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3105114 No.3105114 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been thinking

In the beginning of the bible Eve listens to a talking snake which in turn gets them thrown out of the garden. This is a prophecy of what is to come. The talking snake did not exist, and we now know cannot exist. I predict that one day we will have a utopia on earth where everything is automated and there’s no need for humans to work (this is like the Garden of Eden) and the snake represents things that don’t exist, those who listen to the “snake” (ex. Religion and other illogical things) will be cast out of utopia and forced to live in a world where they must work to stay alive.

What do you think?

>> No.3105149

Fascinating exposition, comrade.

>> No.3105162

what is the apple in this analogy?

>> No.3105180

The lure of conventional thinking?

>> No.3105200

It's called the matrix. As long as we don't make the machines mad.

>> No.3105208

The eating of the apple represents doing what the snake says; it’s ok to listen to what the snake has to say, as it’s OK to listen to that crazy things that religions want you to do, but it’s the act of doing what it says, “eating the apple”, that will get you kicked out.

>> No.3105214


Some people (even the people who wrote the book of the bible) already thought that life was utopia. There probably was a feeling of "you follow the old ways, and you don't veer from them-attitude". The apple symbolizes the forbidden fruit--what is new, and different from the old ways.

The future is the apple, not the utopia. In the future the world can exist without humans if someday we morph into something different.

It's totally possible as genetic and nanotechnology can make 'super' humans a definite possibility.

Anyway, I think change and morphing is inevitable---just look at evolution and what its produced--wonderment through change-pretty much.

>> No.3105220


wait. why did the talking snake not exist (i know it never LITERALLY existed), are you saying it never existed figuratively in the book itself? because if you jump to that claim, why do you say so?

why does that become prophecy of the future, and why do you assume that utopia on earth includes humans, were 1 of millions of species?

why do you assume that those who listen to the snake will be unable to use the technology the non religious/illogical use at that time?

religious people use the internet the same as agnostic/atheists now, what gap will there be. obviously intellectual difference etc. but if its a technology that doesnt require a user, does it really matter what the users belief system entails or what their intelligence level is?

>> No.3105250

same poster.

i understand what you're getting at on a simple level. but i think you jump to too many assertions to say this is entirely true.

i think you're safer leaving it at, those who buy into what the snake says, who eat the metaphorical apple of knowledge, will be thrown out of eden (utopia)

eden is utopia (opiate of the masses say) and adam and eve ate the apple (from tree of knowledge). so once you seek knowledge you leave eden, utopia.

once you gain knowledge, it frees you from the opiate that is religion (utopia/eden).

>> No.3105282


so its a catch 22. you can stay in utopia and have no knowledge. or you can have knowledge and then you're forced to create utopia for yourself.

but realistically there is no guarantee of either in both instances (this is leaving story land and looking at reality). there are those who are religious and unhappy, and those who sought knowledge and are unhappy.

so to really go ahead and say that only one of the 2 groups can only take advantage of the technological development of mankind is a leap.

for example, you have god worshiping, unintelligent disbelievers in science using GPS's in their cars every day.

>> No.3105317

The snake never existed

the reason humans are in the utopia is because out of the millions of species on earth we’re the only ones capable of building such a place.

It won’t be that strict, it’s kind of like the Muslims of today but more severe, it’s fairly obvious how the Muslim countries are cut off from the rest of the world, as the amount of atheist on earth increases the religious will become a minority that is look down upon

If this trend continues then the few remaining religious people could be considered insane and outcast “if one person suffers from a delusion they are considered insane, when many people suffer from a delusion is called religion”

>> No.3105355

You're right The bible does do a good job of insulting religion and the worst thing that you could do is get smarter.
The prophecy would make a lot more sense if it wasn’t called the tree of knowledge

>> No.3105378

God represents science
Think about it
He can destroy cities in fire, or help people achieve longevity
He could destroy the earth, or help people save the earth

>> No.3105393

>The prophecy would make a lot more sense if it wasn’t called the tree of knowledge
of good & evil...

Who is to say the serpent is an actual snake, and who is to say it physically talked? The snake could have been DNA, and the talking could have been our natural tendencies. Also the apple didn't have some magical power, the act of disobeying God is what brought about the knowledge of good/evil as they now knew what it was like to do evil.

>> No.3105413


what about when science fucked a virgin and impregnated her with himself so he could get himself intentionally killed to wipe away sins that he didnt necessarily have to give out in the first place?

>> No.3105415

Firstly, define religion. I would define religion as a set of beliefs regarding things like origin, meaning/purpose in life, epistemic & metaphysical truths.

Our are you saying we should just believe "nothing" regarding these things, and never ask why?

>> No.3105438


well if you want to define religion as that, you just defined the individual beliefs and lifestyle of almost every human being to ever exist. almost everybody has a set of beliefs that span the range of things you outlined. but what creates a religion is one unifying dogma, and tradition.

>> No.3105465

That sounds a lot like artificial insemination, stem cell research, and cloning. And as for the sin think of it as disease that science is trying to cure

>> No.3105479


While Atheism isn't a religion as it isn't a set of beliefs, atheists are religious in the sense that they all have their own view on the questions answered by all religions. They just don't call the set of the beliefs they have a religion, that does not mean they do not have them though.

Basically I fail to see a way of defining religion such that current "popular" beliefs do not fit its definition.

>> No.3105498

Eating the apple only represents doing things that are against the law. Since the laws would be created using science, and god represents science, you would be breaking the law of god as they did in genesis

>> No.3105508

Evolution and god

The difference Is evidence

>> No.3105522

The snake tempting Eve is not in the bible. It is fan-fiction created from the book "Paradise Lost".

In fact, a lot of misconceptions of the bible are do to the spread of ideas from the books "The Divine Comedy" and "Paradise Lost".

>> No.3105523

If I say god created via evolution will the universe explode?

>> No.3105545

You apparently have an idea about the future. Why is the Bible related to this in any way?

>> No.3105567


i just threw the bible in there for the fun of it

>> No.3106467
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Follow bible to forsake religion? you might be on to something...

>> No.3106495

>Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

>> No.3106509
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Errybody ITT is high.

>> No.3106531
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>I’ve been thinking

>> No.3106531,1 [INTERNAL] 

Talking snake? Do a search: First Scandal.