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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 579x480, jesus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3095494 No.3095494 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guise! I thought I'd come to the board where the smartest people were. I just find it odd that such a large percentage of you don't believe in me.

Considering you guys follow the ethics of science, under what condition would I be able to present myself so that you would believe I am who I am?

Oh, and what is the difference between magic and science? I mean, at the very base of your beliefs, you still have an unprovable essence (givens) that you cannot sense physically... making it unknown -- and -- well, you know... magic.

>> No.3095510

>Oh, and what is the difference between magic and science?

Not much.

>> No.3095512

If you know how it works, it's science.

If you don't, it's magic.

>> No.3095516

Yes, but no one knows what something is to its full extent. What about my original question?

>> No.3095519

>under what condition would I be able to present myself so that you would believe I am who I am?
Come in my room right now this instant and debate me.

>> No.3095569

I don't understand why I have to break the rules. More can be completed within the boundaries or else life is void of structure and meaning. This is how "Satan" thinks.

>> No.3095579

Explain why you're father existed before he "created" inb4 there's no explanation

>> No.3095585

Before the universe there is no time. Time is equal to distance traveled. This sort of determination requires a starting point and an ending point.

If there is no universe, there is no time, nor any distance, and it would be illogical for God to have a creator.

>> No.3095599

I'm sorry... what were you saying?

>> No.3095605

I'm sold where do i sign up?

>> No.3095608

Really? I could teach you something cool if you wanted. Do you like math?

>> No.3095610

>implying magic isn't science.

No seriously, it follows its own internal logic and system. Its based on observation and detailed experiments. The only difference between magic and science is that science actually works.

>> No.3095616

Yes i certainly do. To be honest you really put my mind in another place right now, ive heard, read, argued a lot about religion but i really felt something different right now..

>> No.3095630

Explain the sensation of emotion then.
I don't want to hear "why", or "where", or "how" (neurochem), I want to hear the "what".

Explain the qualia of color? I'd like to hear a good one without using "waves" -- that's more of an explanation of color's assignment and order than its essence.

>> No.3095636

If all objects are magical, it would also follow that magic has order and logic.

>> No.3095654

I think you might have misunderstood... this isn't about a religion. I don't think God really cares for those much.

Consider that before time existed, you are God and that you are all that exists. You know everything that is and is not, you construct all things or things that are not, and you have infinite emotion.

Do you feel alone?

>> No.3095664
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I like too touch myself at night and nobody is going too stop me from doing so.

>> No.3095672

If by infinite emotion you mean the entire spectrum of emotions all going off at once. Yes, it stands to reason that you feel alone, and not alone at the same time.

Tell us why God created the universe, if he knew everything in advance, and felt everything in advance.

>> No.3095683

No. because I see all that ever was and will be so how could i feel alone?

>> No.3095711

Goodnight, better luck next time

>> No.3095722

If you have all the power in the universe, you can easily create anything you desire. This is easy to imagine.

You can have any technology -- any lover -- any amount of money... but what does it mean when all you see is yourself? Even if you were to create other beings... they would be predictable robots to which you have logical access to. Boredom and loneliness are a hell if they are eternal.

The point is, the only thing you could not honestly create directly is freewill. It is the only commodity to a God. People you could actually love and communicate with. People who could thank you for existence. This is a logical reason why we have a truly random and vast universe as it would be a requirement.

This subject sort of touches on...

"Could God create a rock so heavy that not even he could lift it?"

Can you create an environment, rest it on your mind, and create an object you cannot lift? You do so in your dreams.

Saying he cannot do so would mean you have more abilities than him. So, he either created you to be greater than he is; or, you are created in his image through the division of his body, like you do for yourself in your dreams.

In the end... you have to ask yourself what is more useful. Do you want to be alone without reason? Or not?

>> No.3095729

You can kill death with faith in God. The same faith you have in the color of the sky being blue or the grass being green even though I could prove that isn't true.

>> No.3095732

The kind of faith that doesn't dissociate when things don't go your way.

You don't stop believing in the sky because it changes color, do you? Those who abandon God never had faith in the first place.

>> No.3095733
File: 60 KB, 600x600, youre-fucking-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP realised religion is a load of hocus pocus and tries to bring science down to it's level to justify his retarded behaviour

>no one knows what something is to its full extent.

Knowing something to the extent that we can conduct an experiment and get tangible feedback from the universe is infinitely superior to your nonsense.

(if I am being trolled I don't even care)

>Before the universe there is no time

hurrdurr then how does god do anything without time? It's all frozen still. Oh and no space either so how are you going to get the space with which to create the universe? Just pop it out of thin air I suppose? Much like god popped himself into existence infinity years ago? See how it doesn't make sense?


>> No.3095745

So are we here for the sole purpose of keeping "God" entertained? Or is there a more elaborate reasoning as to why we were put here on earth?

>> No.3095749


Atheism: Because everyone rebels against God, and some rebel so strongly that they actually deny his existence.

>> No.3095760

Religion: because everyone needs a sense of purpose, and the brain is happy to oblige by inventing one.

>> No.3095764


U agnostic?

>> No.3095773

Its supposed to be mutual. You use him for your entertainment all the time. If he IS the universe, not only can you not test him as he lacks contrast, he constrains his own freewill so that you may have some.

He rarely gets thanks either. Most of it, if he gets any at all, is just repetitious, robotic, and done on a schedule.

