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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 400x400, bill nye wrong retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3104791 No.3104791 [Reply] [Original]



According to Pyle's own words, "a one million barrel annual production would require three million acres".

But earlier, the PDF file from Sapphire Energy's web page


had stated one million gallons from 300 acres.

If the earlier estimate were accurate, it would only take (300*55 gallons) 16500 acres to produce a million barrels. This doesn't add up. If the figure from the Sapphire Energy CEO's own face in the interview is correct, then the Speedbox produces (3000000 / 16500) 181 * 5.4 times as much fuel for 1/9th the cost of slime, not 5.4 times as much.

981 times as much biomass fuel, not 5.4 times as much, for 1/9 the cost. this is reminiscent of "hydrogen cars" in California.

These wankers get 200 million in funding, and I'm about to be out on the street looking for an abandoned property to squat for lack of funds because I can't afford my place anymore...

>> No.3104810

welcome to the green energy industry
"Feel good" is now a very valuable selling point

>> No.3104817

Meh. Go rage at how we're not researching thorium liquid salt reactors instead. Probably more productive.

And/or citations please on the expected costs to mine and refine thorium.

>> No.3104824
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No doubt...

>> No.3104856
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China is building a commercial thorium liquid salt reactor. Only China is, everyone else is still hawking "caveman nuclear". China will also build Speedboxes once I start dealing with them. I just have to deliver it to their Consulate.

>> No.3105006
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"You're dead, this is the afterlife, and I'm God."

>> No.3105037
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>> No.3105069
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aeroponics grows crops four times faster than open land farmers. aeroponic hemp growers grow full sized hemp plants in 39 days: 10 full crops per year, where the outdoor hemp farmer grows only one.

very speedy

>> No.3105093

an outdoor hemp farmer could grow four crops a year instead of one, in a speedbox.

>> No.3105094

right, because china has demonstrated their ability and desire to be environmentally neutral

>> No.3105098
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>> No.3105103
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>Not sure if want

>> No.3105107
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>four times faster
>10 full crops per year
>outdoor. . .only one
>mfw 4=10

>> No.3105128
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1289298962577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks hydroponics accelerates plant grow
>can't figure out why no one is interested in his 'technology'

>> No.3105139

Sorry, typo / logic omission.

I didn't realize there wasn't enough fact present for you to correctly deduce on your own that it is the indoor grow room hemp producers who are getting 10 crops a year with aeroponics.

>> No.3105178
File: 68 KB, 337x507, 1297207578502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a)greater # of crops are primarily the result smaller plants, not faster growing plats (idiot)
b)any and all growth acceleration is the result of artificial lighting, not hydroponics (fucking moron)

reported for spam, diaf dipshit

>> No.3105198



hydroponics IS between three and four times faster, why should I think it is?

aeroponics is between 4 and 5 times faster.

>> No.3105222
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see with your eyes, Ptaak

looks like 4 times faster and 4 times bigger to me in the time lapse video

suffer the pain of your self-embarrassment, and thereby improve yourself.

>> No.3106144
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If this food production method is too much for you, perhaps we can get one of the females to breast feed you.

>> No.3106160
File: 31 KB, 320x240, Klingon Burger King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re youtube: Aerogarden time lapse

Where did he get the idea that hydroponics DIDN'T get 4x the growth rate? Or that the speedbox was hydroponic, when it is aeroponic?

>> No.3106169

Not to mention algal fuel doesn't really solve the CO2 problem anyway. Most algae is grown from CO2 from powerplants, when the algae is burned it puts the CO2 straight back into the atmosphere, that being said, it doesn't really help much.


>> No.3106212

It does help solve the peak oil problem, though.

>> No.3106378


world's largest oil deposit: Alaska

enough for USA use for 400 years

watch his videos

>> No.3106450

You fucking idiot. Look up the latest estimated reserves in Alaska. Then look up the US' annual oil consumption. Even if this were true, it doesn't address the increasing cost of oil, which will result in higher prices for everything.

