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3102149 No.3102149 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3102171

Economics majors are always the most alpha anyway

>> No.3102179

>implying space won't be conquered, China's technocracy

>> No.3102183

Check out Germany, Merkel has a Ph.D in physical chemistry.

>> No.3102190
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>> No.3102192

Carter was a nuclear engineer.
Reagan was an actor.

>> No.3102191

I don't understand why the chief justice of the supreme court should have been doing anything BUT law in his previous career.

Still, it would be nice scientists could gain any political power in this country.

>> No.3102200

I jelly...
Scientists, engineers and mathematics make the best leade... they make the best everything.
I wonder if our shitty western arts-religion-and-equality culture will become sane after China becomes more powerful than EU and USA combined.

>> No.3102204
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>after China becomes more powerful than EU and USA combined.

>> No.3102205

So what you're saying is, the Chinese suck cocks?

>> No.3102209

>implying occupations/majors matter when your politicians are all sell outs and your country is being run by corporations anyway

>> No.3102211

Making a lawyer chief justice, you so silly america.

>> No.3102217

>implying china has laws
>centrally-planned economy is now called technocracy

>> No.3102218

Law degree is the optimal occupation for people who legislate.

>> No.3102222


more like

>Token Black Lawyer

>> No.3102223
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A challenger appears

>> No.3102228

>Implying American politicians aren't puppets

>> No.3102230
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>> No.3102232
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We have a Mathematician/Computer Scientist as a presidential candidate

>> No.3102233

Nobel prize winners is cheating.

Also law makers and leaders majoring in law? Alert the presses!

Exactly. Carter was the worst president since Hoover.

>> No.3102236

All politicians are puppets, it's just American ones are richer than anyone else.

>> No.3102238

you mean Federal Reserve Bank Chairman and Businessman

>> No.3102244

>mfw my country's previous president didn't finish elementary school and now he have a Doctor's

Current president is a econbro.

>> No.3102243

The thing is, it's not nearly the same electoral standard, the law makers in the US really do have to have the knowledge of legal systems to be able to formulate law. In china, the leaders are handpicked by the Party and, while having to prove themselves and having to be intelligent human beings, the major policy making directives come from the Standing Committee and the Politburo

>> No.3102240

>Still, it would be nice scientists could gain any political power in this country.

I disagree. If you want to be a politician, study history or law, or even better economics, not engineering or science. That's completely irrelevant.

>> No.3102241

Wasn't Hoover an engineer as well?

>> No.3102246

B.S in Math != Mathematician.
Any retard can get a B.S in math; I would impressed if he had a PhD in Math.

>> No.3102248
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>nobel prize winners

>> No.3102253


>implying you didn't came

>> No.3102254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3102257

>nobel prize for doing nothing

>> No.3102261
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>specially when it's inconvenient

holy shit I love Obama

>> No.3102262

So strong the people can't be trusted to vote freely, right?

>> No.3102275

To be honest, I couldn't give a fuck about America.

So long as China has a thriving scientific community.

>> No.3102271

> He graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics and received a Master of Science degree in computer science from Purdue University in 1971

>> No.3102280

Yep, and he's still an establishment hack, fuck off with your implications of a "breath of fresh air" candidate

>> No.3102283

>nobel prize for being somehow opposed to Bush.
>just like the last 4 peace prize winners

>> No.3102284

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.

>> No.3102285

probably got his degree handed to him through Affirmative Action

>> No.3102292
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Chu comes from a family of scholars. His father earned an advanced chemical engineering degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and taught at Washington University in St. Louis and Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, while his mother studied economics. His maternal grandfather, Dr. Shu-tian Li earned a Ph.D. degree from Cornell University and his mother's uncle, Li Shu-hua, a notable physical scientist, studied physics at the Sorbonne before they returned to China.[2] His older brother Gilbert Chu is a professor and researcher of biochemistry and medicine at Stanford University. His younger brother, Morgan Chu, is a partner and the former Co-Managing Partner at the law firm Irell & Manella LLP.[12] According to Chu, his two brothers and four cousins earned three M.D.s, four Ph.D.s, and a J.D. among them. In 1997, he married Jean Fetter, a British American and an Oxford-trained physicist.[8] He has two sons, Geoffrey and Michael, from a previous marriage to Lisa Chu-Thielbar.[2]


>> No.3102304

I'd give you a YouTube link explaining how the Chinese government is full of shit but ... well ... you know how that ends.

>> No.3102316

"We don't need to audit the Federal Reserve because there's nothing secret going on there"

-Herman Cain, 12/29/2010

well I know I'm convinced

>> No.3102334

>Stephen Harper
>MA in Economics
>Terrifying combination of being crazy smart and an authoritarian lunatic

>> No.3102335

Yes, the Chinese are well known to be very deceitful.

>> No.3102347

>Chief Justice
Fuck, I hope so!