Do you feel the love from people who worship you out of fear? Do you feel love from people who do it simply because its Sunday?

He has rewarded my prayer before to say thank you because I actually have faith. Sudden mathematical epiphanies after prayer.

>> No.3095777

Reality is perception. Thats all there is to it.

>> No.3095778

Oh, let's play the word game.

I do not know if there is a god (nobody does). Not knowing = not believing. Not believing = atheism.

Natural selection + evolution + the brain's ability to to invent a simulacrum god = high probability that a god does not exist

All we need is to explain the existence of the universe and that will kill religion permanently. I believe this will happen at some point in the future.

>> No.3095780

I understand that you have misunderstood. Arrogance is funny at first but is daunting over time.

>> No.3095781

Reality is where your perception is? Wouldn't that be better?

>> No.3095785 [DELETED] 


You cannot be an atheist because you said "Religion: because everyone needs a sense of purpose, and the brain is happy to oblige by inventing one."

Since atheism is a religion, you must therefore be an agnostic.

>> No.3095800

Not knowing and not believing are not connected. You do not know what you do and yet you believe you do. This is a prime example as you have no concept of the consequences of your actions.

This is actually why your ignorance is a gift. If you knew every death your innocent actions would cause, a moral individual could do nothing.

>> No.3095803

I'm sorry, I meant they are not wholly connected. They are obviously tangential in some ways.

>> No.3095823

And yet you didn't rebut any of the points I made, because you can't.

You have NIL explanation and NIL justification for the existence of your imaginary god, therefore you cannot claim that one exists.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. Don't you see?

Just keep on believing shit without evidence and see where it gets you. hint: it gets you nowhere.

>This is a prime example as you have no concept of the consequences of your actions.

lol and what are your consequences of your actions? Going to heaven where it's North Korea forever? God's having a party and you're not allowed to leave?

Your religion is a joke and your ideas of ultimate morals/truths are childish and appeal to father figure issues.

Difference between you and I is can survive on my own, you need your father figure to guide you every step of the way YOU FUCKING BABY GROW UP lol

>> No.3095830

>Not knowing and not believing are not connected

Right then, explain how to believe in a god without even knowing if one exists. You can't. That's why you are retarded.

>> No.3095832

We will see how you do when confronted with death.
You will leave alone.

>> No.3095838
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>> No.3095846

You'll be just as terrified as I on your death bed, but at least I won't be clinging to false beliefs.

If you are so sure you are going to heaven, then what value is anything on earth considering it's just a precursor to an eternity in heaven?

>> No.3095850

Why hatred of unbelievers and of enemies for a God of Love? Believe or Be Damned. Why is faith more important than reason? Common sense less important than faith? Why anti-intellectual? -- Is this a power trip?

>> No.3095851

I want to help God be more loved.
Free love man... isn't that what you nerds want?

>> No.3095853
File: 49 KB, 500x331, come-at-me-bro-hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3095859


Since we only have the earth for the time being, there's nothing wrong with valuing it.

>> No.3095860

I couldn't care less if it's a straw man, my comments apply to anyone who follows a religion. Anyone who believes in a god may as well be religious because they endulge themselves in the same way of thinking.

>> No.3095870

Faith isn't anti-intellectual. People are free to believe what they want to, I just want to save as many as I can. I may be forgiving and loving but I am not a pushover.

No one is damning you but yourself. A sin is only a sin if you know you are doing bad and continue to do so. If you understand that you can do no wrong, you cannot sin.

>> No.3095871

Oh, you sound so sweet and innocent. Problem is you can't be trusted; when I turn my back this is the kind of thing you get up to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LACyLTsH4ac

>> No.3095875


>> No.3095877
File: 64 KB, 366x365, 10-commandments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what your book says..

>> No.3095881


>> No.3095883

>Since we only have the earth for the time being, there's nothing wrong with valuing it.

But value is a relative thing. In the presence of an eternal heaven the earth is practically worthless. The only reason you still put value in it is because you're not 100% sure there is a heaven. I'd say you're probably not even 50% sure. It's just a nice belief that you like to have. Which is fine if you want to believe in one.

>> No.3095887

Science is no different. You rely on mathematics which is a ordered system of faith.

You also test information that is available based off a very small amount of time cosmically. It is statistically irrelevant. Functions are subject to permutation (mutation) when other functions are involved. This happens regularly in genetics and coding. It happens in games when previously, the x button which had made you jump, now makes you fly.

>> No.3095889

I like Earth because it is a nice place to live. At least in the UK right now.

>> No.3095890

You lose

>> No.3095896


No, I meant because we can't yet enjoy heaven we have to make the most of the time we have on earth.

>> No.3095906

Heaven is often confused with paradiso.
Heaven is not paradise. Heaven is here on Earth.

Paradise is actually a trap.

>> No.3095910

So, INRI, why should I give a shit what you say?

>> No.3095911

>Paradise is actually a trap.
I think you confused paradise with Mary, who was a trap.

>> No.3095913


>> No.3095916

Of course. That's why he stayed a virgin despite having had sex.

