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3099136 No.3099136 [Reply] [Original]

ADD + Gum = Eidetic Memory

I have no clue why everyone thinks its some kind of disability.

-ridiculous intuition
-Ability to form a memory palace
-Serotonin levels are always high

Control it with some type of stimulant, lower your dopamine levels, and you'll remember almost everything.

>> No.3099176

Grab some gum and try some meditation.

it should be understood by everyone that meditation is not some mystical power that magically improves concentration and focus; the benefit to meditating comes from the fact that practicing meditation is practicing concentration and focus.

Start by learning to relax your body in a position that won't lead you to fall asleep. A good example is sitting cross legged on a pillow on the ground with your back straight. This will be pretty difficult at first, so you might have something to lean back against until it gets easier.

What I do to begin relaxing is try to focus my attention on a specific part of my body. Generally I start with my big toe on my left foot - begin by paying attention to the feelings coming from that toe (the pressure of your leg on it, the opposed pressure of the carpet, etc), and in doing so you will be refining the focus of your attention. Then, while focusing on that area, imagine that every time you breathe out, your breath travels down through your body and goes out through your toe. A few times doing this makes my toe feel quite relaxed, and if you begin to feel your pulse in your toe, you've got it and can move on. Feeling the pulse there isn't necessary to move on, that's just what works for me. Other people feel a tingling sensation, heaviness, etc.

>> No.3099183
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>> No.3099199

Then do the same thing for all the areas of your body - the whole foot, lower leg, upper lag, butt, back, chest, face and so on - and eventually you end up feeling very relaxed and inclined to sit still and not move.

That is good practice meditating in and of itself, but it's primary value is in helping you to not become distracted by bodily sensations while doing other kinds of meditations for longer periods of time. This is because when one attempts to meditate, itching, rearranging clothes, moving your hair, yawning etc, are all distractions that interrupt mental focus.

So, once you're relaxed and don't need to fidget, start paying attention to your breath. You don't have to control it - in fact controlling it splits your attention into two things (controlling the breath and sensing the breath) - just notice when your breathing happens naturally. Notice when you breathe in and when you breathe out. Inevitable, your mind will do other things while you are doing this, but that's normal for beginners. Whenever you notice that your mind has wandered off to something else, just take a deep breath or two, and refocus on your breathing.

It will probably seem hopeless and impossible at first, but again you probably couldn't deadlift 500lbs your first try either. By doing it over and over again, you'll build up the ability to concentrate for longer and longer periods of time on one thing. This capability transfers quite easily to any other subject you might care to think about, such as math.

>> No.3099229
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>someone just took their adderal...

>> No.3099243 [DELETED] 

+1000 internets to you, my friend, for teaching people about the power of meditation. As you said, it's not some mystical magical shit. Meditating = practicing concentration. The more you meditate, the sharper your concentration is.

Long term meditation > Adderall
(although Adderall is a much easier shortcut)

>> No.3099252

>Control it with some type of stimulant, lower your dopamine levels

stimulants increase dopamine

>> No.3099253
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>power of meditation

>> No.3099261

Explain the whole thread in layman's terms.

What are you proposing?
You mean that if i drop dopamine i will remember more stuff?
What is dopamine and how does it help?

>> No.3099269

lets hope he means depressant.

>> No.3099271

>Explain the whole thread in layman's terms.

>blah blah anecdotes anecdotes blah blah

>> No.3099275 [DELETED] 

>translation: I've never tried it

Enjoy your absent, distracted mind, plebian. Don't mind me--I'm just sitting on my 3.8 math GPA.

>> No.3099292

-I'm proposing high serotonin levels arnt a bad thing
-To some extent, since you wont find the need to feel interested in something to remember it.
-Dopamine is a catecholamine neurotransmitter which transmits signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse which is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress.

>> No.3099306

>translation: I've never tried it
I never try anything when the scientific literature tells me it's ineffective. I figure your personal experiences are more persuasive to you than actual data, but no study has ever demonstrated any form of meditation to be more effective than taking a nap.

>Enjoy your absent, distracted mind, plebian.
Yeah, enjoy your placebo sense of superiority.

>> No.3099308

I don't like my add >:(

>> No.3099320

OP, would you kindly post the link of the website that you got that picture from? I remember having the link to that website favorited, but I lost it when I had to reinstall Chrome.


>> No.3099321

This, sorry for the confusion, It doesn't primarily have to be a depressant.

It'll improve your "mindfulness", which basically means practicing improved attention and awareness during everyday activities. You could begin by relaxing yourself and then doing something physical, while trying to keep attentive to all of the sensations that activity gives you. Another technique would be to pay special attention to what happens in your peripheral vision throughout the day.

Chew gum, or your tongue. It'll help

>> No.3099329

I don't think the meditation is necessary.

One time when I really needed to focus, I just drank an energy drink and then just stared at a single point as long as I could.

the first time i lasted like 1 minute. eventually your eyes start to water, but you just stare at that point and don't move your eyes and after like 20 minutes, I was able to concentrate. the effect lasted a few days.

also, playing a keyboard with repetitive melodies puts me into a super focused state of mind, where I just lock in and play the same exact melody over and over for minutes.

I have taken ritalin and adderal, and I noticed that the effect they produce is something that you can create on your own, just be relaxing your mind and focusing on one simple repeatitive thing, and then your mind will get kind of "stuck" in that state for a while, like OP said, except I don't think meditation is necessary, and mediatation always annoys me because the "gurus" talk about how you need to go through this fucking lifelong process until you can finally do it right.

fuck that, just focus on a simple repetitive thing, and you will put your mind in the same state that it would be in if you took adderal.

>> No.3099330

That music program site from OPs pic, i've been there but forgot the link, anybody go it?

>> No.3099351


>> No.3099361
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Thank you!

>> No.3099365


>> No.3099368

Exactly,focus can be achieved quite easily with some type of pick-me-up or let-me-down.

Then imagine your seeing a color that you're not really seeing, hearing a sound that isn't there, etc. This may sound like self-delusion, but it is actually quite helpful for general problem solving and thought experiments. Over time you will eventually be able to conjure up a multi-sensory scene to work out your ideas in. Of course, it doesn't necessarily act like the real world, so integrating knowledge of scientific principles into your mind would be required.

ADD, messes with the senses, in a good way.

>> No.3099386

Thanks OP, I suffer from extreme ADD, I hope this helps

>> No.3099405

I don't understand why chewing gum helps.

Whenever I get a packet of gum I compulsively eat the entire package in one sitting without thinking about it. If that anecdote means anything.

>> No.3099422

People who have trouble paying attention have a problem with inattentiveness, and will frequently lose their grip on reality. So chewing gum Is a great substitute for common effects of ADD, like fidgeting, since it incorporates more sensory awareness.

>> No.3099473


>> No.3099488
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me >>3099329 again. I realized after I posted, that focusing on repetitive sensory input is all that matters.

think about it:
the focus on breathing
the chewing gum
looking at a hypnotists pendulum
playing repetitive music
feeling the repetitive feeling of your pulse
repetitive humming like monks do

all that matters is finding a repetitive sensory input and then loosing all attention for everything else.

that is all you need for meditation.

I figured it out.

>> No.3099513

Are you me?