>> No.3106621

I don't know (don't care, really...) But he is a preacher man, a baptist minister, so I have to wonder if he is capable of bullshitting about it. His story does agree with recorded history, and its the same geographic area as the massive Siberian oil fields. I suspect his story is true.

>> No.3106638

What he says about gas and the gas pipeline that wasn't built is absolutely true. Without a gas pipeline to remove gas along with the oil, the hole would only last 5 years and then suffer dramatically reduced oil flow. BP is the major player, and EXXON is the bit player. I suspect the British have a lot more control over the USA than most people realize, and its starting to make perfect sense to me why they do what they do.

>> No.3106648

>implying every last drop is extractable
>implying the rate at which it can be extracted will keep up with demand
>implying that continuing the way we live now at any cost is a good thing
>implying that the continuing economic collapse of the world won't slowly stop all of these new drilling projects
>implying our civilisation isn't dying slowly and stupid stuff like this actually ends up accelerating the rate of decline by continuing our total reliance on a finite and rapidly depleting resource
>implying you know anything
>implying you're not a screaming imbecile with a noticeable semen stain on the left side of your jeans, just below the zipper

>> No.3106803
File: 46 KB, 840x632, GoneRhettDamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to imply anything, I would imply that the oil is there like he says it is, but the British control all of it. I would imply that there is no gold in the fed or Fort Knox, and that the British, running the USA since the 1933 bankruptcy, control all 5,500 "USA" nuclear weapons.

None of my business, since the economic surrender of the USA was signed into law and treaty, it would actually be a crime if I were to try to change it. I would have to be revolutionary, and I am not. If I were to become one, it would certainly damage the USA, not help it. The Limeys ran the place pretty well: the best decades the USA ever had was 1930s to the 1970s, before the traitorous Jesuits took over. I suspect that John Lennon's murder by neanderthal fagots was the last straw, and they began pulling out their resources shortly afterward. But those decades saw the largest increases in human rights, home ownership, employment, overall consumer and business equity, and in every other field of human endeavor for USA citizens.

>> No.3106824
File: 36 KB, 391x397, kari_byron_mythbuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Monsanto's death crops

and of course, BP's oil spill in the Gulf, which many experts believed stood a considerable risk of causing a vast undersea methane rupture, which could have wiped out 2/3 of the USA population. Given the complete shithole criminal cesspool the USA has devolved into since Reagan, I can actually understand the perceived need for "Final Solution II: The Return"

I would have thought they would have made more effort to evacuate more of those worth keeping though... her, for example.

>> No.3106828

Well, this is a new conspiracy theory. So, the British run everything? What do the jesuits have to do with anything?

>> No.3106835
File: 97 KB, 323x289, image007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BP: saving the world through science
Monsanto: saving the world through science

>> No.3106854
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Like i said. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But this could still go either way, and improvement might yet be had. I suspect it won't, due to the considerable relevance of the image in the USA.

>> No.3106887

I smell a rat.

What do the jesuits have to do with anything? every President from Reagan onward has been a Knight of Malta, the business end of the Jesuits. To Google non-relevant curiosity is considerably more productive than trying satisfy it here. Search for jesuits and black pope, for example.

>> No.3106901
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What prompted the sudden conspiracy theory romp?

>> No.3106907

OP here. Well, this thread has been hijacked efficiently.

I really have love the way no one has been able to successfully attack the speedbox. Not in the two years it has existed, not once.

>> No.3106917
File: 14 KB, 344x300, monsanto sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the one relevant part would be that large scale speedbox implementation provides an effective condom against Monsanto's "seed syphilis".

>> No.3106930 [DELETED] 

Vast sums of money are available for the implementation of the speedbox. Most people who have only a high school education can easily afford the $130,000 per acre the speedboxes cost, plus the cost of the land and a house.

This is because banks create money out of thin air every time they make a loan. When a bank loans money, the money is created thereby: it didn't exist until the bank loaned it. This is how money is actually created in our fiat currency system. Federal Reserve Notes are statements of debt, not of equity.