>> No.3095918

>You rely on mathematics which is a ordered system of faith.

no its not you dumb shit. we conduct tests and the universe sends us back direct proof that something happened, such as a photon of light passing through a slit. you think its all just people in lab coats crunching numbers or something. you are narrow minded and you live in your own little world inside your head where things make sense to you.

and why must we make the most of it? because god told you to (a protection mechanism to stop people from thinking rationally and sending themselves straight to heaven). don't pretend like you'd choose to stay on earth if you had the choice to go to heaven (assuming you are a religious nutter who actually wants to go to god's neverending north korea).

>> No.3095919

Atheist status in this thread:

Told [ ]

Stone Told Steve Austin [X]

>> No.3095921

You shouldn't if it makes you happy. I just think that if people changed their gears a little bit, this world would be a much better place.

If life is a rat race, we are better off eating cheese than running a maze. Everyone is running a maze, stepping on each other for no particular reason, making each others lives worse.

God rewards those who love him. He has given me 'knowledge' under the condition I understand it is a sacrifice.

>> No.3095927

In order to believe in him, tonight at exactly 6pm I'd have to suddenly materialise in a bright white room with a bearded man infront of me.

Why do I get saved?? If god was real he'd have to be a pretty egotistical faggot if he automatically saved everyone who believed in him and preached some butchered form of his word from 1000's of years ago and condemmed to hell anyone who didn't believe in him, no matter how productive and good lives they'd lead.

If he really did exist and was omnipotent and omniscient he'd therefore know exactly why I don't believe in him exactly why I feel why I do through sound logical reasoning and seeing religion(s) of the world and he might even respect that people have had the intelligence to develop their own thoughts.

So yeah all that would have to happen to change my mind

>> No.3095930


See >>3095838

>> No.3095931

>and it would be illogical for God to have a creator.

>Christians say shit like this then claim its stupid to say the same thing about the universe


>> No.3095932

Wow. What a slut.

>> No.3095934

>He has given me 'knowledge' under the condition I understand it is a sacrifice.

No, that was you subconsciously simulating to yourself what it would be like if a god existed and spoke to you. You were hallucinating my friend, it's not a big deal.

>> No.3095937


Prove he was hallucinating.

>> No.3095939

If you double the angles of a triangle and place them in a spherical hyperbolic graph -- you reduplicate the feynman diagram for a virtual photon.

If you treat the body as a particle, the hyperbolic triangle extends with infinite area and definite parameter.

Once this packet comes into contact with a nucleus, the frequency of which is dependent on its density (of course), the beams diverge and scatter. If the beam is projected through paper -- you will get the effects you are talking about.

More interestingly enough, if the packet contains an infinite amount of information (that is different types of EMR (or color)), most of it is absorbed into the neutron. The wavelength that is rejected is picked up by your eye as the color of the object.

The funny part is that the true color of an object is every color but the one you are seeing. You are seeing what's rejected, remember?

You should try opening your own mind.

>> No.3095940

Just ignore him, he seems to think it's possible for a god to exist and go about doing things in a realm where time is frozen still and there is no space to build anything with.

He just sticks a label on his god which says "you cannot question the existence of this".

>> No.3095943

Have you defined God in this thread? (Did a quick ctrl+f for “god is” and “define” and found nothing.) If not, what is God?

How could I possibly love God when I do not love myself? How could God possibly give a shit about me when I do not love myself?

Anyway, I guess I’ll go read the rest of the thread in the meantime.

(Damn, how can you give a reasonable response to my aggressive question? Now I have to be reasonable back, you bastard.)

>> No.3095946

>he thinks the onus is on me


>> No.3095949

He becomes egoless without intervention. You have a bigger ego by demanding he prove himself to you.

>> No.3095950

None of which supports your claim that a god exists.

>> No.3095961

You cannot define God. To define something is to put boundaries on it.

You may describe qualities without defining 'it' especially if it's contradiction is also true.

>> No.3095974

If there are no boundaries to god, then it can be my shit?

>> No.3095975

That wasn't meant to. It was to show I don't have a closed uneducated mind.

>> No.3095976


Where atheistfags fail is assuming that God is some cartoony bearded dude that roams the countryside and strikes people with plagues for disobeying him.

>> No.3095986

Person you were replying to here. Read the thread now.

Were my other questions (the ones you ignored) irrelevant?

>> No.3095988

God is your shit, that is correct.
He is the girl you make love to.
He is the cake you crave.

>> No.3095989


Another thing here. When atheists are cornered, they tend to randomly let out their sexual fantasies.

In this case, we see a guy who's apparently into scat.

>> No.3095993


Something that holds across mathematics, logic and science:

If you can't fucking DEFINE something without contradicting yourself, what you're trying to define can't possibly exist.

>> No.3095997


>> No.3096000

So who are YOU, INRI? Tell /sci/ a bit about yourself. From the mundane to the important, please.

>> No.3096003


But what if God is not bound by the laws of science?

>> No.3096005

You cannot prove God like I said before. That which has no contrast cannot be studied.

Humans learn through differentiation. They compare two objects and try to see the differences. There is nothing(as an object) to compare God to as he is literally EVERYTHING. Since you cannot observe nothing, you have nothing to compare him to.

>> No.3096009

If God possesses all positive characteristics. Then why doesn't he have pity and understanding for those who find it hard to believe in his existence?

If he does have this pity and understanding, I don't have to be religious and I can still avoid being damned.

If he doesn't have this pity and understanding, then he contradicts himself and therefore in my eyes either doesn't exist or doesn't deserve my "love".

