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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3090490 No.3090490 [Reply] [Original]

Hey. Occasionally /sci/ has a debate about African-American IQ. Most will agree it's slightly lower; some will say it isn't, that they're "the same" (even though they're black and they absolutely demolish anyone else in running races). Now, I live in Australia and most Africans here are really nice people, I really don't mind them. It's white-trash that's the problem here. I realise it's different in the U.S.

When someone says, or a studies comes out that says 'women are better emotionally'; or 'men are more violent'; or 'men are worse doctors', nobody really cares but more importantly nobody makes a fuss. Now, we all happily accept these facts, we all happily accept that men absolutely do not compare to women in strength. I hope you all accept that intelligence is in fact genetic, and passed on (dumb parents make dumb kids, in general). So _why_ the _fuck_ is it so hard to accept that men are better at maths? I don't see what the problem is. Why is it wrong to say that men are better at certain things intellectually? We're not the FUCKING same. That's why women like doing things we don't.

I also want /sci/s opinion on this: (it's not mine, I just thought it was interesting, I may use it if I don't find any factual errors in the statistics part (page 3))


>> No.3090494

Alright then.

How well do African-Australians do in schools or IQ tests?

Also, I realize you guys have similar people to our blacks you call abos. How smart are they?

>> No.3090499

They're black, they're not Africans; I specifically said Africans. You could call them our equivalent of African-Americans. They're a huge burden on society.

>> No.3090503

>How well do African-Australians do in schools or IQ tests?

Not as well as white people. But they're nice in general.

>> No.3090507
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1290310133631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there are always "those" kinds of people.

>> No.3090511
File: 143 KB, 838x983, Niggers are disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3090517

We all hate bleeding heart pieces of shit. But we've talked extensively about black people. I want to talk about women and the double-standards there. It's almost a spitting image of the black-white crap. Just take mandatory women placements on corporate boards as an example of 'diversity'.

>> No.3090518
File: 92 KB, 700x451, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Political correctness, buddy.

In our modern western world, sexism and racism are hot buttons we don't want to push. Even if courts are obviously biased in favor of females and things like that...

>> No.3090523


In Australia, Africans emigrate they are people who are learned and able to emigrate to your country.

Let me ask you about the Abbos. They're just as smart as you are, riiiight?

>> No.3090524

Fuck you, m8.

>> No.3090528

I agree man, as I said, Aboriginals here are our equivalent of African-Americans.

>> No.3090535

But I wanted to talk about sexism against men.

>> No.3090536

The thing that everybody knows deep down but nobody wants to say out loud for fear of the shitstorm. Not much we can do, bro. Unless you want more feminazi butthurt marching protests on your streets and whatnot...

>> No.3090537

We can't win anymore. Just have to deal with it or face another women's suffrage bs

>> No.3090541

lol, no man truly understands the ridiculous double standards of women but we have to put up with it or be labeled sexist and marked in modern society.

>> No.3090546 [DELETED] 


You're right. But the thing is it's moving in the wrong fucking direction. Society is getting more unequal in the positive direction for women. Why is it sexist (and some pseudo-intellectualists even go as far as say misogynistic) to look at a women 'funny', yet we see advertisements on TV where women ROUTINELY slap men on the ass.

>> No.3090556


You're right. But the thing is it's moving in the wrong fucking direction. Society is getting more unequal in the positive direction for women. Why is it sexist (and some pseudo-intellectualists even go as far as say misogynistic) to look at a women 'funny', yet we see advertisements on TV where women ROUTINELY slap men on the ass?

>> No.3090565

Don't worry about it man. It's like this. Every time a white man is put down with respect to women or another race, the subtext is that we all know that white men are "better". Putting them down is like a childish way of trying to make things even. And that's why people don't have a fit when white men are made fun of, because people feel (even if they would never admit it to themselves or others), that white men are better. Putting them down isn't creating an inequality, it is attempting to create equality.

Also, people get angry when you point out truths they don't want to face. Their response is usually aggression. Tell a religious person that God is fake, they get angry. Tell an Atheist that God is real, they won't get angry (unless they're still fairly immature). Tell a dedicated political activist that their cause is irrational or pointless, they will get angry. Tell a reasoned moderate that their position is irrational and they will probably just give you their reasons for their position. It's just a way people protect their delusions.

