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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3100372 No.3100372 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Asians such master race while whites and niggers are borderline retarded.

feels good being Asian man

>> No.3100396
File: 9 KB, 271x239, 1288234298315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ching chong chang nip nyong faggot

>> No.3100402

>takes bad example of a good race.
>hurrrrrr durrrrrrrr

>> No.3100408
File: 35 KB, 440x623, STFU-WW2-WarmCup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure until something needs to get done that isn't higher end math. The master race has better things to do and delegates that to the zippers.

>> No.3100414

Why do people who spent their entire lives studying, while being immersed in a culture that values education do better than those who dont?

I dunno.

>> No.3100417

Pisa reading scores? What?
<span class="math">\sigma=100[/spoiler]


>> No.3100423

PROTIP: the chart's from VDARE. And please stop making these threads, they suck.

>> No.3100431

Asians are marginally more intelligent than whites, but they are inherently servile, compliant, unimaginative and unwilling to take any stand necessary to advance humanity. Asians have a slight edge in cognitive skills but an overall deficit in the ability to conceive the usefulness or application of an idea.

>> No.3100435

>China uses cities as representation
>Japan,Korea,etc have virtually no rural population compared to europeans/usa

Thats why IQ and PISA are always high.

For example the IQ of korea is 105 or smth and china(a city of china) is 106.
We could do the same, we could use a state, say Massachusetts that has 112 IQ.

Plus you are very strict with education.

I mean wake up, if you were really smarter you would have discoveries faaar greater.

But in all sciences, mathematics , philosophy, psychology, literature, arts etc etc etc etc etc, you DONT originate, you DONT discover, you DONT innovate, you DONT have breakthroughs you just act like human calculators, no thinking at all. you DONT DO NOTHING.



>> No.3100439

Because they are whipped by their parents.

>> No.3100441
File: 29 KB, 312x338, myface4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the graph that is aimed at an american audience chooses to show reading PISA score to exemplify different races of student perform differently even when maths and science show a much closer correlation
Im sure this has nothing to do with the fact that the US is way below average in those fields

>> No.3100442

Japan less intelligent than Korea And Singapore?
Not sure if this is legit.

>> No.3100446
File: 77 KB, 620x520, RageFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw a religious thread and was like, "Where the fuck is are all the racist threads?"

Boy! Am I glad that OP was here to save the day.

Where would /sci fucking be without religious, racist, and sexist threads! That's REAL FUCKING SCIENCE!

>> No.3100449

even though i argue for the asians.
this man has got a point

>> No.3100452

A: Reading scores are...reading scores.
B: The Finns are not Mongols.
i. Superior, yes.
ii. Mongols, no.

>> No.3100457

feels good having Finish ancestry. Finland used to be at the top of this list, and they go to school way less than the asian study machines.

>> No.3100458

Massachussets population: 6,593,587
standard deviation of IQ tests: 15 points (from 100)

claimed "average" IQ of population: 112


>> No.3100462


>> No.3100460

ITT Retard

Asians aren't more intelligent, they just deliberately alter their test scores. Do you think the tests include all the dirt poor farmers in the rural areas that are fucking retarded? No. They test their elites, and that's why the tests are distorted.

>> No.3100461


I really hate to agree with this but i kinda do. Asian students at my high-school would just brute force homework and sweat every single assignment as if their life depended on it. Math came naturally because the answer is the answer, you cant get points off because you might have missed some sub-context in a book.

>> No.3100465

Actually this. Fucking Eastern education, raping the youth since BC 2000

>> No.3100469

[citation needed]

>> No.3100472
File: 18 KB, 478x315, sdfgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US isn't even in the top 10 for anything.

I got a feeling OP's pic is messed up because whites are 70% of the population so even without hispanics and blacks dragging the average down, they should still be low.

but then that was reading, while US is known to be ok at literacy, but really shit teir at math.

>> No.3100473

Alright wise guy...integrate this:

<span class="math"> \displaystyle \int {dcabin\over cabin} \qquad [/spoiler]

>> No.3100479
File: 73 KB, 610x471, Kyrgyzerg_plain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100482

<span class="math"> ln(cabin) + c [/spoiler]
it's a houseboat bitch!

>> No.3100483

3% more on average = master race? no

>> No.3100488

>higher scores than blacks
>it's genetics
>lower scores than asians

lol white people.

>> No.3100489

>implying i can read

>> No.3100487

I once saw a penis size chart that reported china as having the biggest average size and all the other asian countries were way lower. I sure do belive china is honest in these things.
Also, Singapore is a first world country with very heavy focus in education, no surprise there.

>> No.3100490

i lol'd

>> No.3100507

>be white
>have above average intelligence
>live life happily

Who the fuck cares about averages?

>> No.3100508

fyi graphs that refer to people as sand niggers = most accurate

>> No.3100511

this thread:
>Implying averages have any meaning whatsoever

>> No.3100512

he's right.

uhhhhh ya so you can't just submit scores for your best educated cities.

>> No.3100586


Yeah implementation seems like it is done for accuracy

>PISA is sponsored, governed, and coordinated by the OECD. The test design, implementation, and data analysis is delegated to an international consortium of research and educational institutions led by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

>> No.3100624

its compensation for having such small dicks

>> No.3100633

That graph correlates astonishingly well to brain/body mass ratio of the inhabitants of those countries. It's not a coincidence.