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3110952 No.3110952 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that men cross-culturally, no matter which continent they originate, prefer fairer skinned women relative to their culture?

>> No.3110959


this post is so retarded idk where to start

>> No.3110967

there are white guys who prefer niggers

>> No.3110975

Hard to get a tan outside of the kitchen.

>> No.3110978

Statistics only work on a macroscopic scale?!

>> No.3110983


In the words of Pauli,
It's not even wrong.

>> No.3110993

ITT: butthurt anti-racist responses

>> No.3110997


Biological sign or youth, not the opposite (I.E: Black, dead)?

>> No.3111008

Cry moar

>> No.3111025


Good question.


>> No.3111145

Fairer? Like, clearer? Then yes. Can't stand acne, cullulite, etc.

Darker the better, and me be a white boi.

>> No.3111193


That's why hundreds of millions of people willingly expose themselves to the cancer-causing rays of the sun just to artificially darken their skin tone.

>> No.3111209

Is that true universally and historically? Sometimes people prefer darker. I have (white) buddies who only go for white girls, but they love the ones that are tanned.

>> No.3111212

what the fuck? so OP finds a pale chick who is really hot and then uses this as the basis of his retarded post.

>> No.3111638

its obviously largely cultural. I'd say history has alot to do with it, Europe and Asia are "fair skinned", Australia (not the abo's) comes from the british etc, and the US is largely from european decent ie immigrants.

Historically "fair skinned" people have thought themselves superior, ie colonizing africa,slaves,colonizing australia, US colonies ,etc.

So id imagine alot of people are looking for "fair skinned" people without even knowing a real reason, or it could be that everyone just has their own taste(which is what i believe).

>> No.3111645


Obviously, you have never been to America....

>> No.3111666

this white guy loves darker skin. Not black, but like filipino or thai skin is just fantastic

>> No.3111692

According to your argument, everyone should want to fuck gingers, and niggers should be unable to get laid.

Does that sound like the world we live in to you?

>> No.3111830

It's not like he just made this shit up, guys.



A preference for lighter-skinned women has remained prevalent over time, even in cultures without European contact.[99][100] Anthropologist Peter Frost stated that since higher-ranking men were allowed to marry the perceived more attractive women, who tended to have fair skin, the upper classes of a society generally tended to develop a lighter complexion than the lower classes by sexual selection (see also Fisherian runaway).[99][100]

>> No.3111856

Possible psychological roots:


>> No.3111871


every race thinks white women are gods.. period.

anyone thinks otherwise should be shot.

>> No.3111885

Tanned skin looks better, but only be cause it drowns out the flaws. That and in modern culture, women that tan themselves show they can afford to play the game, the same way they spend time on applying makeup. But pale skin is better because it lets you get more information on your mate about potential for skin problems. Maybe its something evolutionarily sensible thats simply been overridden in US culture by sexual selection for tans.

>> No.3111915

The preference for a pale mate is cultural, and stems from an era when being tan meant you had to labor outdoors for significant amounts of time, and where thus of a poorer socio-economic class than pale people.

>> No.3111928

Sorry. I like white women and Asian women. And I don't plan on being shot any time soon.

>> No.3111932

Pretty much this. Fairer skinned women haven't been out in the sun much, meaning the have the luxury of not working and staying inside. Means they are rich and more likely to bear a healthy child.

>> No.3111984

>Working class women have darker skin and are more fit a.k.a. less feminine
>People who are upper class want to reinforce thise by not marrying obviously working class women
>Fair Skin is preferred originally for social reasons

>> No.3112018 [DELETED] 

My friend used to do this sort of stuff at UCSD. He says it's just epeen, not actually useful.

>> No.3112023
File: 108 KB, 700x975, You are Awesome!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem asian women, man...

>> No.3112030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3112034
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Best thread derailment ever.

>> No.3112047

Are you fucking retarded? Or can you seriously just not tell the difference between microscopic and macroscopic scales?