Banks are always all too happy to create this money and loan it out, but only if there is a reasonable expectation of return on investment. That is, the face value of the loan will become capitalized, actually backed by some asset or or equity or product or production that can be traded for at least the face value of the currency that had been counterfeited, so that the currency is no longer counterfeit.

The speedbox is an almost guaranteed return on investment. Open land farming isn't, and hasn't been for 25 years, which is why (no available credit, combined with high fuel and other prices) farmers continue to bankrupt at alarming rates.

The speedbox uses 1/10 the fertilizer per crop, no herbicides, has only 1/3 the equipments costs, uses at most 1/70 as much fuel, uses 1/1000 the water of irrigated open land farming, etc... and gets a minimum of two crops per year instead of one at 10x to 40x the crop density of open land farming.

>> No.3106935

Are you Peter Joseph

>> No.3106936

Vast sums of money are available for the implementation of the speedbox. Most people who have only a high school education can easily afford the $130,000 per acre the speedboxes cost, plus the cost of the land and a house.

This is because banks create money out of thin air every time they make a loan. When a bank loans money, the money is created thereby: it didn't exist until the bank loaned it. This is how money is actually created in our fiat currency system. Federal Reserve Notes are statements of debt, not of equity.

Banks are always all too happy to create this money and loan it out, but only if there is a reasonable expectation of return on investment. That is, the face value of the loan will become capitalized, actually backed by some asset or equity or product that can be traded for at least the face value of the currency that had been counterfeited, so that the currency is no longer counterfeit.

The speedbox is an almost guaranteed return on investment. Open land farming isn't, and hasn't been for 25 years, which is why (no available credit, combined with high fuel and other prices) farmers continue to go bankrupt at alarming rates.

The speedbox uses 1/10 the fertilizer per crop, no herbicides, has only 1/3 the equipment costs, uses at most 1/70 as much fuel, uses 1/1000 the water of irrigated open land farming, etc... and gets a minimum of two crops per year instead of one at 10x to 40x the crop density of open land farming.

>> No.3106952

In fact, the government will have to pass laws limiting speedbox production to 125 percent of the area's past production of the crop being grown, or the speedbox will easily bankrupt all the open land farmers. The farmer can still grow switchgrass for DMF or (inferior) ethanol production, or use the free land for other purposes, timber, cattle, etc. An acre with only 7.5 percent speedbox coverage will produce 125% as much crop as an identical open land farmed acre. So, that land has 92.5% of its space freed for other productive uses.

>> No.3106968

I'm trying to save the banking system, fix the economy, end oil imports, end the CO2 problem, and feed the starving, and here some wanker is fixating on my Johnson and fantasizing about semen stains. Starved for Bill Clinton / Monica Lewinsky news lately, are we?

>> No.3106981
File: 81 KB, 1023x767, bitter dregs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone would spend $700,000,000 to investigate my phallus like they did with Bill Clinton's. I feel neglected somehow...

>> No.3106998
File: 204 KB, 683x797, 1305733228736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm trying to save the banking system, fix the economy, end oil imports, end the CO2 problem, and feed the starving

This sounds like a delusion of grandeur.

>> No.3107015

If I hadn't had to deal with treasonous fagot internet censorship and other opposition, I would have been in Japan or Russia or China five years ago.

China and India would have had at least a million speedboxes built each, and the speedbox combines would be rolling off Japanese and Chinese assembly lines.

This would have reduced the world demand for crude oil below the level of the supply by now, and as a result, gasoline in the USA would be $2.70 / gallon today, not $3.70.

>> No.3107021
File: 26 KB, 413x369, Temp vs CO2 over a large geologic time frame-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good thing there isn't any CO2 problem.

>> No.3107038
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Let me ask you this: Why would some Matthew Sobol type world-saving genius motherfucker be browsing 4chan? Also, how old are you?

>> No.3107055

"This sounds like a delusion of grandeur."

I guess it does, at first. But then one sees the visualization and other skills that had to have been required to produce the Sketchup animations.

