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3091275 No.3091275 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/.

I have an busines idea.
The idea involves genetic manipulation and seals.
I wish to alter the arctic seal in such way that it will never reach the adult stage of its development. Essentially keeping them as cubs for their whole lives. I wish to sell these cute as fuck creatures to rich fucks with no morality.
An other possible market is for example the growing chinese middle class. Because they live in cramped cities and their cultural habits, dogs and cats are ill fitting to be pets. This is where my genetically altered seals come in. They provide the cutenes that kittens and puppies provide, but they can't walk, so there is no need for them to move aroud. The owners can just leave it wadling around the house while they are gone, or perphehaps leave it in the bath tub to swim around.

Because this creature would spent its whole life as a baby, they would only need to feed it milk.
it would be like a living teddy bear, exept it would be a SEAL! Perfect for child families! Easy as fuck to keep, and it would provide all the cutenes and company the family would ever need.

Just look at this motherfuker!


Wouldn't you want one as a pet, especially if it never grew up?
With SCIENCE this is possible!

What I am asking you, is what precautions should I consider if I ever try to pursue this busines idea. For example, should I move to a certain country before I start the innitial product development, to evade too harsh laws against genetic alteration?

>> No.3091285
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I love you man

>> No.3091282
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>> No.3091286


>> No.3091293
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Oh gee, what makes you think that?
Nothing is impossible if you have dreams and the will to work towards them!
For Science and Profit!

>> No.3091301

if you could do that though you could also stop human aging, both unlikely.

>> No.3091307


Your apreciation is noted, are you perphehaps interested in my other busines ideas that would apply biotechnology in good and traditional MAD SCIENCE way?

These ideas include the upplifting of squids to serve as an green alternative to traditional fishing boats, and the creation of hybrid of lobster, spider and wasp to serve as the ultimate terror weapon.

>> No.3091322


He doesn't want to prevent aging, just to prevent maturity. I suppose this could be done by fine-tuning its hormone levels every day, but you can't breed a race of sexually immature seals for obvious reasons.

>> No.3091324


I have no intention of stopping the aging of these creatures. What I am merely suggesting is to stop theri physical development at certain stage. This could theoretically be achived by blokking certain hormones that direct the development to adulthood.

Their cells would still age normaly, their bodies would just be locked in to a baby like state. This is very differend to stopping aging.

>> No.3091331

oic guess i misunderstood

>> No.3091345


The production of these seals could go in many ways. They could be cloned and inserted in the wombs of mature unaltered seals, or they could be made in such way that only their size and outwards apparence stops developing normally, but they would still become sexually mature.

They could also be made in a way that they require certain externaly aplied hormones ( because their body doens't produce them) to trigger their sexual maturity. This and the first way would allow the company to have a complete monopoly on the production of these creatures, but with significantly higher costs.
The second option would allow people to breed these creatures, witch would be bad for the company, because they would lose profit.

>> No.3091352


Peta fags and other animal activists are going to kill you and your family if you ever try to do something like this.

Just a friendly warning.

>> No.3091376
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>creation of hybrid of lobster, spider and wasp to serve as the ultimate terror weapon.

Are you trying to kill of humanity?
If those things would be anything like I imagined them, they would be basically Cazadores up to eleven.
We would be fucked!

>> No.3091382

What are they going to do, act like bigger hypocrites than they already are?

>> No.3091385

>mfw OP has no idea what genetic engineering actually is.

seriously notsureifstupidortroll.jpg

>> No.3091388


That is to be expected. This is why I asked what precautions I should take, in order to avoid this.

>> No.3091390

Hm, what you are asking is actually simple.

All you need to do is develop a pill that inhibits the Growth hormone of the seal when it is young.

you don't need to really genetically engineer a seal to get this result

>> No.3091413


That is good to hear, because it makes my job mutch easier than I imagined it would be.
And like the anon here pointed out: >>3091385
I am not actually an expert on this subject. I have interest in aplications of science for profit, and I see a market hole for easy to keep cute and exotic pets, and I think that seals would be a good target for product development.

>> No.3091422


Just when it is young? I believe this would cause acromegaly in a human. Besides which, it wouldn't prevent maturity. It would yield a mal-formed adult seal.

>> No.3091435


Dwarf seals? I'm okay with this.

>> No.3091436


Don't they also practice pyromania?
I remember reading something about peta members burning down animal clinics ect.

>> No.3091445


What do you think a dog is?
It is a wolf, who never actually fully develops to adulthood. They keep many of the features of their childhood for the whole of their lives.
Dogs are malformed wolves.
What Op is whishing to accomplish seems to be basically the same thing, but with seals.
With genetic engineering, the proces of domestication of dogs that took humans thousands of years could be drastically shortened.