>> No.3090564
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>> No.3090572

That's just how it is. Society, bro.

Honestly, how many men win sexual harassment lawsuits agianst women? Who many men even file sexual harassment lawsuits agianst women? Would you file a sexual harassment lawsuit if a woman touched your junk?

The way we men interact with women is just different then how they deal with us.

>> No.3090577

Google the Anglobitch thesis and visit their blog as well as their website.

I'm not saying everything in there is the absolute truth but it's presented well enough and might make you think about the origins and effects of this weird feminist society we live in today. The articles on the official site and the blog posts are very good.

>> No.3090582

www.anglobitch.com - website
kshatriya-anglobitch.blogspot.com - blog

>> No.3090596

Judging by that graph the black people's brain is 3-5% smaller than whites and the differences are greatest at birth. Still significant but what's with the 9% to 20% claim? The graph is right there and it's obviously not that great. What's that? A preconceived bias?

>> No.3090598

It's just a joke image macro used to troll. The citation is real though...

>> No.3090599

And here is the other thing. To be an intellectual and mature white man, you just have to go with it. It is merely a superficial thing, getting angry over it is silly. If you don't enjoy the company of black people, then don't hold their company. Women now feel they must fulfill some new, strange and unnatural role, but underneath they like being treated the same as always. That doesn't mean going to the polar opposite of how we superficially expect men to treat women, it means ignoring that shit.

If you're angry about societies expectations with women, no offense but I'm guessing you are inexperienced with them. Either that, or frustrated that you tried to play by these certain rules you were led to believe, and found yourself getting shit on. Treating women with respect is a good thing, but that doesn't mean blinding yourself to the reality. Women are like a wily and graceful animal. You don't slam their mistakes and faults in their face, nor do you need to worship them.

These "alpha males" you guys always talk about are not assholes. They are just playing by the natural rules, you are playing by the superficial rules. Which rules you play by is your choice.

>> No.3090606

So blacks were "better" than whites when they were systematically put down? You gotta admit social mobility was non-existent for blacks during the height of slavery in the United States. I guess it was all in the name of levelling the playing field.

>> No.3090612

Whatever the difference in size, even if that mattered, women brains are vastly smaller than men, so theoretically if size is all that matters then any african men is more intelligent than any women on Earth.

>> No.3090614

You are applying rigid and faulty logic to what I've said. You're trying to extrapolate out some universal law. That makes no sense. Black people were not "put down" during slavery in the same way that white men are now "put down".

>> No.3090618

Have you actually looked into that Ruston? The guy has a clear agenda.
That said, Abos are the scum of the Earth

>> No.3090631

I believe the men that are most unsatisfied with women are those seeking a life long partner, so they can raise a family, buy a house and live the "american" dream. They are just out of luck, because our culture simply don't breed people for that. Sexism and racism runs rampant and most of the "families" are now largely composed of single mothers trying to raise their children on welfare funds. Good luck building a prosper and intelligent society with that.

>> No.3090644
File: 21 KB, 300x200, Professor Shaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously true, though. Shaq's head is fucking huge and not surprisingly his brain is also off the charts in size.

Here's Shaq giving a lecture on Advanced Quantum Mechanics.

>> No.3090681

If you have some kind of source or statistic saying that the male majority are better at maths i'll believe you. I've never seen any related statistics so I have no reason to believe it at this point.
I personally think people are way too diverse to separate into gender mentality.

>> No.3090763

The statistics are buried under a lot of political correctness crap. But they do exist and in fact are widely spread and known, just not as easily to point out since I'm not waging a gender war right now and don't happen to keep a source of that stuff with me. If you DO CARE to google for it, you'll find plenty of sources, just filter the non-scientific data and feminist propaganda when you do that.

>> No.3090780

Males do better on SATs, in the maths area, than females.

The thing is: >>3090763

it's hard to find the real statistics, and when they are there, the researcher generally has to pad his work with paragraphs and paragraphs of disclaimers (or what amount to disclaimers) about how it's because women are less interested or because math teachers are sexist

>> No.3090791


Do a quick search on 'mens vs womens iq' and you'll get links to studies showing men are, on average, slightly smarter:


>> No.3091025

Anyone else?