Also, Henry VIII

>> No.3096011

>what you're trying to define can't possibly exist within the system.
Fixed. Something can exist as external to a system and be impossible to define within that particular system. Not that it means God exists, but just correcting you.

>> No.3096012

But with the same stroke you discredit all science as being no more valid than the supernatural. You are using logic, i.e the very core of science, to argue against itself as being paramount.

As opposed to what? Magical supernatural being who's been around forever who made everything with no explanation as for his existence?

>> No.3096014


So let me get this straight. On one hand, you have logic. On the other hand, you have a hypothetical, impossible entity. And you are going to say that it's REALITY ITSELF that has got it wrong?

Epistemic fail.

>> No.3096018


So gods are not empirical, nor logical.

They can't be dealt with by thoughts, detected in any way through their activities or interacted with.

Logic deals with the first, science with the latter two.

Sounds an awful lot like a hazy cloud of nonexistence to me.

>> No.3096020

Another thing here, when creationists are cornered, they tend to randomly let out ad hominems.

>> No.3096023


>If God possesses all positive characteristics. Then why doesn't he have pity and understanding for those who find it hard to believe in his existence?

Perhaps he does.

>If he does have this pity and understanding, I don't have to be religious and I can still avoid being damned.

Possibly. But insulting those who believe won't get you anywhere.

>Also, Henry VIII

Some guy who had a lot of wives.

>> No.3096029



More smoke and mirrors nonsense to try and deflect anyone seeking an explanation for a god. Again, all you are doing is sticking a label on your god saying "you may not question the existence of this". You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.3096030


>As opposed to what? Magical supernatural being who's been around forever who made everything with no explanation as for his existence?

When we die, I believe it will all be explained to us.

>> No.3096031

… irrelevant to what I was saying.

>> No.3096032


Any sufficiently advanced religion is indistinguishable from a confidence trick.

That's the reason no evidence of deities is forthcoming. It's plain to see. The gods of holy books intervene all the time and make it fucking known that it's them to instill fear and control. Reality deviates significantly.

>> No.3096036

Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
I may never know for certain
When will be my time
How was I considered evil?
Pleasures taken in this life
Someone granted me reprieval
Decades spent in strife

>> No.3096037

Shit's sake!
Stop bumping this fucking thread!

>> No.3096039


Well what you were saying was irrelevant to my point. Thanks for clarifying nonetheless.

>> No.3096041


Exactly. God is in reality more subtle than the Bible lends you to believe, keeping in mind that most of the latter was exaggerated a bit to teach a moral lesson.

>> No.3096046

unlike theists, I do not have an external locus of identity.

Henry VIII dismanteled catholisism in Britian on similar sentiments.

My argument still stands.

>> No.3096049


He broke away from the Church to get divorced. That was it.

>> No.3096050

I'm sorry to inform you but your belief is hollow. Your brain requires an explanation for its own existence and so it has created a simulcrum god.

>> No.3096051
File: 4 KB, 126x103, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>god in reality
>>in reality

>> No.3096052

OP confirmed for sinner, pretending to be jesus is a sin and I wil report you to god.
enjoy your endless totures in hell OP

>> No.3096053

That is incorrect.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I just prefer he keep it to himself.

Sorry, that wasn't intentional.
>> Have you defined God in this thread? (Did a quick ctrl+f for “god is” and “define” and found nothing.) If not, what is God?

I have not defined him. You are God, and in the same way that any object in your own dreams are constructed of you and your own energy, so are the objects in this 'shared dream'. I understand there is a strange connotation with the word 'dream', but if you define reality as where you perceive, it loses most of its meaning and becomes more appropriate for what I am trying to get across to you. I like to use the word "superreal" when describing It.

>>How could I possibly love God when I do not love >>myself? How could God possibly give a shit about >>me when I do not love myself?
As per my previous answer, God cannot love you in the sense that you will feel it. If you have tried to rehabilitate any traumatized/depressed individual before, you will most likely notice that they will not interpret your actions correctly and receive your intention. Without a meeting of the mind there is misfiring and miscommunication. In Western society, arrogance and presumption causes these minor miscommunications to later become something far more damaging.

Why don't you love yourself?

>>(Damn, how can you give a reasonable response to >>my aggressive question? Now I have to be >>reasonable back, you bastard.)
The power of forgiveness is that it inflicts guilt which is a strong motivator for servitude. It is more powerful than anger.

>> No.3096055


Well, do you see evidence of a loud angry god that goes and zaps people with plagues? I don't.

>> No.3096062


>>implying there is evidence for any type of god at all

>> No.3096065


Unless you've died and come back, you cannot say anything with certainty about whether God exists or not.

>> No.3096072


Eh, mebbe a deist god.

>> No.3096078


>>(Damn, how can you give a reasonable response to >>>my aggressive question? Now I have to be >>reasonable back, you bastard.)
>The power of forgiveness is that it inflicts guilt which is a strong motivator for servitude. It is more powerful than anger.

Strong motivator for servitude?
typical divinerightfags. I thought we'd gotten rid of this bullshit in the american and french revolutions.

>> No.3096083

Just think of me as an opportunity to feel better about yourself and your life.

I've gone to jail before and I spent most of my time educating prisoners and helping them philosophically (although it was a short stay as the charges were dropped). It's a sad place.

I'm pretty educated... been through hell and back. Everything I'm sure you guys can relate to.