>> No.3112108

Because evolution moves forward ->

>> No.3112151

its fashion related, we are culturally biased towards cloths, hair dye and makeup which has been designed for white chicks.

>> No.3112177
File: 35 KB, 493x524, truthchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, all women from across the world think white men are gods, especially Asian women. Why? There are a number of reasons. One being that white men are the tallest race on average and studies showing women like tall men more than handsome men. Genetics, attraction, etc.

White men still prefer white women btw and it's obvious why. White women are white. White people like white people. Everybody else wishes they were white. Deal with it.

>> No.3112184
File: 16 KB, 349x285, notevolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because even apes know who the master race is.

>> No.3112196

but there's practically every shade and color of cosmetic and clothing under the sun. the main reason that fashion looks better on certain races. for other races, it's like putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.3112261

It's cross-cultural. See >>3111830
>A preference for lighter-skinned women has remained prevalent over time, even in cultures without European contact.

>> No.3112289
File: 255 KB, 1038x900, ganguro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, so why is tanning and fake tanning so poular guys?

>> No.3112337

Is it popular? Because that shit looks shit.

>> No.3112343

gyaru are a bad example because they evolved in retaliation to traditional japanese beauty ideals, not because they thought it necessarily looked lovely.

>> No.3112382

i prefer darker skinned women relative to my culture

which pretty much nullifies your point, unless you rephrase it

>> No.3112408

That's fascinating. Especially how the group that black females least often reply to are black males. I don't know how sound the experiment is, though. Do you have a link or something?

>> No.3112420

>thinks pic is in any way serious evidence

>asks if tanning is popular

yes it is popular. suggest you check out such esoteric behaviours as "sunbathing", "tanning booths" and "fake tan". maybe go to a beach in summer one day.

>> No.3112426

>don't know how sound this experiment

you're implying data from a controlled and therefore "scientific" experiment would be more scientific than this data, which isn't experimental btw, it's just fucking data from the real world.

>> No.3112428

another aspie that gets distracted by a pic, not the text

sunbathing and tanning are very popular activities, they go in and out of style as the decades change, but remain popular.

>> No.3112529

Don't get uppity, just because he didn't know that.
It could still be used as scientific data, just not for a very thorough thesis.
Anyway, all I'm seeing in that graph is that black women are the most likely to respond, to anybody. Either they're more desperate, more polite, or there's just more of them on dating sites.

>> No.3112545

>Historically "fair skinned" people have thought themselves superior
Hahaha I love comments like this. Acting like we DIDN'T take over a full quarter of the globe and prove ourselves superior in every single way.

>> No.3112562

Second this, at least that's the way it is/was in Asian cultures. I'm white btw, dark girls gross me out. I need to see what your pupils are doing to be able to effectively communicate with you. Girls with dark eyes usually strike me as crazy, like cut off your dick crazy.

>> No.3112565

Also, has anyone seen the CDC's statistics for American genital herpes infection between the ages of 15-55? It's broken down into race...

White chicks have the lowest chance of having herpes at 11%
Guess which race is highest?

God I love my disease-free penis.
(mostly because nobody else will love it, foreveralone.jpg)

>> No.3112566

correlation does not imply causation

>> No.3112567

I like me some tanned girls, well not orange but healthy. I myself am pale as fuck though, and hate it. Hope to get some color in the summer.

>> No.3112574

Wrong, it DOES imply but not prove.

>> No.3112577

Oh yeah the British East India company just happened to make mice meat of India. The Empire just happened to totally own China through the opium trade. Africa, South America and North America were just conquered because...well because. I love people like you, I really do.
It really is the "non-racists' who ignore history.

>> No.3112579

and blacks have the least chance of aspergers

>> No.3112582

yes. and what has this to do with skin colour?

it was culture that did this, not genetics.

almost all racism is due to correlating a very visible irrelevance (skin colour) with other factors.

north european (so north-american) culture is superior, but this has fuck all to do with genetics.

in previous times other cultures were superior.

