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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3110225 No.3110225 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s average SAT score?


>> No.3110228

/highshool/ is that way

>> No.3110236

/SCI/ 3rd year college and older. Sorry bud.

>> No.3110242


Just trying to get an idea of the average intelligence here.

Asking IQ would be useless.

>> No.3110247

>implying asking SAT score is more useful

>> No.3110250

This was 7 years ago but I remember

Math: perfect
English: Baaaaaaad, I learned how to write as an undergrad
Writing: didn't exist yet

>> No.3110260


You haven't tanken AP stats or AP Psych yet have you.



>> No.3110275


>implying its not the best available indicator.

Asking IQ would get me a fuckton of people claiming 150s and two fucktons of people saying IQ isn't an accurate measurement.

>> No.3110283


>> No.3110288

ACT fag here

32 composite

>> No.3110307

As someone who both has an IQ of 150 and knows that IQ isn't an accurate measurement, I can confirm that this is true.

>> No.3110330

800 on writing and math,
720 on Crit reading (gay vocab questions)

ACT: 35 (the reading section again)

800s on 5 SAT II subject tests and 740 on Bio since i took as freshman. derp

got 5s on 8 AP and one 4.

>> No.3110334

How long has there been a writing section? Anyways, I think my score was a 1250, but I can't remember the breakdown at all.

>> No.3110348 [DELETED] 

if there is so many geniuses on here, why does this board still suck?

is it because pissed of christfags and dumbasses start 90% of the threads?

hey geniuses, you can do something about it. start good threads, instead of going into shitty threads and complaining about how stupid OP is.

>> No.3110353


>> No.3110358

I don't remember the SAT scoring, but I wanna say I got a 1980 total, perfect in math. Don't remember the other stuff.

As a comparison, I got 32 on ACT, with 36 in science, 35 math, 30 reading, 28 english.

>> No.3110365

No, it's because /sci/ is filled with frustrated pseudo-intellectuals who will tell you they got perfect SAT scores and have 150+ IQs. Most people here go to shitty state public-colleges or are still in high-school.

>> No.3110369
File: 119 KB, 494x646, Metroid_monicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

710 Math
660 Verbal

Took it before "writing" got tacked on.

>> No.3110374

I got a 2000 on the SAT. 660 math, 660 reading, 680 writing, and I feel like a dumbass in this thread.

>> No.3110379

Math: 800
CR: ~700
Writing: 800

>> No.3110383 [DELETED] 


>> No.3110388 [DELETED] 

650 math
650 critical reading

The highest math class I had taken at the time was high school geometry, but after going to a community college and taking calculus I looked back at the SAT math section and realized it was a joke and I could have easily gotten a 800 on it if I had practiced it.

>> No.3110390

Not really, I'm smart but I just lurk here because no one takes posts seriously.

When I used to post seriously, the responses I got were "faggot" and the like so it discouraged me from participating more. I just read for fun now or if any big news came up...

You can go ahead and say I am lying, but I did had to deny a few Ivy league and the like schools because of finance. Either way, I will build a network here and eventually become successful so not too worried.

>> No.3110391

Math: 710
English: 740
Writing: 710

>> No.3110393

Math: 800
Eng: 750
Writing: 710

ACT: 35 composite

Nobody will believe me.

>> No.3110394

550 math
670 reading
570 writing (I think, it was close to the math score)

I still graduated high honors from a top 20 school with a degree in neuroscience (combined GPA 3.8) though and have a first authored publication, so fuck the SAT. Completely worthless test.

>> No.3110408
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>> No.3110422

Math 780
Reading 710
Writing 430 (Fuck you school why havn't you taught me how to use a comma yet?)

>> No.3110437

740 Math

Fucking college board

There was some dumbshit equation like 2x - 7 = 13 solve for x without the right answer as an option.

>> No.3110439
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Sorry to derail the thread, but holy shit it's been a while since I've seen that circulated around.

>> No.3110442

Lol SATs

>> No.3110446

Math: 640
Reading: 670
Writing: 630

A bit more realistic than the rest of these guys.

>> No.3110448


>> No.3110458

I don't live in America or go to an American school.