>> No.3096086


deist god is indistinguishable from no god at all. You can never have evidence for it.

>> No.3096088

>106 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

Really guys? we havent learned not to feed trolls yet?

>> No.3096089

you /sci/tards are such hypocrites with your empirical 'soft skepticism'. When its not convenient to your world view you demand hard proof, when its something you think sounds nifty you let it slide by with just reason based evidence because it seems to 'work'.

Either you MUST have a way to allow god to prove himself through reason alone, or you must never present something as true with out actually seeing it yourself. No in-between. Your system of understanding the world is a a joke otherwise.

>> No.3096097


They have such a colossal ego that they find the very idea of a force in the universe greater than them to be terrifying.

>> No.3096098

Just so you know, I suck cocks because I'm not using a trip.

>> No.3096102

>confusing lack of evidence with existence of evidence

>> No.3096111

Apatheism wins again.

>> No.3096119

True God is all positive and negative qualities -- he created them. Since he is all positive and negative infinities -- they essentially cancel each other out and force him to do nothing.

'Evil' has a place in the world in contrast to 'Good'. These constructs are opinions, and as such, would be treated as factions and given equal treatment especially due to them both being necessary for evolution to happen.

>> No.3096120

>Has no idea what I was even saying

>> No.3096126

Which is what should open your eyes to things not being any one way. I'm pretty sure you already have this ability.

>> No.3096128

>thinks he can claim anything as true due to lack of contradictory evidence


(you fail at life)

>> No.3096130

>Sorry, that wasn't intentional.
Oh OK. Thank you!

>I have not defined him. You are God, and in the same way that any object in your own dreams are constructed of you and your own energy, so are the objects in this 'shared dream'. I understand there is a strange connotation with the word 'dream', but if you define reality as where you perceive, it loses most of its meaning and becomes more appropriate for what I am trying to get across to you. I like to use the word "superreal" when describing It.
Actually, that makes perfect sense.

>As per my previous answer, God cannot love you in the sense that you will feel it. If you have tried to rehabilitate any traumatized/depressed individual before, you will most likely notice that they will not interpret your actions correctly and receive your intention. Without a meeting of the mind there is misfiring and miscommunication. In Western society, arrogance and presumption causes these minor miscommunications to later become something far more damaging.
OK. Thanks. So I’m on my own in that sense.

>Why don't you love yourself?
Subjectively, because I am a horrible person who deserves nothing good. Objectively, it probably has something to do with internalising the bullying and emotional abuse I got a lot of when I was younger. (It wasn’t as bad as a lot of people get, you understand, but I have a tendency to internalise things.)

>The power of forgiveness is that it inflicts guilt which is a strong motivator for servitude. It is more powerful than anger.
Grr. :P

>> No.3096131

>thinks he has it all figured out
>doesn't realise he's just babbling incoherently

>> No.3096134

Which is why its a choice. Statistical evidence leans towards multiple cause(sources/entanglement) and effect in every situation, while logic leans towards it being thought of in response for justification or as a given as in creation (used widely in mathematics).

The best part is that mathematics is useful! So much so we generally do not comprehend it for decades.

>> No.3096135

Because true philosophical skepticism gets you nowhere.

>> No.3096140

I know its offensive to hear such a thing, but it comes down to opinion and utility. Science has led us by the nose to enslavement -- it has driven me to speak to you through the clouds. It has made our lives easier, but at what cost? The arrogance and sloth it brings is awful -- not to mention it usually has unintended consequences. "Science" for the sake of science has led to a careless and dangerous mindset.

As with most things, science and faith should have a healthy balance instead of bickering like republicans and democrats.

>> No.3096141

But Pyrrhonism is still awesome.

>> No.3096150

I'm not trying to put up smoke and mirrors. I'm just saying its logically impossible to prove God because, functionally, if an object has no comparison, it cannot be compared.

n/0 is a good example in math.

Having only one's eyes, if everything was the exact same color white; how could you observe or know anything?

I just can't imagine how to prove something that is a given other than faith. You can correct me if you come up with an answer... I'd be stoked

>> No.3096151

Confirmed for boring argument that goes nowhere..
Stay classy /sci/

>> No.3096154

By using reason to fill in those uncertainties you are tricking yourself into being more sure than you actually have right to be, leading to arrogance and more resistance to re-examining things.

A skeptic ends up having a more open mind because they are more capable of dealing with probabilities in places that modern empiricists are accustomed to truth. This allows for a system of understanding with the minimal amount of dogma.

>> No.3096155

No, logic is hypothetical in nature. Its self affirming like the bible many scientists hate so much (with good reason... what a horrible book.)

>> No.3096164


>>As opposed to what? Magical supernatural being who's been around forever who made everything with no explanation as for his existence?

I'm not sure that any of you have standards for what would be reasonable proof of God. Even if you did and could accept his presence without having a panic attack, him telling you what to do would remove your freewill and your ability to claim ignorance.

It is actually to our advantage that we are ignorant.

>> No.3096165

Confirmed for butthurt /x/tard

>> No.3096178

I'm not Jesus buddy. How would I possibly know that?

I was born on 777 (in silly numerology) and had a temporary star around my arrival while being conceived on the celestial convergence near 9/11 though.

Not that it matters since we are all 'Children of God' as he supposedly put it.

>> No.3096179


Never been on /x/..

