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3120682 No.3120682 [Reply] [Original]

>Psychology majors are socially awkward and hope to gain an insight into how to not be socially awkward and thus study psychology.

>> No.3120699
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>mfw you're projecting

>> No.3120697
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>maths majors are socially awkward and hope equations will give them insight into how tonot be socially awkward

>> No.3120707

>music majors are socially awkward and hope music will give them insight into how tonot be socially awkward

>> No.3120716

>chemistry majors are socially awkward and hope chemistry will give them insight into how tonot be socially awkward...or how to have more..."chemistry" :3

>> No.3120718
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>mfw biology has the highest female to male ratio out of the major sciences

>> No.3120723

I study psychology just because I'm interested in eventually opening a private practice, but also enjoy talking to people and helping them reach solutions to their personal problems. I realized this when I had to take counseling as part of probation once as a teenager, and the counselor I had was a pretty fucking cool dude and made me realize that helping people is refreshing and enlightening.

>> No.3120728

It's true.
Opioids, amphetamines, benxos, barbiturates. You might as well call them chemical courage.

>> No.3120749

In a way, there's nothing MORE awkward than an awkward kid fucked up. Because they STILL don't understand social graces, but they don't realize it and make a TOTAL ass of themselves, rather than just being quiet.

>> No.3120750

it's a shame there is little evidence based science that it does help

>> No.3120753

Not everybody is an aspie who doesn't know the correct dosage.

>> No.3120762


> herp derp, what's CBT

>> No.3120769

british medical journal blog


>> No.3120774

This is painfully true in my case. Those girls, coupled with the fact it was the only science I could do. It's a shame I was so beta to take advantage of this situation.

>> No.3120784

much simplified the evidence that cbt works is as follows

CBT practitioner: tell yourself you feel better and tell everyone else you do too

researcher: has CBT made you feel better

CBT patient: YES!!!!

>> No.3120798
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Cock and Ball Torture?

>> No.3122907

Yes, this is true.

>Psychology majors are socially awkward and hope to gain an insight into how to not be socially awkward and thus study psychology.

>> No.3122912

psych is just straight up interesting shit

>> No.3122919

I recently ordered this book. Does self-CBT actually work?

>> No.3122935

>Behavioural neuroscience major.
>Same psych curriculum
>Same amount of math/science is bio majors.
>Learn how not to be socially awkward and take couses filled with women.
>Actually studying a real science
>Participate in neuroscience research which psychology depends on.

>> No.3122945
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forgot this book

>> No.3122953
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>Neuro majors
>Forced in with psych majors for three years
>"How does I action potential?"
>"Punnet square? What's that?"
>"Evolution has nothing to do with this..."
>"The brain and mind are separate, not mixed together. Point out where the mind is, then I'll believe you."
>Wait Sir, can you go over action potentials again?
>I can't believe I got a 3/10!. *View paper*. It's about how schizophrenics should be treated equally on an essay about the Dopamine Hypothesis.
>"I know all about receptors! XD I'm such a science nerd! BAZINGA!"
>"...I still don't get action potentials."
>etc., etc.


>> No.3122992

Well, you are in Australia

>> No.3123012

This post was both amusing and saddening.

>> No.3123037


My god, I'm a Year 12 student in Victoria who did Year 12 Bio in Year 11 and I can understand all the things you mentioned and scored in the top 7% of the state. The fact that people don't understand those concepts saddens me greatly.

>> No.3123066


Wait, really? I'm in my Bachelor's, and people here aren't that bad. And I go to class with one girl who told a professor that cucumbers are able to feel pain. But at least she knows what an action potential is.

>> No.3123094

holy shit are you me? What study score did you get

>> No.3123142

this is true... new a few psychology majors over the course of my life... all of them are socially awkward as fuck....

I thought i was bad with anxiety or awkwardness but I'm Johnny Depp compared to Psych majors.

>> No.3123146

I'm an actual Psychology scientist, not like my fellow undergrads who want to be clinical psychologists. For med school students, you have no choice but to go on to get your MD. I do more real science in my field than many "hard" science majors do. Most of hard science is math and theory. In psych, we do experiments and collect data.

>> No.3123168


>Most of hard science is math and theory. In psych, we do experiments and collect data.

Oh boy

>> No.3123170


you do know that's copy pasta, right?

>> No.3124257
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