>> No.3112585

>very unscientific post

you need to get your variable right. you may as well say lactose tolerant races conquered the world. it's true, but it makes as much sense scientifically.

>> No.3112586


lactose tolerant master race checking in

>> No.3112588

And then theres THIS asshole. Who thinks the only thing different is the SKIN COLOUR, seriously how fucking ignorant are you? Other than that I agree with you 100%
Hmm...I'm sensing you have no point...please clarify.

>> No.3112590

>i love people like you

taxi driver detected

>> No.3112598

this asshole is saying the differences are cultural and not genetic. these differences are vast, massive, they are the differences between a cave man and his descendants Leonardo da Vince or Brian fucking Cox.

the genetic differences between the races are tiny in comparison.

yet retards like you are just slaves to the conspicuous for your explanations.

>> No.3112602

So you admit white culture is better than black culture?
hey guys

>> No.3112603

my point is the "asshole's" point.

he says it best here >>3112598

>cave man and renaissance man have same DNA.

i like this, will use it.

>> No.3112608

So...when someone says ni66ers are "stuck in the stone age" they aren't wrong in the least?

>> No.3112609



seriously folks, it honestly just comes down to this. Mycaenaen art was pretty crude when it came to representing the sexes, so they used skin colour; darker were males, pale females, because quite frankly,

>> No.3112613

>still naming things based on irrelevance.

i happily admit european culture is better than african, yes. this is obvious. i would add "better" is a hugely unscientific term, so we're entering into subjective taste here.

but i don't correlate this with the irrelevance of skin colour (and so by implication with genetics). only racist twats with poor intelligence and zero understanding of science such as yourself do this.

>> No.3112617

of course they are, wanker, on so many levels

>> No.3112618

So you're saying even though black/indigenous people for thousand of years had no "indoor upper class" they prefer paler women?
I'm afraid you got no dice there broskis.

>> No.3112622

And why are they?
You know what most Britons did when Rome invaded? They adopted the clearly superior culture and grew from it. You know what coons did when invaded? Ate shit and died.

>> No.3112625

Why then SIR do people freely admit separate breeds of animal have varying intelligence, yet not so with humans?

>> No.3112626


can't tell if troll or really dumb

>> No.3112630



>> No.3112633

no, coons are adopting western culture massively, and being laughed at by westerners for doing it badly, just like britons were laughed at by romans.

i think you have mild autism as you can't step outside your subjective position and view things globally

>> No.3112639

because races are not species.

wait, you didn't realise that?


>> No.3112641

Both of you explain what the fuck you're talking about.
33 just needs some citation natuarlly.
30, just rephrase your entire fucking statement. How would I "view things globally" or whatever the fuck you're trying to say?

>> No.3112648

>confuses breeds with species
>laughs at me
I just feel bad for you man.

>> No.3112652

Got those mixed up. And sorry, I don't have citations offhand, though I have heard that chimps in the same troop have measurably more genetic diversity than humans on other sides of the planet with wildly different ethnicities.

On that alone, it seems that there is almost no difference between the "races". Of course, find me sufficient evidence and I'll change my mind.

>> No.3112657


proven wanker

suggest you study some classics for the roman stuff, tacitus is a good place to start.

as for africa adopting western culture, maybe just look around you for a second.

>> No.3112662

>find me sufficient evidence and I'll change my mind.
right back at you bro.

>> No.3112664

i think this thread just passed way over the racist wanker's head.

he's stopped responding with reason, he just feels bad for us, or doesn't understand us.

look forward to your shit life thicko, and make sure you blame others for it.

>> No.3112675

>hippy runs out of steam
>falls back on insults
>white man keeps ruling the world till Asians take over

>> No.3112685


Woman wren't out in the sun as much as men, twat

>> No.3112688


I only like dark skin, dark hair, eyes.

>Pale white 3d pig disgusting

>> No.3112689

Yes they were. Of course they were. Wtf?

>> No.3112693


No, shit head. The world that isn't YOROPE is not a desert.