Anyone with a functioning brain who examines the videos at length concludes that the concept is entirely valid, because it is entirely valid. Unless one is predisposed to not want to know, or too lazy and stupid to deal with the details of a slightly complicated new system.

Numerous (actual) patriots elsewhere in the government from this region know that I invented a technology to prevent head on trains collisions, which the railroads installed in 1987, and they also know that the USA and State combined governments have made between 1 and 3 billion dollars in extra tax income as a result of the invention improving the USA balance of trade by 10 to 30 million dollars a year. (10 to 1 ratio between balance of trade and effect on the GDP/GNP is 100 to 300 million a year increase in GNP/GDP, or an extra 40 million in extra tax income, plus 10 million it saves AMTRAK) Just the effect of the 10 million/yr AMTRAK quit paying to Llyod's of London resulted in 50 million is tax benefit for each of the last 22 years: 1.1 billion dollars. Ain't my first rodeo...

>> No.3107059


Ok.... What are you doing here.

>> No.3107071
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>> No.3107072

I am 51. I browse 4chan and youtube because it allows packet sniffing of my 2.5 / 2.6 gHz WIMAX by friendlies. I also have a 2.4 gHz satellite uplink that broadcasts a copy of my screen (on one of my other computers). Great for defeating any encryption key that might be present.

If one has the original data and also the encrypted data, a PII-233 takes about a minute to crack even a AES-256 encyption key. Simply running "ping -t google.com" generates both copies, since the ping packets are known standards.

I used this technique so that invited friendlies could verify the internet censorship was actually taking place.

You asked...

>> No.3107078


Sounds like a pretty fun job.... whatever it is that you do precisely.

>> No.3107080

> about a minute to crack even a 256 AES encryption

I stopped reading there.

>> No.3107084

I am an inventor, it isn't really always the greatest because of the retards and conniving thieving dickweeds you always end up having to deal with.

>> No.3107087

I have NO idea what the fuck you guys are talking about. I have no idea what a Molten salt reactor is. I have no idea what Open farming is. I have no idea what Aeroponic Speedbox Production is.

Fuck this thread.

>> No.3107090

AES-256 cannot be cracked, unless you have a billion years and vast banks of supercomputers.

Unless you have complete copies of both the original unencrypted data, and the encrypted data. If you have both, normally you already have the key.

>> No.3107102

And people wonder why I don't trust online banking...

>> No.3107107

>the British run everything

This would explain why everything is so shitty nowadays

>> No.3107111

ITT: tinfoil hat conspiracy retard impresses other retards with knowledge of first-year compsci concepts.

>> No.3107116
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>> No.3107124

I also invented a unique variety of spaghetti which cures cancer and, when incorporated into a spam fritter/solid lead bio-matrix system, produces golden eggs which grant the user the ability to defy gravity for 7 hours, but only when the moon is full and the user's penis is fully inserted into a duck.

>> No.3107140
File: 41 KB, 370x408, vanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict

the return of the Hi-tech Hustlers

Russian and Chinese hackers must be becoming fat and wealthy using backorifice...

>> No.3107150


do people seriously believe this garbage?

I guess we can safely add it to the list of /sci/'s masturbation fantasies, technologies which are amazingly cheap and would solve all the problems in the world instantly and are achievable right now this instant, if only there wasn't an evil conspiracy to stop them for no reason.
>sea dragon
>cold fusion
>project orion
>space elevators

>> No.3107146

I once invented a kit that turned decorative christmas reindeer into decorative rudolph the rednosed reindeer.

>> No.3107153

its a squid that must be used, not a duck, you idiot

>> No.3107158

>AES-256 cannot be cracked, unless you have a billion years and vast banks of supercomputers

or a pair of pliers, a soldering iron, a hacksaw and the address of the person who encrypted it

>> No.3107162


Thorium is realistic. Cold fusion is not. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you lump two things like this together.

>> No.3107165


>> No.3107174

Some of those are entirely valid concepts. The Chinese are building the world's first commercial thorium reactor as we type, and are likely beginning implementation of the speedbox.

