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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 450x333, led-shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3094088 No.3094088 [Reply] [Original]

Hot showers, warm showers, or cold showers.
Explain your reasoning

>> No.3094093

hot showers

because that is what my parents raised me to believe

>> No.3094092

Warm or hot because it feels good and cleans better, especially in conjunction with soap.

>> No.3094094

Hot. Because fuck you.

>> No.3094097

Warm always warm. I shower in the mornings right after getting out of bed. I love being all cosy warm in the duvet and wish to continue that feeling.

>> No.3094099

Why would anyone consciously decide to take a shower at anything but a comfortable tempertue?


>> No.3094103


>> No.3094104

When I was a kid cold. Then hot for some reason. Maybe because my balls dropped.

>> No.3094106


I take cold showers because I'm a total bad ass you're just a pussie.

>> No.3094109

Cold, I need the shock therapy to feel fully awake.

>> No.3094115

Cold showers in the morning, warm showers at night.

I shouldn't have to explain why, it makes the most sense

>> No.3094120

water is the only thing holding the human race back. This primitive resource is spelling disaster for our kind. How about finding a way to sterilize ourselves?

>> No.3094127

Cold water (or even room temperature water; remember your body is about 37*C/98*F) is a real shock to your skin. The temperature differential and the physical contact sets off a bunch of sensory neurons, telling you brain that something just happened. Your instinct is then to wake up and see what's going on, in case something bad is happening.

I sometimes dip my wrists and dab my neck with cold water for this same reason, especially before tests.

>> No.3094133

Warm at first, then cold at the end to wake me up in the morning.

>> No.3094135

Warm shower to clean, cold shower to relax on a hot day.

>> No.3094150

Hot shower

I always get up two hours early, but end up falling asleep in the shower.

>> No.3094162

Arebt human beings like 70% water. Theres no escaping water

>> No.3094172

Cold, In the mornings, Cold at night.

Im just crazy

>> No.3094171

I started having cold showers last year... there was no hot water in the house for a while and I needed a shower so was forced to learn to cope.
It took a while but once I got used to it I LOVED it, all my showers were cold and I was feeling great.
Then I was in on holiday and the shower in the hotel was really powerful and there was loads of hot water, and I was randy as fuck and wanted to have a good fap.
so I said hey I'll take a nice hot shower.
and after that I went back to hot showers. now I can't do cold again.
I should lean to do it again. It really helped shock me half way out of my general depression shit.

tl;dr? leanrned to love cold showers last year, then switched back to hot, now can't do cold again.

>> No.3094182

we need to when we have to move to some other planet following the eventual destruction of Earth,

>> No.3094186

We,ll only be able to inhabit other planets if they have water

>> No.3094187

Pretty even split I'm surprised

I thought /sci/ was filled with a bunch of pussies

>> No.3094191

>wake up at 5 am
>crawl out of bed
>stand under showerhead
>fuck you body!
>turn knob to cold from the start and open valve
>FUCKFUCKFUCK breathing deep for the first 30 seconds
>feel like god after that initial shock
>be wide eyed awake when I commute to the gym which is mostly empty at 7 am
>at the end of the day have a nice warm shower as a reward

>> No.3094195

What other know planet has water?
exactly. we'll have to improvise.
Imagine all the shit we'll be able to do once we eradicate our dependency on water. Or at least minimize it.

>> No.3094204

>implying we haven't found water on Mars or Europa.

>> No.3094211

Guys. water is pretty fucking common...


>> No.3094219

we've found evidence of water once existing abundantly on mars. The water there now is not capable of sustaining life. While we may not be forced to eradicate it entirely, we need to consume it in moderation. But you can't tell me life wouldn't be better without our burning need for water

>> No.3094226
File: 33 KB, 302x300, your_opinion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not capable of sustaining life
How do you know? Some kinds of life are pretty badass. Not to mention there could be extremophiles on Mars we don't even know of.

>> No.3094234

Human life
hey is anyone else having issues with 4chan. i have to refresh like 5 times.

>> No.3094237

Hot. Every night I'm like hey lets get out of bed when my alarm goes instead of snoozing, then lets take a cold shower because fuck you.

Then I get out of bed after three snoozes and turn on a nice hot shower.

>> No.3094239

Oh, so it's all about us now, is it?

>> No.3094253

That is what i've been taking about. reducing or eradicating Human dependence on water

>> No.3094258

I wash myself with the hottest I can get it so that it's not too hot to handle (probably about a 7/10 on a scale from as cold as it gets to as hot as it gets), because it lathers up well. But after I've scrubbed myself, I turn it to as cold as I can handle to rinse myself off, since the conditioner and soap come off easier. Last thing I want is to have any excess conditioner in my hair, because it causes dandruff.

It's basically the same way I wash my dishes.

