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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3089214 No.3089214 [Reply] [Original]

This thread IS pointless but I wanted to congratulate /sci/ on something. You guys are the most well-informed, relatively troll free, civilized, and thoughtful board on 4chan. I love you guys/girls, you're awesome.

We got derailed on a thread in /sci/ and wound up discussing a potential war between the US and Iran. Thinking this could go further, I foolishly tried it on /k/ and /int/. Gunfags, gunfags and stormfags everywhere.
Pat yourselves on the back. Even when you aren't discussing science or math, you perform superbly and with civility. Maybe science education really does make for better people.

>> No.3089231

>most well-informed
>relatively troll free

You got me, OP. 8/10

>> No.3089238

So you're saying that /sci/ is capable of civil discussion as long as we stay away from contentious topics like math and science.

>> No.3089241

Compare /sci/ to other boards... yeah, you get it now. Regardless of our shortcomings, it's true. I guess in the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king.

>> No.3089245


You obviously haven't been to /v/, /vp/, /b/, /soc/, or /a/.

At least /sci/ stays on topic with its discussions, and even with its trolling.

>> No.3089240

I had an odd mix of feelings reading this. On one hand, I straightfaced at being trolled. On the other hand, a smile crept across my face as I realized this could be true.

>> No.3089278

The type of people who fuck up sci are the type to take this seriously and pat themselves on the back.
To be clear: Every board thinks it is the best. But, from looking around? Sci is one of the shitty, shitty boards.

We can stay on topic, unless someone mentions religion or politics or science or technology or philosophy or history.

Otherwise, sure, we can stay on topic. That topic is usually homework threads, but, still.

>> No.3089286
File: 31 KB, 800x478, fuckthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Sagan optimism in you. /sci/ is flawed but we're still a pretty good place. Yeah, the mods ignore us, the other boards call us aspies, our topics of discussion can run into the fantastical, religious trolls plague us, but we're still awesome.

I'm the OP and honestly, of all the boards on 4chan, I like to think of /sci/ as home. For your patience and tolerating my bullshit I will now bestow upon you some of my ramblings from epic /sci/ past...
I think the reason that humans, despite our very impressive intelligence, do powerfully stupid things is because of our "design" if you will. Yes, humans have experienced selective events throughout our history that favor greater cooperation, compassion, etc. However, our brain is still based on the primate model. Deep down, there's a lemur-like creature in all of us that wants to acquire more food, more mates, piss to mark our territory, fight, throw shit to ward off enemies, and fears the shit out of the unknown. In some ways, we still do a lot of these things. This is MY neighborhood. This is MY country. This ink on a map is MY PISS marking MY territory. We fling high velocity metal instead of shit an the results are far deadlier. We fight for mates, sometimes it gets violent. This contrasts with the noble nature of our frontal lobes that drives us to explore, discover, and create. The noble "Dr. Jekyll" update to the primate brain has arrived but it's still running on "Mr. Hyde/Chimpanzee" hardware.

>> No.3089296

If what you want is civil disucssions on 4chan you need to go to /d/.

My gosh you will never find more horny, happy, nice people.

>> No.3089310

We try to suppress our primitive side, but it's as much a part of human nature as art, culture, and science. Those primitive instincts and designs got us through the worst conditions nature could throw at us and they were naturally selected for a good reason. In the modern context though, those traits are causing us immense harm. We are programmed to love fatty and sweet foods, as they provided energy for long treks and lean periods on the savanna, but they cause obesity in our modern world of plenty. We are programmed to acquire all we can to survive, but it's led to staggering greed and accumulation of ultimately unnecessary wealth.
Can we rid ourselves of our barbaric side? Who knows? The very traits that enabled our survival may well be those that ultimately engender our extinction...
I'm almost flattered by the high troll-o-meter ratings. Seriously though, we get derailed because we're passionate but the resulting discussion is (usually) pretty civilized. I'm not trolling, I'm trying to express my (platonic) love for you guys and the stimulation (intellectual) you give me on boring evenings. Christ it sure is summer in there though.

>> No.3089322

/tg/ was here

>> No.3089324
File: 71 KB, 399x593, kirkbatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of my bullshit...
True HUMANS do not cower in fear and ignorance, we face the unknown and dangerous with conviction, intelligence, and determination. We plunge into the ocean's depths to study its most dangerous beasts. We hurl ourselves among the stars to understand and master their wonder. We fear nothing and our curiosity will see us through.
The rest of you APES can kindly return to the trees to cower in fear of the predators below, the HUMAN RACE has a destiny to fulfill.

Sometimes we think of ourselves as "only human" but humans really are magnificent. I believe that mastery of one's fear is what makes a human great. Fear is the last vestigial remnant of our evolution that's holding us back. How much has a given person lost in life thanks to fear? Fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of the unknown, fear of consequences, fear of death. Fear holds us back as a species, makes us behave ignobly. Fear turns the mighty Man into the quivering ape.

To accomplish anything, we must master our fear. So it was on the savanna, so will it be among the stars.

>> No.3089328

Yeah, I first came to sci in the summer. It never gets any better.