Read hunter/gatherers or farmers. In either case, the men did the work (usually out in the sun), while woman took care of shit and made food (usually under something, away from the sun).

>> No.3112700

No shit head.
Women usually work the fields as much as men in every culture, not the same tasks but they were out there just as much. Also to gather water etc. Seriously man, you aren't serious are you?

>> No.3112704

hippy? i'm a trainee futures analyst. a hardcore capitalist. not as nice a job as it used to be though. but i'm guessing it's better than shelf stacker or burger flipper or whatever it is you do.

anyway, you are still making the same error. i'll say it again but you'll probably not understand it. again.

you mix huge differences in culture with absolutely tiny but very visible differences in genetics to do with environmental factors (skin colour etc) and call this mixture of ideas "race".

as both culture and skin colour is passed from parents to children (by totally different mechanisms) you think these are somehow innate and connected. when only the irrelevant one (the genetic one) is innate.

this error is so blindingly obvious and easy to unpick that any one who persists with it is being wilfully ignorant. but racists are known for being just that, aren't they.

now go climb under whatever rock you live uner, or respond, it won't make any difference.

>> No.3112710

>still saying "skin colour"
>missed my point earlier
>still has the AUDACITY to talk shit to me
please go away.

>> No.3112712

Emily Browning. Do want.

>> No.3112729
File: 15 KB, 300x180, _1889788_laugh300b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha u mad.

you don't understand so u get mad.

probably don't even read post, too many long sentences.


all caps

u butt hurt and jelly

girls of all "races" laughing

>> No.3112733

only people who are like 13 years old say things like "you have the audacity to talk to me"

>> No.3112739
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Thanks for contributing.

>> No.3112744
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>> No.3112748

You do know that audacity remark was pretty much a joke right? There are honestly times when I feel that there are no smart people left on 4chan.

>> No.3112749
File: 51 KB, 550x932, photo117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is wonderful, isn't she?

>> No.3112751
File: 63 KB, 550x778, photo96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that men cross-culturally, no matter which continent they originate, prefer Emily Browning over other actresses?

>> No.3112758
File: 191 KB, 1500x984, Emily browning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3112760

lol look at this guy

he thinks futures analysts work in central banks, controlling monetary policy and MB. Now go on, tell us how you _know_ it causes inflation!

>> No.3112761
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>> No.3112767

> you _know_ it causes inflation
why did you underscore here?

>> No.3112768

btw moar emily please

>> No.3112773
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This thread is now Emily Browning because the original topic was ridiculous.

>> No.3112776

my way of underlining for emphasis.

>> No.3112780
File: 34 KB, 502x600, photo84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More Emily for all ^_^

She is a really cool person, she's down to earth and she wants to study philosophy. Shes not one of those airheaded model types.

>> No.3112783

agreed, racebaiting is low-level trolling.

>> No.3112793
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>> No.3112796

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I had (have) the biggest crush on her.

>> No.3112803

Aye. To save the thread lets each name 2 significant black scientists of note.
you guys start.

>> No.3112806
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I can't bring myself to fap over Emily, that would feel wrong to me even though we're the same age lol.

>> No.3112809

George Carver and Benjamin Banneker?

>> No.3112810

I don't really know her, but she looks familiar. Where is she from?

>> No.3112811
File: 30 KB, 454x667, S2S9Q0_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same man. When I heard her on a podcast I was kinda hoping that she was a bitch, but she is really nice and funny too. Which made it even more painful that she will never be mine haha. I think she's dating some douche in a pop rock band >.>

>> No.3112814


She's an Australian actress, probably her most famous role was as the girl in Lemony Snickett's A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.3112816

The peanut guy (who we just DONT hear enough of) and what did the other guy do of note?

>> No.3112818

Oh shoot, yeah that pale chick in the movie. Thanks anon, her pic's been bugging more since I saw this thread.

>> No.3112822

>her pic's been bugging more since I saw this thread.
her pic's been bugging ME since I saw this thread.
minor fix.