>Implying /sci/ isnt full of the same idiots showing off/getting butthurt

>> No.3096181

I don't need an explanation for my own brain... I am fine with unknowns. Curiosity is a pass time.

>> No.3096185

It isn't a bad thing. People are really selfish these days.

>> No.3096188

/sci/ is /fit/ meets /x/ meets /lit/ meets /prog/ meets /g/.

>> No.3096193

Oh, and its not like forgiveness is an easy thing to do. It also encourages others to spread forgiveness, to not be dishonest as to deserve guilt by being brought upon one's self, and generally improves communication and trust between strangers.

You know... good faith in others? Instead of assuming ill intention? Its really beneficial especially when most people are so presumptuous and lack high levels of communication and life experience.

I mean... just think about the consequences of anger or rejecting.

>> No.3096207


You know, I can't say I'm surprised. For centuries religion has acted as a supporter to the status quo, to kings and emperors, to abusive capitalists, to nazis and conservative coups d'etat.

And all the time, no matter what era of history, they together bemoan 'the decline of moral standards', and the inability of mankind to get pissed off when asked to take the proverbial cock up the ass.

Such beliefs were and are the cause of shitloads of suffering worldwide. We humanists do not think that 'because I can' is an excuse for abhorrent behaviour.

Remember, asshole, sic semper tyranis.

>> No.3096217

>doesnt know how fascism works
>hitler tried to convert religion for his purposes but then gave up realizing it was a waste of time

>> No.3096225


the catholic church supported hitler because he was anti-communist. The pope signed a concordat with hitler. He claimed his mission was divinely inspired.

>> No.3096226

You just need to remember that people often have unreasonable expectations of others without considering to their environment or knowledge. Some on your part, most likely more on their part as I doubt the people you interact with are as knowledgeable about the world or are as introverted and curious.

It goes for a lot of people on here.

The worst part is when you get stereotyped or have 'truth' somehow obfuscated because everyone automatically assumes embellishment or lies. Not that you would be guilty of that, right? ;)

Just be yourself and learn other peoples interests. Try to keep to yourself and make simple comments. Smile at others and try to make them seem smarter.

Not saying all this will apply to you... but I'm pretty sure I'm hitting people around here.

>> No.3096232

The pope has an ipod, is religion supporting apple?

>> No.3096236

>A skeptic ends up having a more open mind because they are more capable of dealing with probabilities in places that modern empiricists are accustomed to truth. This allows for a system of understanding with the minimal amount of dogma.
Yes, and that's called science.

>> No.3096242

"I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

He has many other similar quotes. There was one about how killing Jews was "god's work". It doesn't matter if he actually believed in god or not. He still used religious ideals as leverage to gain support.

>> No.3096244

If the pope made a policy for every Catholic to own an iPod, then yes.

>> No.3096255

No. Science is full of dogma caused by its insistence on using reason as evidence to augment empiricism to allow it to work with truths even when it does not have hard evidence.

This leads to people naturally and gradually assuming what they know is more solidly true than it is, preventing a resistance to reexamination or change.

A skeptic will work with the same things and come to the same practical conclusions and applications while ever mindful that there are no truths but only degrees of probability.

>> No.3096257

When something seems to "work" it's because it already logically fits into what we have accepted to be probable and truthful. Shitty analogy incoming, but consider it;

Yesterday an apple was on the ground at the base of a tree. So it follows that gravity knocked it down.

We accept this because it is reasonable and probable, and fits into what we already consider to be reasonable and probable.

But what if he had said, "I saw an apple levitating, gravity is false."

I would demand hard evidence because his claim is so improbable.

Yes, there is a bit of personal involvement and judgement here because the person must consider what is probable, and define it for himself. But there is no other way to do it, so we just have to deal with it.

>> No.3096261

Wow... lots of responses. I like you people. Math time:

You can divide any number by 5 inside your head by multiplying by 2 and carrying to your left.

There are only 81 of these to remember before there is no more calculating required for math.

>> No.3096263

You don't understand what science is then.

>> No.3096270

>A skeptic will work with the same things and come to the same practical conclusions and applications while ever mindful that there are no truths but only degrees of probability.
That's pretty much the definition of science.

>> No.3096271

I assume you are an Angel in disguise among the sheep. It's nice to meet ya. ;)

>> No.3096275

Oops, I meant working from left to right.
I'm a bit tired.

>> No.3096280

but multiplying by 2 is still "calculating"

>> No.3096282

Dont confuse religion and spirituality, and dont confuse either with propaganda. And he did not like jews because jews consider their 'jewness' a more important identity than their nation. Both of the above are not compatible with fascism which requires state affiliation to be the most important.

>> No.3096283

It also doesn't consider the fact that maybe like a 'car', gravity is an illusion of many simultaneous parts working together.

I'm just saying... there's no particle for it and gravity functions non-linearly depending on the magnitude being observed.

>> No.3096294

You can go on with ideals all you want. Im talking about the prolonged effect of actual people being exposed to a way of thinking that commonly presents certain things as true when they are only probable. Over time this makes people resistant to change because they lose the mental malleability that uncertainly allows.

