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File: 31 KB, 432x571, Ernest Hemingway 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3104191 No.3104191 [Reply] [Original]

>Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.
>- Ernest Hemingway
So /sci/, how much does this apply to you?

>> No.3104206

Ignorance is bliss and I frequently wish I was of average intelligence and would be able to enjoy life without questioning every move and - most importantly - not be chronically depressed because of no particular reason except for worrying too much.

>> No.3104222

I'm not sad because I long for something.

I'm sad because I have to deal with the fucktards that are less intelligent peoples.

>> No.3104226

What if I'm unhappy with my level of intelligence?

>> No.3104225

I often think I would hate my life regardless of how smart I was.

Which, in face of recent events, seems to be average.

>> No.3104281

the more i think about life, the less time i have to do mathematics.

>> No.3104290

You cannot be really intelligent if you aren't happy. So IÄve got bad news for you fucks ITT.

>> No.3104296

fuck that typo revealing where I'm from. I'm not intelligent now.

>> No.3104303

I'm sad as I see the world around me as incompatible with my moral code.
Everybody I ever knew always devolve into drink, drug abusing people who jump into bed with anyone.

>> No.3104305


>> No.3104315

Earnest Hemingway killed himself with a shotgun right?

>> No.3104317

Are there any studies showing a correlation between level of happiness and IQ?

>> No.3104325



>> No.3104326

It's not that intelligence makes you unhappy, it's that nobody is inclined to think very hard about anything when they're happy.

Being happy is not being preoccupied with any problems. Thinking hard is being preoccupied with a problem.

>> No.3104332

Aristotle said that happiness is the end goal of contemplative life [assuming reason occupies a large part of what we define as intelligence]

OP's quote doesn't apply to me.

>> No.3104339

>Meyers writes that "an aura of secrecy surrounds Hemingway's treatment at the Mayo", but confirms that in December 1960 he received electroconvulsive therapy as many as 15 times, then in January 1961 he was "released in ruins".[148]
>"Careful reading of Hemingway's major biographies and his personal and public writings reveals evidence suggesting the presence of the following conditions during his lifetime: bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence, traumatic brain injury, and probable borderline and narcissistic personality traits".[157]
>Hemingway "quite deliberately" shot himself with his favorite shotgun.[150] He unlocked the gun cabinet, went to the front entrance of their Ketchum home, and "pushed two shells into the twelve-gauge Boss shotgun, put the end of the barrel into his mouth, pulled the trigger and blew out his brains."

>> No.3104340






>> No.3104360

If you were really smart, you'd figure out how to be ignorant and apathetic of the things that make you sad, and then you'd be happy.


>> No.3104369

Not me.

I have bacon every morning, cookies every day, and blow jobs every night.

>> No.3104404
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 3dfx_Voodoo2_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way that quote makes sense is if you're speaking to the masses of intelligent people who are trapped in a situation where they are unable to act on that intelligence.

Assuming that this idea holds true:

What then does this tell us about society if the intelligent are unable to act on their intelligence?

>> No.3104426

I'm intelligent as fuck and a happy motherfucker. I'm rare.

>> No.3104438
File: 20 KB, 305x364, cscosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3104441

Heisenberg's unhappiness theory:
The more one gains happiness, the dumber one becomes. In other words, the better the measure of happiness, the crappier the measure of intelligence and vice versa.

>> No.3104447

I must be a moron, I'm fucking giddy all the time.

>> No.3104528
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No it doesn't imply that at all.

Society is not the only thing preventing intelligent people from being happy. Being a human being living in the world is just an inherently flawed situation, and although this can be improved (and has been!) even the total support of society would not be enough to fix the problem. And the intelligent also have to deal with the downsides of having a deeper comprehension of these flaws.

Hemingway was being kinda cynical, of course. Intelligent happy people very much exist, you don't have to be an idiot to be able to have some fun. But Hemingway had all sorts of mental problems, so he wasn't one of them.

>> No.3104543

The thing with happiness is - nobody knows what the fuck it is.

>> No.3104552

I'm moderately happy, but I have frequent bouts of depression, and I used to be severely despressed. Most of my close friends think I am a mean, cynical person. I also have some anger problems, and have got my ass beat more than once because I kept spouting off at the mouth when I should have just let retards be retards.

>> No.3104554

he took drugs to keep himself happy so not a great example

>> No.3104570


It's pretty much a combination of serotonin and dopamine.

>> No.3104585
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Great men who committed suicide, thread?

>> No.3104591

Why am I supposed to care what some author said?

>> No.3104650


and study shows that people with a high IQ are more happy

>> No.3104664

citation needed

>> No.3104684

>intelligent people
ITT: neckbeards feeling better about their shitty lifes

>> No.3104705

>intelligent people
physics and math majors circle jerk each other

>> No.3104706
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Dumb people are sad because they are too dumb to be happy in this world.

Smart people are sad because they are too smart to be happy in this world.

>> No.3104753

I actually use what little intelligence I have to enjoy life. I love the complex arts because of this. I normally love thinking deeply in general.

However, I cannot lie and say that I am happy most of the time. It's more of a state of bored silence with slight highs and slight lows.

>> No.3104768

According to this (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272775797000642)) IQ is not correlated with happiness.

>> No.3104864


"Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise" it's not meant to mean being ignorant makes you happy, it's only meant to be applied to situations where it would be painful to be aware of something. Ignorance has nothing to do with intelligence, go misinterpret quotes in your depression elsewhere.

>> No.3104883

I'm no exception, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.3105067

If you're not happy you're not intelligent.

Ignorance isn't bliss, you are continually confronted with your ignorance, it's a battle to continue to deny reality that escalates until you are dependent on it, both psychologically and philosophically.

>> No.3105297

haha Actually, I think just because you are smart enough to know how the world works doesn't make you unhappy just smart enough to put it into perspective.

It does make one feel a little alone though. Not completely, of course. The world is shrinking a bit and that is good for us. I think Hemingway would have been pleased and he would have probably not felt so isolated. :-(

>> No.3105306

But intelligent people are statistically less likely to be ignorant so it is a factor even if it isn't the only factor, lern2 decision theory.

>> No.3105326
File: 10 KB, 249x253, Bertrand_Russel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fundamental cause of trouble in the world today is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt

>> No.3105333

Ignorance can be a bliss.

Lies can make you mad, depressed or happy as fuck.

So does truth.

Intelligent people seek the truth, no matter the consequences. It doesn't mean the truth is a bad thing.