After I leave this current dive and get my ass to China, I'll be adding this to my guitar playlist, because it's relevant, and because it kicks serious ass:


>> No.3107177

>I post on /sci/ all day and night and watch youtube videos about thorium. Who needs a degree in nuclear engineering?

>> No.3107183
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>I'm trying to save the banking system, fix the economy, end oil imports, end the CO2 problem, and feed the starving

By not fixing any of the root problems that cause these, but by proposing to prolong the conditions which allow them to happen with the use of a magic box, claims of which do not stand up to even the mildest scrutiny?

>infinite growth in a finite system!
>the myth of infinite progress!
>technology is the answer for everything!
>the people in charge are keeping me down!

>> No.3107189

You forgot about the technocracy

>> No.3107210

"the mildest scrutiny" Yes, only giving it a few seconds assessment by a retard, the tard can only conclude that the concept probably is invalid.

>>infinite growth in a finite system!

pay people to be sterilized willingly. first ones to sell out are those least suited for parenthood.

>>the myth of infinite progress!
you have successfully baffled me with bullshit here

>technology is the answer for everything!
it has been so far

>the people in charge are keeping me down!
no, retards only think they are in charge, I am leaving soon to go deal with the people who actually are.

>> No.3107215


Is having a BSc and studying Nuclear Physics in my free time good enough for you?

I'm not an expert but surely that trumps your AP high school babby's first science faggotry.

>> No.3107223

Paid sterilization causes effective population control and effective societal improvement, all legally, with no karmic issues.

The banking system we have already supports inflation when there is a certain return on investment over the relatively short term.

In the USA, pay $20,000, male or female, when they turn 18 if they have no previous maternity or paternity. It costs the taxpayers an average of $130,000 per child who is born in property taxes: do the math.

>> No.3107231


Well I for one wish you good luck. For many of the children here, this is the only place they can feel like an expert on something by posting a fact or two. Since they're not educated enough to come up with their own ideas the only thing they can do is shit on everyone else.

Probably also a huge jelly factor in there.

God speed, sciborg.

>> No.3107235

lol. Please feel free to regurgitate talking points from said youtube videos, not do any actual research, and completely ignore the content of the posts you're replying to. It's certainly scientific of you. And bonus points if you specify what your BSc was in.

>> No.3107237

Reduce it $2000 each year of age, halve it upon maternity or paternity.

No, wait, lets spend $500,000 each for Medicaid for crack babies, and then the $50,000 a year to keep them in prison the rest of their lives if they make it age 14.

>> No.3107242


You realize that the only thing you need for population control is wealth, right? I mean you do realize that all the piss poor countries are being crushed under a mountain of babies and none of the wealthy countries are pumping out enough to break even, right?

You do know what Google is, right? You do know you should learn before speaking, right?

>> No.3107249


I'm not learning from youtube videos I'm learning from text books.

My BSc is in Biology. Inb4 lol biofag. We're very well cross-trained. You'll find that out once you get to university.

>> No.3107265

the speedbox can fix that.

not simple, but possible. once they have speedboxes, and are exporting small amounts of biofuel and food, they have a small economy. then they can pay the $50 (equivalent of USD $20,000)

Look at Liberia. Crack, heroin paradise. I'm surprised more blacks from the USA dope soap opera don't leave the USA and vacation in that complete shithole 6 months of the year, just because the dope is cheap and limitless. Most of them over there would agree to be sterilized for three hits of crack.

>> No.3107270

When did I say you were learning from it? Please learn to read. It helps when reading textbooks. Especially when they're outside your field of expertise. Enjoy pretending you can understand Krane.

>> No.3107533


Presumably if I'm regurgitating talking point it's because I have no knowledge base upon which to fall back. Obviously I'm not using the information contained in them so you fail at following a train of thought. You should learn to do it. It helps you realize how calling people out on the internet makes you look like a downy.

Protip: When you want to call someone out it helps to actually try to refute their contention instead of just popping up like a faggot and yelling lol no.