>> No.3096296


>It also doesn't consider the fact that maybe like a 'car', gravity is an illusion of many simultaneous parts working together.

another brilliant example of scientific truth found in religion


>> No.3096302

>You can go on with ideals all you want. Im talking about the prolonged effect of actual people being exposed to a way of thinking that commonly presents certain things as true when they are only probable. Over time this makes people resistant to change because they lose the mental malleability that uncertainly allows.
That's because as I said, true philosophical skepticism gets you nowhere, you couldn't even have a conversation with another person.
Most people do know what scientists mean by "truth" and "fact".

>> No.3096305

Right... which is why science led us to global warming. Radiant energy from energy generation is more of a culprit than CO2, I mean, if you calculate the volume of the atmosphere in terms of PURE water and integrate generously conservative calculations, you can easily determine that there is enough radiant energy to turn the atmosphere (if it were pure water) up almost 10 degrees.

Yea, crazy right? I mean its not like the ocean could heat up as a consequence and all that pressurized CO2 at the bottom could be released.

Its not like those waves are amplified in power by the Earth's core or anything. Concept gained here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity

Science is an excuse to sham people who want to seem like they are intelligent (*cough* eugenics *cough*)

Just an alternative view on the subject. Its hard to say that this radiant energy doesn't heat the earth when HAARP uses some of the same frequencies as *gasp* the TV used.

>> No.3096307

I’m not knowledgeable. Not at all.

>The worst part is when you get stereotyped or have 'truth' somehow obfuscated because everyone automatically assumes embellishment or lies. Not that you would be guilty of that, right? ;)
I’ve been on both sides. That one guy whose side I was against deserved it, though. He was delusional that he was a time traveler who was deeply in love with me. Fucking prick. I still miss him, even though I’m talking shit about him. I was hoping that he’d show up last night or last weekend, because I contacted him. He didn’t. He may tonight. Probably won’t. Douche. (Him, not you. Unless you are him. But I don’t think you are him because you can type much betetr than he can.)

>Just be yourself and learn other peoples interests. Try to keep to yourself and make simple comments. Smile at others and try to make them seem smarter.
I’m doing everything except the last one. That last one seems like a nice thing to do. It’d help with other people’s confidence… but this reminds me of one anon on /adv/ whose girlfriend was getting bullied, and decided to hit anon to see how strong she was. She didn’t hurt him because she wasn’t strong at all, but anon pretended she was really strong. This gave her confidence and she went to sort out her bullies on her own. They beat the shit out of her and put her in hospital, and anon felt so bad because of his making her out to be strong when she wasn’t is what ultimately caused her to go fight on her own (shoutout to that anon: you’re an OK dude and I hope you and your girlfriend are happy!). I don’t want to do that to someone… maybe there is a balance to be found in making others seem intelligent.

>> No.3096308

>you couldn't even have a conversation with another person

And why's that?

>> No.3096310

The man is right. Not that it means much.
I think Hitler was fighting the banks anyways? Its about when the Federal Government in the USA decided to limit the size of congress unconstitutionally (George Washington forbade it) and started forcing a change in currency standards which would have screwed everyone but Britain and US.

I'm not sure though.

>> No.3096311

This thread dropped /sci/'s IQ by 10 points.

>> No.3096314

Multiplying by 2 is a lot easier than dividing by 5.

It really becomes a memory game where you just shift values without really doing any work.

>> No.3096317

Well.. your body is a machine and it DOES travel through time. ;)

>> No.3096319

You don't speak for others... you just give more information about yourself.

>> No.3096321

You couldn't prove the other person existed.

>> No.3096325

>/sci/ the smartest board on 4chan
>constantly getting trolled by regilous threads

>> No.3096326

There is a difference between recognizing good qualities that are correct and giving out false information. Your story was a pretty good illustration that you understood that already though. ;)

>> No.3096333

Not really a religious thread -- but thanks for not paying attention.

>> No.3096335

How would that prevent you from talking to them?

>> No.3096337


I guess.

Well, this is kind of unsatisfying. Any advice on nootropics?

>> No.3096341
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>I just find it odd that such a large percentage of you don't believe in me.
>zero evidence

>> No.3096343


They expect him to appear in their living room in a white robe. Unless you're Jimmy Carter and you drank strychnine, it doesn't work like that.

>> No.3096348

How could you have a conversation with someone you don't believe exists?

>> No.3096364

They slap you round the back of the head and say, “Oi, I’m talking to you”. I’d listen then…

>> No.3096366

Cardio based exercise is actually very effective for increasing oxygen supplies to your brain. Good nutrition is a duh but it generally takes months for a good result.

Yerba Mate can be taken over time which will increase extracellular ATP resources over a few weeks. It will also increase neurological plasticity and cardiovascular repair/improvements. (not to be mixed with the lower drugs... a little dangerous)

Amphetamine is very effective if you can get a medicinal amount from a practitioner. It is far more effective at increasing your ability to understand abstract concepts, math, and logic as opposed to some norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It also increases your resistance to radiation. Street amp is a no-no. You need to study the issue and discuss it with caretakers first as it can be addictive.

Eating enough fat, amino acids, and sleep should be a primary concern. Studying mathematics (Why and How) will increase your ability to think in general.

Hope this helps!

>> No.3096369

>you don't believe exists?

This here is an illustration of the problem i was talking about earlier. You naturally go for either 'does' or 'does not' exist, with out allowing for uncertainty.

>> No.3096380

I guess. (I’d check with my doctor before doing anything anyway.)

Who are you, anyway?

>> No.3096388

>You naturally go for either 'does' or 'does not' exist, with out allowing for uncertainty.
Science don't, which is the beauty of it.

