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3120805 No.3120805 [Reply] [Original]

"Why aren't you studying something useful, like medicine or engineering?"

>> No.3120811

Because I'm to bust making pointless threads on 4chan.

Oh wait, that's you.

>> No.3120813



>> No.3120814

because your sister is too busy studying my ass with her tongue

>> No.3120818
File: 25 KB, 314x450, laughing woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't sage

>> No.3120824

Engineering's just applied mathematics anyway

>> No.3120827

I have a B.S and an M.S in engineering.


>> No.3120828

everything is just applied thinking anyway

>> No.3120829

Because someone needs to be able hunt down the irrational atheists before they erradicate anything they can't empirically prove exists.

>> No.3120833
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Doesn't even have a doctorate.

>> No.3120837


You mean sage actually does something when five other people bump the thread anyway? That's good to know, person who's definitely not a fucktard,thank you.

>> No.3120846

>implying a PhD wouldn't hurt engineering job prospects

>> No.3120848
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>thinks sage is used to keep threads from bumping

>> No.3120852

Shush, genuine intellectuals are talking.

>> No.3120856


Exactly. Most companies I know look down on those with PhDs. I want to get in to a real industry, not become a researcher/professor.

>> No.3120861

You can only have one.

>> No.3120872

Working on my MS in engineering.

Then maybe joining the military.

>> No.3120874

Math is applied engineering.

>> No.3120883

>Bsc Economics incoming
>Masters if I'm smart enough

>destroy any economy I want with unrealistic models
>300k starting

>> No.3120898

>acting degree
>any orgy I want
>sex tape starting

>> No.3120901

Working on my MS painting.

>> No.3121038
File: 9 KB, 250x325, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masters in painting
Thanks, I haven't laughed this long in a while.

>> No.3121050

bitch please, i can draw circles around your ass in MS paint

>> No.3121059

Because I'd rather study math and economics and make more money in my annual bonus package in 20 years than you make in your entire career.

>> No.3121072

Yeah, you're totally going to make more than those broke-ass surgeons.

>> No.3121079

>not a course designed for asperger's sufferers.

>> No.3121086

>obvious life science scum

>> No.3121092


If he was telling the truth, he would.

Lawyers, bankers and accountants will make more than scientists/engineers/doctors at practically every salary level. I know, this is where you link me that hilarious study where they conclude that because a few Fortune 500 CEOs got a degree in Engineering and never used it again it magically makes all Engineering grads into a lovely combination of Brunel, Tesla and Bill Gates.

>> No.3121096

surgeons have the hardest job in the world
you mad?

>> No.3121104

Well, yeah, plenty more, although I don't think it's fair to call them broke, they're certainly wealthier than the vast majority of people.

>> No.3121108


Yes, taking large sums of money to read from a book and have a robot do half your work is much harder than flying a space shuttle or being a top corporate lawyer.


>> No.3121119

>Masters in Engineering
>Any math teaching job I want
>Depression starting

>> No.3121110

>Master in Finance
>Any bubble I want
>300k starting

>> No.3121117

Actually, lawyers are about on par with doctors and surgeons, and they beat bankers on both the median and the average.

There's a reason medicine is a go-to choice for a fairly intelligent upper class bloke that can get into a decent school.

>> No.3121130


Lawyers also work far less weeks on average and have more opportunity to branch out.

Being a doctor might pay fairly well but the downsides include a 60 hour working week, having to touch poor people and getting sued when you do anything wrong.

>> No.3121135

>Alternate universe
>Me studying engineering.
>Understand only a tiny part of nature's phenomena.
>Consider math as something made by wizards.

>> No.3121141

Honestly, it depends what you mean by hard. Actually performing surgery is definitely vastly more physically difficult than either of those, requiring instantaneous use of a large amount of knowledge as well as extreme coordination in using your hands. Of course there are many professions that are much, much more mentally difficult but it's a different form of difficulty, and while there are jobs that are more difficult than surgery even in the same sense they are rather uncommon.

>> No.3121150

reattaching limbs and transplanting organs?


>> No.3121151

Law is not a safe bet anymore, there's been a glut of young people passing the bar exam. If they stay in law, they're probably going to end up being a scumbag ambulance chaser and STILL not make all that much money.

Your data is a decade or so old.

