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File: 36 KB, 600x300, An Inconvenient Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3094574 No.3094574 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody talks any more about the Global Warming. The hype is over. What's the last consensus about it? What do you think that will happen?

>> No.3094584

Most people generally accept that it's just a natural cycle of the planets temperature.

>> No.3094587

Some, yes, but "most"? I doubt that.

>> No.3094588


This is a flat out lie.

>> No.3094596

> Nobody talks any more about the Global Warming. The hype is over.

Now that it's summer, I bet we'll see some news again.

>> No.3094635

I don't know what you're talking about. I hear about it every damn day. And there's always new legislation jackasses are arguing over. 'Green' is the most annoying new buzz word of the past two years. Next to the Constitution and bitching about the economy it is probably the most pervasive meme in the land and one of the most annoying as well.

>> No.3094652
File: 17 KB, 447x300, chuck-norris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This pic is a meme. An epic meme. Global warming and constitution isn't an meme.

Now GTFO summer fag.

>> No.3094663

>past 2 years
>multinational conglomerates have been engaged in "green" r&d and implementing minimal-impact operations for over a quarter of a century

Cool story tho. Have anything else that you only barely comprehend that you would like to rage over?

>> No.3094672

>thinks meme only pertains to stupid internet pictures
or if you're a troll then 8/10.

>> No.3094675

"meme" is not exclusive to the internet. In fact, "meme" predates the internet, and refers to almost anything that becomes pervasive.

For example, it was once a meme for women to restrict the growth of their breasts with iron bands.

>> No.3094679

Not anywhere near most.

I hate al gore. He's a liar and misrepresents Climate change. The general consensus around people who actually study the issue that it's real and it will have significant, some negative, effects on our environment, economy and therefore lifestyle.

inb4 "Hide the decline" quote mining bullshit.

>> No.3094689

yes but before the internet nobody would use such a stupid fucking word because people you talked to were generally in front of you and would ask you to stop being a faggot.

>> No.3094690
File: 18 KB, 250x250, Bald Homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3094694
File: 18 KB, 370x300, He-Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying the word meme was used before the Internet.
>Implying language doesn't evolve
>Implying these picture aren't epic win

>> No.3094702

People realized that, either way, being desperate doesn't help.

They also realized that recycling is cool and companies are slowly going green while new technology helps us save the world. We'll get over it.

>> No.3094713

>implying buzz word has been in use more than 25 years? Or just not understanding what buzz word means?
Trolling or just stupid? Unsure.

>> No.3094726
File: 70 KB, 700x853, guysguys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should be generating synthetic oil with thorium energy regardless of how many polar bears might melt to death.

>> No.3094735

I dunno. Somehow most people agree it's a problem but nobody seems to be doing anything about it. Sorta like Poverty, Crime, Education, and all our other problems.

...People are pretty damn irresponsible I guess.

>> No.3094775

> 'Green' is the most annoying new buzz word of the past two years.
Yes, but to have a greener planet you need a planet that is warmer and/or has a high CO2 concentration.

>> No.3094788

Much of the hive-minded scientists believe in global warming but most of the general populace does not.

>> No.3094802

global warming had a short scare. Unfortunately, its not something that's easy to keep the publics attention. Most of us have short attention spans. Something like the war in the middle east can barely keep our attention, and it has changes every day. dictators doing things, soldiers getting shot etc. Global warming is a slow thing. it creeps up on us. As such, although scientists, and even much of the general public, realize that it will happen, it has fallen to the absolute backburners. Many people have even decided to just ignore the problem once and for all, ignoring, or misinterpreting evidence, claiming to suggest that this warming is some hoax.
We do still have a sereous problem ecologically, and many good scientists are putting lots of resources into studying the problem every day. Unfortunately people are not talking about it because nothing has happened about it. It just slowly changes the climate to worrying degrees. Assuming one of the "SNAP" scenarios do not occur, we may never even realize that we have reached the full extent of the change to our climate. None the less, the climate is changing, and all evidence points to it being from man made actions, and that it may have drastic effects on the climate, and thus how we and everyone around us live, in the future.

>> No.3094809

yes. Why should the general public believe scientists on a matter clearly regarding SCIENCE. we should ignore the scientists. thats much easier. We'll be better off without their hocus pocus, and their hive minded conspiracies.

>> No.3094825

meme was a coin termed BEFORE the internet became popular, in the seventies by Richard Dawkins. It is meant to describe an idea (or group of ideas) that get passed along, mutate, and further passed along the same way genomes get passed from animal to animal. (by giving birth)

>> No.3094828

People that lack knowledge of the topic: the earth has only warmed once and that started during the industrial revolution.

People with minimal knowledge on the topic: The earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. Because of this we cannot prove the earth is warming up because of humans. It could be speeding it up, or it could have nothing to do with it, there is no actual proof either way.

>> No.3094862

People with actual knowledge on the topic: Although there are cycles of warming and cooling, this cycle is unlike the other cycles as it is accelerating at a speed unprecedented, and has a direct correlation with human industrial activity. Other cycles had predictable slow changes (with the exception of their snapping points) but this one is rapid enough to be noticeable within a mere few human generations.
These people realize that your second type of people learned just enough to feel justified with putting their fingers in their ears and yelling ITS ONLY A CYCLE!

>> No.3094891


> its a cycle
> it is worse than normal cycle
> humans are adding onto this cycle


> it is a cycle
> it was warming more in late 1100's
> humans cannot be tied to more, even, less warming during this warming cycle

>> No.3094893
File: 162 KB, 708x631, star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in a ice age and people think there is such a thing as global warming