>> No.3102375

why would you even post your trol comment?

>> No.3102384



>> No.3102391

never seen it

>> No.3102429

FUCK YEAH killing millions of people and harvesting organs!

>> No.3102451

Indeed. He showed his true colors completely in this election, yet he still got a majority.

Bull, fucking shit. Especially more so that they're going to end public funding (which, since the conservatives cater toward businesses the most, will have plenty of dough, but the other two major candidates are not only splitting votes, but they also will be broke in comparison).

>> No.3102464

Why do Asians never take Liberal Arts courses? I wonder if it's because they suck at them or just don't bother with them. Probably a combination of both.

>> No.3102465
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>> No.3102483

lol @ engineerings thinking they know how to run nations and not fuck each other up the ass

>> No.3102500

Yeah what some of you don't realize is we live in a time that politics and money has strictly replaced religion.

Social status = most bitches

Back in the day being a priest and a pope = major bitches, now it's about how politically connected you are and how much money you have.

>> No.3102518
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pic related: chemistry graduate

>> No.3102533

extremely bad example is extremely bad
She killed 500 Argentinians while they were in international waters and moving away from the British, triggered riots, and managed to successfully damage the British welfare system to such an extent that it still hasn't fully recovered.

>> No.3102545

I would rather my country be run by lawyers and still have my civil liberties than you very much.

>> No.3102542


It seems not studying something like law will make you a shitty politician in the western world.

>> No.3102549

regarding the belgrano, enemy warships are enemy warships. who gives a shit which direction they are moving, when at war you take them out.

and welfare more than recovered under labour, if you like welfare.

>> No.3102561
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nope dot com

shitty lawyer related

>> No.3102566


When she took power the country was so bad that there were electricity black outs and three day working weeks the streets were piled with trash as well because all the unions were constantly striking and running the economy into the ground.

She saved the UK dude.

>> No.3102568

Enemy warships are enemy warships. Enemy warships who have been told they will not be fired upon if they retreat are enemy warships that shouldn't be fired upon while they retreat. The "war" was a misunderstanding mostly due to a Falkland's citizen asking the Argentinian navy to move scrap metal to the mainland, not a genuine battle. Welfare did not fully recover; If it had, there wouldn't be a huge shortage of council housing even now.

>> No.3102569

>implying civil liberties in the US aren't vanishing at an accelerating rate

>> No.3102571
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didn't go to university related

>> No.3102573

Everything is Getting Worse syndrome much?

>> No.3102574

>mfw OP thinks engineers know more about politics than lawyers

I'm sure they're both equally bad at running a country

>> No.3102581

Civil liberties still exist in the US, as long as you can afford a lawyer.

>> No.3102582

Was an alcoholic who condoned the usage of mustard gas on African tribes and who was voted out of office as soon as the war was over.

>> No.3102586

I thought he did but he got out of there before finishing.

>> No.3102596

>misunderstanding scrap metal


drunk out of his mind dictator galtieri unpopular at home misunderstanding


>told they will not be fired upon if they retreat


made up history.com

>> No.3102599

And hitler was engineer btw

>> No.3102601

actually he has a BA, which is a fucking joke

>> No.3102606

>no knowledge of Falklands conflict beyond BBC coverage

>> No.3102608


>> No.3102612


in this the argentine admiral, head of argentine navy, says the belgrano posed a threat to the british ships, that the exclusion zone was irreverent, and that it was holding off only for tactical reasons.

people who lie about war, as you do sir, are the worst sort of liars

>> No.3102616
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Did someone say engineer?

>> No.3102619

made up post.

suggest you read argentine accounts.

they back up the "bbc" position.

>> No.3102630

better than whatever knee-jerk britain bad and imperialist, argentine fascist dictatorship blameless, accounts you read.

my step mother is argentine

galtieri was the worst sort of pig bastard butcher. his moves, such as the argentine war, were just applied fascism.

fascism should be fought.

die underaged banned, you givee liberals, of which i am one, a bad name.

>> No.3102635


>> No.3102639

engineer = communism
lawyer = democracy


>> No.3102647

>lawyer = democracy for the wealthy


>> No.3102659

lawyers = heterosexual
engineers = gay

America = Governed by heterosexuals, hates gays


>> No.3102751

Sums up everything thats wrong with politicians in my eyes

>> No.3102766

>electron tube engineering

what a sick badass that guy must be

>> No.3103050

This is probably why America is such a piece of shit nation. All your leaders know nothing but how to talk and look charismatic. I suppose those two qualities combine into great decisions, nodding, and change.

>> No.3103052

Apparently it works considering America is the most powerful nation in the world.

The rest of the world is just jelly as fuck, that's why they try so hard to emulate us.

>> No.3103057

We walked on the moon then we bombed the moon. What have the chinks and worthless euros done that can be that awesome?