>> No.3091452


You got it backwards, acromegaly is when there is too much Growth hormone and they grow bigger than they should

>> No.3091456


Also, Look into this:

The primary current medical treatment of acromegaly is to use somatostatin analogues -- octreotide (Sandostatin) or lanreotide (Somatuline). These somatostatin analogues are synthetic forms of a brain hormone, somatostatin, which stops GH production. The long-acting forms of these drugs must be injected every 2 to 4 weeks for effective treatment. Most patients with acromegaly respond to this medication. In many patients, GH levels fall within one hour and headaches improve within minutes after the injection. Octreotide and lanreotide are effective for long-term treatment. Octreotide and lanreotide have also been used successfully to treat patients with acromegaly caused by non-pituitary tumors.

>> No.3091458

Op your main problem will be the psychological condition of the seal. harp seals are highly social creatures an spend most of their time in the ocean.

I am pretty sure if you deprived the seal of the cold ocean water and company it would quickly suffer one of these fates.

1. die due to heat exhaustion
2. die due to lack of being in water
3. develop all kinds of diseases
4. never stfu cause it is psychologically in distress

>> No.3091463


Yes, but they would be smaller adult seals without as much "cutenes". And increasing growth hormone (or neglecting to inhibit the growth hormone) after the bones have finished growing would cause a lot of flesh to be deposited on a smaller frame, so the smaller seal adult seal might well be uglier than a normal-sized one (see: Rondo Hatton).

>> No.3091473


This is certainly interesting, but if this idea is ever going to be commercially viable, the constant need to externally aply the hormones is seriously going to be a liability.

The best way I think forever babby seals would be achived is still some sort of genetical tampering. It eliminates so mutch costs in the end.

>> No.3091486


I think there is a surgery that remove part of the pituatary that decreases the expression of growth hormone as well.

Which will be cheaper

>> No.3091495


These are certainly problems to be tackled. Especially the ones that will lead to the quick death of the creature. They need to stay alive for atleast a couple of years for people to buy them.

The 4. one isn't as a big problem. Didn't you wathc the video I linked in the OP? These creatures sound cute as fuck, especially to girls. That sound activated the maternal instincts of one of my female friends so hard she started crying.

Dam, if human babies sounded like seal cubs, I might actually like the annoynig crap factories.

>> No.3091518


But if the surgery has to be done for hundreds, perphehaps thousands of seals in order to keep them in babby form and sell them, the costs come unbearable very quickly.

But if we manage to produce one working forever babby seal trough genetic manipulation, we only need to clone this one individual. I am of course betting on that the costs of cloning are mutch lower in 10-20 years, witch is the time I belive it will take me to gather sufficent experience and education on the subject of genetics, and sufficent funds to start this busines venture.

>> No.3091527


What if that particular breed of seal is sterile?

>> No.3091544


It doesn't matter really, we just need a nomber of seals that have functional wombs, to grow the altered ones even if they themselves are sterile.
I already covered the production over here:>>3091345

>> No.3091566

inb4 millions of dead seals. have you not heard about chinese milk?

>> No.3091568

so is your daddy going to pay for this project OP?

>> No.3091574


Here is the deal with genetic development for what you are asking.

Most of genetic engineering involves either the knockout of gene expression or adding a new gene expression to the DNA

the issue here is the Growth hormone, as it functions to essentially induce growth in the animal.

You can't knock it out because this hormone is needed at the at almost all stages of development of animal (zygote to death).

The only real answer is to hinder its expression at a certain point of time. To do that, you'd have to add a gene that creates a protein which inhibits the Growth hormone in some way at a certain time. This technology is still in its infancy it would be many years and alot of resources before it is fully developed.

Besides, most pets have to have surgery (spay/neuter/ears cropped). Surgery isn't that abstract or costly compared to the alternative you are talking about

>> No.3091582


It is not my fault if the chinese are incapable of producing non poisonous milk.
If the seals die, it is because of the owners own neglect.

>> No.3091613


I see.
I realise that the technology isn't quite there jet. That is why I am intending to possibly start this project some time in 2030. 20 years give much time for the development of better technology and understanding of the genetic processes.

At this point this is just an idea I have been toying around. It seems doable, to me atleast. I mean, who wouldn't want a cute little seal as a pet, knowing that it would never become too large.

This idea could be achived trough medication, and synthetic hormones pumped to the seals to keep them babbies forever, but atchiving that trough genetic engineering seems so much more elegant than the alternative.