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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 425x639, AubreyDeGrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3111035 No.3111035 [Reply] [Original]

I've been diagnosed with Thanatophobia, basically a reoccurring fear of dying that never leaves my thoughts, but last month I read about the Aubrey De Grey's SENS project and 3 years of anxiety, shortness of breath, sleepless nights and existential terror in what would otherwise be my normal life have finally subsided but in your opinion /sci/ how REAL is this? The idea that human life can be extended? Is it really attainable in our lifetimes?

>> No.3111042


>> No.3111050

The science is a real possibility with biophysics, that guy is a d-bag.

>> No.3111056

> yfw "longevity" turns out to be about the length of your beard, not your life

>> No.3111059

Would like that. As it is, I don't see a lot of reason to live past 65.

>> No.3111063

No. You will probably die by dint of accident before that happens.

Go google all of the possible ways you could die by accident.

>> No.3111066


Yah, the guy isn't important, I just thought his gigantic beard would get posts. The question though is will Biophysics advance to the point where humans may live at least.... longer, actually plausible and something we can expect within 40-50 years?

>> No.3111068

I agree with his theory of escape velocity regarding life extension, but will it happen during our lifetimes or at all isn't certain.
his beard sure is epic

>> No.3111074

I look at the state of computational protein design, and I like what I'm seein'. There is no predicting this stuff, but we're doing alright.

>> No.3111077


Is this some kind of /sci/ thing? I don't usually post here

>> No.3111079


death is inevitable, even if you extend your life for 5billion years, the sun will explode and you'll die, heat death of universe, etc

there is no way around it

Meditation on inevitable death should be preformed daily.
Every day when one's body and mind are at peace,
one should meditate on being ripped apart by
arrows, rifles, spears and swords.
Being carried away by surging waves,
being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand foot cliffs,
dying of disease and every day, without fail,
one should consider him self as
This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai.

>> No.3111081

Why would you even want to live past like 50?

I got bored at 16

>> No.3111087


Watch them now!

>> No.3111090

I do it when I'm too lazy to look for an image. I imagine others do the same. It gets the point across.

>> No.3111097


I don't think you really need to live past retirement age.

>> No.3111099


I've spent years of the what were supposed to be the best years of my life thinking about death, and of course its inevitable, the sun will cool down and turn into a black hole, the universe will eventually collapse upon itself, what my place in the universe as a bunch of organic mush controlled by some erratic brain signals, composed of atoms that have existed for far long than I could ever imagine, but simply put, I want to exist longer until I can pull my shit together, to have that bit of extra time to spend contemplating the inevitable and crap, maybe I'll live long enough to see the Cubs win the world Series

>> No.3111102

Since we can't even cure simple things like acne, cancer, alzheimers and diabetes, I'm pretty sure living-forever is out of the picture for another 2000years.

>> No.3111107


just find peace in this moment, now, the rest is immaterial

what dies? just chatter in your head...that isn't even you

you don't even exist

>> No.3111113

>simple things like...cancer
>simple things

We're trying to fight back against the sea of radiation in which we all live. Such a simple problem.

>> No.3111123
File: 878 KB, 792x4064, Neckbeard Inception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't even exist
No, it's you that don't exist!

Pic fucking related.

>> No.3111126
File: 30 KB, 513x339, brainiac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw human scientists think cancer is complex

>> No.3111229
File: 14 KB, 279x389, kill yourself 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell would someone want to live longer than we already do?

The world gets a little bit shittier every year, and it's bad enough having to watch 70-100 years of decline. Even a moderate increase in longevity, say to around 200 years, would be inconceivably horrible. Can you imagine being a person born in 1800 and living through the collapse of every major empire on Earth, the abandonment of fine art, dozens of increasingly horrific wars, the invention of nuclear weapons, and the emergence of social-democracy? There's no way immortality would work, everyone would just end up killing themselves sooner or later.

>> No.3111241

Speak for yourself bro, dying sounds boring.

>> No.3111278
File: 46 KB, 400x358, 146462ee-ffe7-485d-8160-bf76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stick around and see where this crazy train is going.

At least we have the internet while we wait, guys.

>> No.3111329


In my lifetime I've seen the fall of the USSR, three wars in Iraq, three major changes in fashion and music, the disintegration of several countries, the change from a TV/print media to an Internet culture and the rise and fall of the Internet's wildwest, two nuclear catastrophes, and five presidents each worse then the last.

As depressing as all of these thing may have been and as sad as I was to see them all go, I want to see more. I take pride in becoming a veteran of life, and being able to say I was there to see it.

You can kill yourself if you want, but I'm going to try to live as long as I can.

>> No.3111339
File: 27 KB, 446x281, What the Fuck is this Shit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying sounds boring
So let's see, the most emotionally and physically intense experience of your life, the grand finale of your time on Earth beyond which lies the utterly unknown...

...and that sounds boring to you?

Fuck immortality. Never dying would pretty much be on par with never getting laid.

>> No.3111678
File: 27 KB, 320x318, jesus-hates-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a bowl of dicks, you asshole.

It's hard enough to avoid death without you making it sound appealing.

>> No.3111793

you shouldn't fear dying, cuz you have nothing to fear but fear itself. JFK said so.

>> No.3111798


>> No.3112105

>>3111229 etheridges class by chance?

>> No.3112110

Do you have Etheridge?>>3111798

>> No.3112121

but JFK died

>> No.3112276


>> No.3112300
File: 61 KB, 600x410, 1303317433416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see people discuss the possibility. That it. Just discuss it with someone who doesn't know about it. Don't have to agree that you are going to receive longevity extension or anything. Just by more people thinking about it, discussing it, possibly even deciding to go to university to help the progress of it will it come to pass.

It has already begun. Aubrey likely won't discover the cure, but he's turning heads. And that's all he needs to do.