>> No.3121153

>implying i give a damn about the median, average or below average numbers

>> No.3121164

>he still thinks going into law is a good idea
maybe if you're in the top 0.3% of all lawyers and you're at a T10 school.

if you're in that range might as well go into investment banking since their top 0.3% makes more money

>> No.3121180

>BSc in Biology
>Never study, never go to class, cram the night before every final
>B average

I kinda feel bad about this, though. I've resolved to study harder in this, my final semester. Start in 3 months. Been working and will continue to work every day until September.

>Graduate with a BSc
>Teach myself the financial game (lol @ anyone who doesn't think this is possible)
>Job at American investment firm
>Rape any middle class I want
>300k starting

>> No.3121195


My dad went to a good school, did quite well but wasn't top 0.3% and does very well.

By the way, you expose your ignorance with that number. Law school acceptance isn't high enough for 0.3% of a particular year to mean anything. For the average law class/year, 0.3% is less than one person.

Sooooo..... you're an idiot.

>> No.3121197


>there's been a glut of young people passing the bar exam.

Thankfully I'm in the UK and I graduated a few years back. If you're wondering why I'm on this board, I have a casual interest in engineering and sciences.

Same problem with engineering degrees. Far too many graduates who barely scraped a degree thrusting themselves into the deep end of the job market and expecting £40,000+ jobs at 22 years of age. Not happening.


>maybe if you're in the top 0.3% of all lawyers and you're at a T10 school.

I fit well into the British equivalent, but that's not really the issue.

>might as well go into investment banking

I've been tempted in the past, but I really don't fancy the associated lifestyle. I'm in corporate law and it really is the best type of law to get into. I make more doing what I do now than my friend does at ML, and I work 20 hours less a week. No casual cocaine use either.

>> No.3121204
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you must be pretty ignorant to not know what hyperbole is. There's only 10 schools that will net you good jobs.

>> No.3121206

Why aren't you sucking my cock?

>> No.3121215
File: 39 KB, 450x600, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand disparity in talent between schools
>calls someone else an idiot
protip: that 0.3% wouldn't be 0.3% of Harvard's graduating class.

>> No.3121224


Corporate law is the most lucrative. You'll live a good life.

>> No.3121218

See, the reason this isn't really possible isn't that you can't do it, it's that no investment firm is going to hire you if you don't have a degree or at the very least some proof that you taught yourself to proficiency. It's the reason everyone who isn't doing pure research goes to college, it's not that they couldn't teach themselves just as well, it's that without a degree they have no way of proving to potential employers that they aren't just bullshitting and spent the last year jerking off on 4chan.

>> No.3121235

Because they are no fun for me.
I only want to study psychology because I'm interested in it, otherwise I'd just try to leech off the state and do nothing for the rest of my life

>> No.3121236


Oops, sorry. I thought you were talking about normal countries, not the abortion that is post-graduate American life.

>> No.3121239

Did your dad graduate law school and get his job in the last 5 years?

Because if not, you're completely fucking retarded for not realizing that the job market for lawyers has changed a fucking ton in the last 30 years, and just because something was possible then doesn't mean it still is. 15 years ago, being a webmaster was one of the best jobs on the market, and look how that turned out today.

>> No.3121253

As a Norwegian, I'm lolling at how ignorant this statement is.

Education is fucked worldwide, you ignorant mook.

>> No.3121278


I'm enjoying it. Not bad for someone who quit school aged 16 with a lovely collection of C grades and below at GCSE.

>> No.3121424

Why would you join the military at that point? What benefits would that give you opposed to getting an industry job?

>> No.3121449

Well, the benefits, lol.
Also security clearance makes you a whole lot more valuable.
I'm not that guy though, maybe he's poor or ignorant or something.

>> No.3121457

Because I don't find either of those things interesting.

>> No.3121482

>also what university

>> No.3121496

>mfw I try to explain my construction worker father what material sciences and nanotechnology are

>> No.3121513

> Behavioural science degree
> work with kids with autism
> make 20k.

oh yay, I love my life.

>> No.3122430


Because I want to blow things up and go supersonic.

Naval Flight Officer or if I get PRK, Pilot.

>> No.3122448
File: 4 KB, 300x57, ammonium mmedment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have yet to come up with a good analogy for MSE. Sometimes I use "I make better stuff for people to make stuff out of".

also chemistry captcha

>> No.3122459
File: 5 KB, 155x143, 1296517900324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Behavioural science degree

What a waste of time. Hardly scientific at all.

>> No.3122472

Medicine is awesome, love studying this shit.

>> No.3122655
File: 36 KB, 490x574, adm-hyman-rickover-1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I got selected for EDO-SEGA.

Considering it only because this guy was awesome.