Even if dumbfucks don't understand how it works, it doesn't change the fact that that is what touching IS.

>> No.3121671

My hand is actually connected to my body because the atoms don't touch.

>> No.3121681

Doesn't matter. You're not being very logical and objective OP, just becaue you've been psychologically indoctrinated from birth to value the physical property of 2 mathematically abstract volumes making contact with each other doesn't mean everyone else has.

>> No.3121673

Practically: yes
Technically: yes

Just because you're too stupid to see how something stays the same thing even after it's explained on a more fundamental level doesn't mean it stops being that thing.

>> No.3121691

we define touching as the distance where electromagnetic force completely cancels out any other forces on a surface. There's no such thing as two particles "touching" in a universe filled with quanta.

>> No.3121697


Sure is second grade in here

>> No.3121727

That sounds like a fucking awesome way to commit suicide.

>> No.3121746

I feel good

>> No.3121782


Depends on what you mean by technically. The word touch refers to what happens when two macroscopic objects get close enough to each other that they repel each other. Our intuition is that when two things touch, that is because they have no distance between them and that rigid objects fundamentally cannot move through each other. It turns out this is an oversimplification.

Whether or not "touching" refers to what we think is going on (two objects with no distance between them) or what is actually going on is really a matter of semantics. When the word was first developed, people did not know there was a difference. There's some interesting philosophical value in ruminating on the difference between touching in the first sense and touching in the second sense, but that's all it is: an occasionally interesting "if a tree falls in an empty forest does it make a sound?" bit of philosophy.

>> No.3121984
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heat transfers easily enough, how do you explain that? i think your next lifetime should be dedicated to getting the meaning of the word touched changed to a, "state of mind". good luck

>> No.3121999

I feel clean

>> No.3122048
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how can they not touch me if I'm not even touching myself

>I mean, when I think about you

>> No.3122088