>> No.3096394

Science takes the agnostic approach but scientists do not.

>> No.3096400

You'll know who I am if you ever meet me.

>> No.3096403

Can’t you just answer my question straightly?

>> No.3096404
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>> No.3096405

No, science definitely doesn't take the agnostic approach, you couldn't do science if you didn't believe that something is explainable.
And yes, of course there are bad scientists - as in all fields, what's your point?

>> No.3096414
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>> No.3096427

Not being able to explain things does not mean things do not have an explanation.

And being able to explain something does not mean you are right about it.

>> No.3096434

Agnostics don't necessarily believe the existence of God is unexplainable? Admittedly, that IS one of the accepted definitions, but there is a different one that expresses doubt and skepticism as opposed to that rigid nonsense.

>Doubt & Skepticism = SCIENCE

>> No.3096452

Yes, that is what I've been saying.
I don't even understand what you're arguing for here.

>> No.3096454


Get away from me, OP. You reek of the irrational

>> No.3096460

But science does deal with knowledge and understanding things, so it has nothing at all to do with agnosticism.

>> No.3096463

Im arguing for pyrrhonism over empiricism.

>> No.3096489

What the hell are you talking about, there is no dichotomy between pyrrhonism and empiricism, they are different things.
Empiricism deals with how you can get knowledge (epistemology).
Pyrrhonism (or skepticism) deals with what constitutes knowledge or facts.

>> No.3096491

you're making prryhonists look like morons

they can do without you

>> No.3096499

No. That's what I just finished saying. Agnosticism isn't just your NOTHING IS KNOWABLE idea that you have in your head about it. I already admitted (if you'll read my damn post) that IS one of the accepted definitions, BUT

Agnosticism can be about approaching questions cautiously until any doubt about the answer is removed. At which point, you are no longer agnostic about the question. Instead, you know the answer. Is this really so hard?

>> No.3096509

>Instead, you know the answer. Is this really so hard?
Yes, because you're contradicting yourself.
You can't be agnostic AND know the answer, science DOES claim to know the answer - thus it can be in know way described as agnostic (and I haven't even pointed out that agnosticism only deals with the existence of deities)

>> No.3096513

You are confusing academic empiricism with philisophical empiricism.

Pyrrhonism and empiricism are actually very similar, the main difference being that empiricism is willing to extrapolate a little further, and more importantly for my point, does not reinforce the idea fallibility as vigorously.

>> No.3096520

but science is always evolving, isn't it? Science used to to claim the Copernican model of the solar system was The Truth, but our technology changed. New facts came to the surface and all of a sudden, The Truth changed. Same thing happened with models of the atom and now we know about subatomic particles. If science knew things, absolutely KNEW things, it would stop looking and we'd be mired in the dark ages.

>> No.3096527

No, you're absolutely right. I AM contradicting myself, but I think I've just inadvertently shown that science is agnostic

>> No.3096529

In the everything-is-unknowable defenition, anyway.

>> No.3096534

>200 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Fucking sage.

>> No.3096547

> I haven't even pointed out that agnosticism only deals with the existence of deities

Also, wrong. Just flat out wrong.

the doctrine or belief of an agnostic.
an intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge.

>> No.3096549

Yes, scientific understand is indeed evolving all the time, but trying to label it as "agnostic" makes absolutely no sense - which is what I pointed out.

>> No.3096555

Look up Thomas Henry Huxley.

>> No.3096559

>but I think I've just inadvertently shown that science is agnostic
No, you haven't shown anything except some illogical statements.

>> No.3096566

Okay? The meaning of the word has obviously changed ever so slightly. Words do that sometimes.

>> No.3096569

Except no one ever talks about being agnostic about fairies, dragons and voodoo.

>> No.3096575

Your point?
It's part of the definition of the word. Just because it's not the most popular definition doesn't make it any less the case.

>> No.3096581

Word's meaning are defined in how people use it.
Nigger might technically be defined as referring to the color black, but that's not how anyone uses it.

>> No.3096584

As crude and unfair as that example was, it doesn't make my statement less valid.

>> No.3096606

Phew, thanks for the argument anon. Well done! Got my heart rate up because I was mad for a bit there, feels good. I'ma go about my day now. Have fun!

>> No.3096642

Thanks OP.

I often wonder about god and try to apply logic to god's existence. Your discussions have opened my eyes further to the logic of a god.

>> No.3096667
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>Post a picture of Jesus on /sci/
>more than 200 replies

>> No.3096720

Atheist can give better explanations for God existence and motivations than the actual bible + christians together.


>> No.3097191

Did anyone notice how this thread looks like its one person arguing with himself?

>> No.3097221

Not really. I samefagged a little, but that was partially because I had valid points that I forgot to bring up whilst composing previous posts. Also, epiphanies. ~10 of these are mine.

>> No.3097224

The more and more I read about theoretical physics the closer I come to completely believing in Brahman.

>> No.3097250

>under what condition would I be able to present myself so that you would believe I am who I am?
Just, like, show up at my door and throw down a miracle. Like, turn my dog into a cat. Or do something in a public place.

Or, next time a christian prays for something miraculous, let it happen. Make it so christians can heal the sick or something. Or maybe next time a plane crashes, have all the christians survive and everyone else die, so at least it appears as though they're special in any way.