>> No.3110462

ACT: 28 composite
Math: 35
Science: 33
English: 21
Reading: 23

>> No.3110470

rejected from my top 7 choices woo

>> No.3110469

710 Verbal
670 Math
610 Writing

That's the 93rd percentile as a total, so I'd say a good portion of the people here are lying/exaggerating. /sci/ isn't that smart.

>> No.3110467


Fascinating thanks for sharing. I guess you were offended that OP's survey didn't include you I'm sure hes very sorry.

>> No.3110479


Its true, I feel awful.

>> No.3110493

1st ACT: 32
2nd : 31
3rd : 34: English 35 Math 34 Reading 34 Science 34
Took the 3rd one in my high school, same-state learning ftw. Also, slightly frustrated that I was probably only a question or two away from a 35.

Never took the SAT.

>> No.3110497

I want to enroll at Williams College. Is the SAT the only requisite for applying to said college?

>> No.3110498

Math: Not
Eng: Fucking
Writing: Science

>> No.3110507

I never took the SAT, but I did take the ACT:
English - 19
Math - 31
Reading - 17
Science - 30

>> No.3110508

Math: 680
Eng: 640
Writing: 670

>> No.3110511
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>mfw SATs were last relevant to me 8 years ago

>> No.3110526

Swefag here. What's ACT? I did a "Practice SAT" and scored 800 on the English section and 680 on the Maths.

>> No.3110535


MFW I'm black
MFW I'm second in my class
MFW I got into MIT

>> No.3110540


Another standardized test in the US that most colleges will accept in place of or as a supplement to the SAT. It has a science section and the questions are easier but there are a lot more of them so you have to answer quickly.

>> No.3110542


>680 math

What the fuck else did you do?

>> No.3110545

Composite: 34
English: 35
Math: 35
Science: 34
Reading: 30

>> No.3110553

Basically the same thing as the SAT; just a bit different in format/question style. It's on a 36 scale, 24ish is average, 30ish is around the 80th percentile.

>> No.3110555

Be Black.

>> No.3110556

Math: 800
Reading: 480
Writing: 490

I'm currently at CMU

>> No.3110570

Central Michigan or Carnegie Mellon?

>> No.3110567


>Reading: 480
>Writing: 490

Asian or autistic

>> No.3110602

Took the test before the writing section was around, but got 800s on math and reading

>> No.3110616

mfw MIT advertises affirmative action blatantly. On one of their admissions brochures, they emphasized a Native American who came from a shitty neighborhood and shitty school who had an 1800 SAT. They accepted him.

>> No.3110629
File: 38 KB, 499x353, 591_jpgb7063f51-ddea-4117-b1e9-3a0b5b251fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm an ausfag and got an 88 without doing any work

like school has ever been able to test intelligence.

>> No.3110640



MATHI:780(I don't know what happened

Good essays.
State Cross Country and Track runner..not running there though so doubt it helped.
Research at top ten engineering college two summers in a row.
Be black lol, I'm pretty sure what saved me were essays+SAT subject test

>> No.3110643

Carnegie Mellon of course, the fuck would i go to Central Michigan?

>> No.3110655

Math: 780
Reading: 700
Writing: they started that for the test right after i took it.

on the GRE I got the same Math and 50 lower on Reading. I forget what Writing was... 4.5 maybe

>> No.3110666
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apparently /sci/ has like a 2200 avg score
This is just like an iq thread

>> No.3110681


>Implying no response bias. Lean2Statistics

>> No.3110708

Reading: 720

Fuck writing...

>> No.3110720

What's a SAT?

>> No.3110768 [DELETED] 

still for the average to be 2200, only like 1/30 people would be responding

>> No.3110791

as of 3 years ago

Math: 800
Eng: 800
Writing: 790

>> No.3110798


It's online role playing of who they wish they were

Everyone on /sci/ gets at least 700 sat/gre math and has at least a 7 inch penis.

Somehow, these same people have no money, no job, and are permanent virgins.

>> No.3110813

math: 760
english: 800
writing: 800

not trolling. i also got a 36 on my ACT. u mad bros?

>> No.3110820

math: 800
english: 800
writing: 780

subj test

math ii: 800
phy: 800

rejected from mit and yale
come at me bro

>> No.3110831


Why would I be mad? That's apparently below average here. Way to fucking fail at math retard.