>> No.3094275

I have a ritual called ‘terminator’. I crouch in the shower in the “naked terminator” pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.

>> No.3094328

>Start with warm
>Gradually go into hot as the shower goes on, minute by minute
>End up with fully hot water at the end

Feels good, man.

>> No.3094344


wait... copypasta?

or have I actually jumped back in time to last summer? holy fuck that would be awesome!
Let it be that pleasse!

>> No.3094346

I know this guy's being sarcastic, but this is pretty much the argument for the 'cold' people.

>> No.3094369


I have to say... there are some benefits to the cold shower... the shock to the system really wakes you up.
I'm sure it helped me snap out of rut last year.
Should really start with them again.

>> No.3095386
File: 66 KB, 553x386, every_sperm_is_sacred1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3095393

If you don't have two removeable showerheads at different temperatures, you don't know shit about showers.

>> No.3095397

The cost of transfering water from there to here.

Also the moon also has water.

>> No.3095396 [DELETED] 

this thread isn't even worth typing in the captcha for.

what's wrong with you faggots.

>> No.3095415

hot. i don't usually need extra help waking up in the morning. if i didn't get much sleep the night before, i drink tea or coffee. taking a cold shower seems silly to me.

>> No.3095449


You see this name that I have. It's for people like you on /sci/. Yes you, people who don't fucking pay attention in their math and sciences classes in hs/college. The fact that someone given the benefits that you have had over your life, not to mention being at the current epoch of human evolution, knowledge and understanding, would squander that and then proceed to make up widely absurd psuedo-science bullshit makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

I mean honestly do you even realize how fucking dumb you sound right now to anyone who bothered to pay attention is a biology course? I guess not otherwise you would shut your cunt for two seconds and think.

It's seriously people like you that make me think that there really is no fucking hope for this world. If this is supposed to be the smart board of a collection of about 12 million people then we have a fucking long way to go. Do everyone a favor and get off /sci/ and open a book or Wikipedia or something. Go jerk off in /b/ if you want to, just quit dragging the collective IQ of everyone else around you down.

>> No.3095458

Hot then cold to assist muscular recovery.

>> No.3095466


fuck glad you said it

And then they want to hate on Biology for being "impure" or "easy." This is one of the many reasons I rarely visit /sci/ on more than a daily basis, and even more rarely read into a single topic or post anything. Seriously, fuck you people.

>> No.3095470


I don't hate any science here as long as it's not dumb bullshit. I'd like to see more chem/bio threads even though I'm no where near an expert on them.

>> No.3095477

Hot, because I don't have enough fat to maintain homeothermy while pelted by a cold substance with a high specific heat and good heat transfer properties.

>> No.3095482

>in the morning

>after a workout

Simple as that

>> No.3095485
File: 37 KB, 400x307, interesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3095493

I hooked up a computer to my shower and let it gather data about how I adjusted the temperature and pressure throughout a "shower session" at various times of the day and in different room temperatures, then I let it analyze that for a while and now I don't even have to touch the damn thing. I push on, leave it for a second for the water to get to the right temperature and then I just jump in, and it's always just right.

Not really, but that would be pretty sweet eh?

>> No.3095496


Both hot and cold for training my cardiovascular system errday.

>> No.3095498

>Start with cold, scream like a bitch
>after it gets comfortable switch to hot, scream like a bitch
>once I'm able to bear the heat, switch to cold again,
>repeat this 5 times, get out of the shower, crying

I want to extend the span of temperature I feel comfortable at and also become better at bearing pain.

>> No.3095515


Also your heart etc. will profit from that procedure.

>> No.3095542

Showering in cold water from time to time helps your immunity.

>> No.3095560

Because I don't like cold, and lukewarm is only meh.

>> No.3095562


You'd have to have it keep track of your circadian rhythms as well; body temperature has a role to play in whether you want to be hotter or colder.

>> No.3095565

Warm shower in the beginning. Right before you get out you blast that sucker to slightly above arctic temperatures and get your whole trunk in there. Afterwards you dry off and call it a day.

>> No.3095571

This if I'm feeling sluggish
And this if I'm not

>> No.3095621

I don't shower.

>> No.3095626

Scalding hot. My reasoning:

Cold water is for enjoyment (beach, pool, water slides)
Hot water is for cleaning (shower, washing hands)

>> No.3095633


beach/pool/water slide water is cold?

>> No.3095641


Relative to the temperature of the air, usually.

>> No.3095648


Oh ok. I never seem to feel a difference though. I'm always hot as fuck (no pun intended), never wear a jacket.

>> No.3095793

I'm like that as well (oh, its -10 out? I didn't notice...) but like my showers scalding hot.

>> No.3095797

temperature differences fuck you up. go for tepid (room temp) shower.