>> No.3112844
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>> No.3112846

I forget, something related to mathematics and astronomy? Ok, this is actually pretty tough.

And about the monetary base, much of the increase can be attributed to excess reserves held by banks - these accrue interest, which serve as an incentive for banks to not lend them out. I think there's a report by Deutsche Bank that talks about this, pretty interesting stuff. If anyone's interested Ill find it on my comp when Im sober.

>> No.3112853

I wonder where trainee futures analsyt is. Fapping?

>> No.3112865

I mean the report talks about excess reserves making QE2 ineffective. And captcha sux

>> No.3112872

*interest on excess reserves

>> No.3112889

ITT Aspergers and the lives it blights.

>> No.3112911

I have flaming red hair and I am immune to AIDS. Deal with it chinks.

>> No.3112919

FACT, noone wants to get raped by a savage niggger, thus everyone wants to be white, except for jews who want to be black.

>> No.3112923

Also, Jew decided, after taking over the media, that Asians are to be irrelevant, and only good for chattel to sell crap to. Don't believe me, turn on the TV.

>> No.3112961


Oh god I hope that's for a role! If it was black hair it would look sexier but that just looks gross. Also exaggerates her broad face :S

>> No.3112981
File: 10 KB, 259x194, adrianalima..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like fair skinned girls in a couple of cases. The skin has to literally have zero blemishes, any hair color can work though. Black hair with perfect white skin = sexy, blond hair and perfect white skin = angel, brown hair and perfect white skin = ...still hot. Other than that if they don't have perfect skin, tan all the way.

Pic very related

>> No.3112983
File: 53 KB, 417x594, Emily+Browning+Sucker+Punch+Red+Carpet+2010+Ujg4kA9wGVjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3113027


Awww she's still adorable! I take it all back Emily! :D

>> No.3113059
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>> No.3113078

Even a tan like that is a far cry from the standard Pure African Negroid though.

>> No.3113095
File: 48 KB, 1024x768, Halle_Berry_pictures5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but african negroids are not attractive because of their skin color but because of their bone structure. Look at Halle Berry, if you wouldn't fuck that I don't know what you would hit.

>> No.3113100

are not unattractive*

>> No.3113102

Halle Berry has an ugly face, and a man's body.

>> No.3113103

yes but she's about as dark as some Italians. I know what you mean about bone structure but I do find very dark skin most off putting.

>> No.3113111

You just have shit taste.

>> No.3113122
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your right... The majority of black women are hideous.

>> No.3113131

I'm not aroused by ugly women with skinny, bony bodies, and that's considered bad taste? Whatever bro.

>> No.3113136
File: 292 KB, 820x1042, Face_Fey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*randomly posting lovely vid of gal which fits the description perfectly*

>> No.3113143

>skinny bony women
>implying that this is skinny and bony and not just fit and sexy

I would hold her in my arms and fuck the shit out of her.

>> No.3113164

Why is it that /sci/ was reduced to people who choke up chunks of blooded subjectivity in threads with potential merit to them?

What happened /sci/?

>> No.3113170

The majority of normal human beings find Halle Berry to be extremely attractive. If one faggot tripfag disagrees of course it's apparent that he is an exception and has shit taste.

>> No.3113232

Source, you worthless cunt.

People like you don't deserve to live.

>> No.3113357

> just like britons were laughed at by romans
You mean the Britons that broke off from Rome before anyone and flourished?

>> No.3113723

type on google "Halle Berry most beautiful woman", I am sure there is no exact statistic but this should be enough to get my point across.

>> No.3113848

I like pale skinned snow princesses. I don't know why. I thought tan was sexy, but seeing a really attractive white skinned girl turned me on in ways that went just beyond physical attraction. I am sure there is a correlation with IQ. They are probably from people who survived really cold weather.

>> No.3114862
File: 16 KB, 400x300, emily-browning[1].jpg%3Fw%3D300%26h%3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]