As to civil discussions? That's a joke, right? Trolling, shit-posting, spamming, name-calling and all that other shit happens, frankly, more on sci than other boards, because so many people on sci have such absurd fucking egos that any disagreement is seen as heresy that must be suppressed at all costs.

>> No.3089331
File: 185 KB, 1200x800, 1303757245627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww it makes me happy that we have this reputation.

For making me happy you may have this picture of a nice alien fucking some lady.

>> No.3089329 [DELETED] 


>implying a board with alleged enlightened atheists preparing for the Apocalypse on Saturday is smart or rational

You fundie atheists and Christfags can go ahead and do that while us agnostics are busy contributing to the progress of mankind.

>> No.3089332

I like that. Especially the last sentence.

>> No.3089340

What the fuck I am terrified of aliens why the boner?

>> No.3089346

OP here. I have a batch of sangria ready for the "apocalypse" For me, and I think for most atheists, it's a tongue-in-cheek excuse to party and laugh a little. Scientists do laugh, I've seen it happen once in virology lab.
Thank... you, I think
Glad you like it, I'm going to post some more of my nonsensical ramblings if you'll tolerate it. Express your disapproval with a sage if at any point you're unsatisfied to 2 standard deviations below the mean of satisfaction within this thread.

>> No.3089354
File: 772 KB, 950x666, 1303758932262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repressed fetish? Or you can have one that you never knew you had.

Afraid of aliens you say? Well instead of facing your fear why not have some fun and jerk of to it? Do that enough and you can twist your fears into your fantasies.

>> No.3089356

Just for you...

Maybe we will shed ourselves of our more primitive side. Maybe, someday, we can overcome the deleterious effects of our primate heritage, but will we still be human? Will we conquer the solar system and meet extraterrestrial intelligence only to realize that we're just apes with a much bigger savanna? Have you ever considered that we could be the anomaly in the universe; that we are the primitive monsters with nuclear weapons? Maybe most other species evolve out of their brutality before they develop technology.

Then again, maybe our brutality is what makes us... us. The ideal social/cooperative creature is the eusocial insect. Maybe the individual drive to secure resources and more of everything for ourselves is what makes our great creative boldness possible. Maybe our consciousness itself is a manifestation of the chimera, composed of the brutal ape and the ivory tower philosopher coexisting in the same brain. Maybe that dichotomy makes us great.

I studied biochemistry because it was fascinating and its pursuit, in my mind at least, noble. I also studied it seeking a better career. A better career leads to more money, more women, more territory, more personal power. Maybe what ultimately motivated me to go to law school is the same primitive instinct that ultimately motivated the genocides in Rwanda; the drive to secure more for oneself and ones tribe. Group cooperation, as a facet of the human psyche ultimately evolved for one reason: because it benefits the individuals cooperating in the end.

>> No.3089357

/sci/ is almost exclusively pissed-off atheists. Scanning the front page, none of the topics are ABOUT religion, and half of them display comments about hating religion.

/sci/ has an insane, perverse attraction to religion.

>> No.3089367

Thanks OP.

must have sauce!

>> No.3089371
File: 105 KB, 810x900, 1303758656432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumping some more to try and help that one anon out.

>> No.3089387


>> No.3089388
File: 1.31 MB, 823x1100, 1303757723343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had the sauce. Sorry but I lack it.

Have moar pictures of aliens fucking humans.

To make this somewhat /sci/ related, what are that chances that a alien would be able to mate with a human in some fashion?

>> No.3089395

Eh, everybody gets pissed at somebody. Most people don't exactly have an outlet for their anti-religious rage so they let if flow on teh interwebz in a relatively like-minded setting.
Why are their genitals somehow compatible with ours? Oooh, maybe those aren't their genitals! Maybe that's how they shake hands among their species. Maybe they normally insert the pheromonal communication/empathy organ into the socialization orifice.

"The ambassador from Gliese 581 assures us that the gang rape was merely a misunderstanding. However, the Anthropic Republic is not taking chances, so we're sending the gynoid ambassador with a spiked 10,000 volt stun vagina as our next ambassador to their people."

>> No.3089400
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1303806009037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no sauce avaliable for any of these. I could try and use tineye but I am about to go to bed.

>> No.3089413

loled hard.

But really the creature may get itself of by using whatever appendages it has to give pleasure.

Or moar likely the creator of that picture never guessed we would be discussing this particular plot hole

>> No.3089423
File: 420 KB, 952x1335, 1303759578003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that I am gone. Sadly I have no more of this type of content and as far as I can tell it is pretty rare.

>> No.3089429
File: 172 KB, 754x580, 1303759430062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, this is the last picture.

Thanks and good day /sci/.

>> No.3089434

The only thing I have ever really cared about when it came to aliens was the concept. When you think of them what images come to mind? I would guess ships that could traverse the galaxies, civilizations of advanced beings, or endless possibilities for technological advancement. I dont think that its probable we were first because the sky is too vast and the universe too old. However I remember being about 6 years old and seeing a game that had been very bad but said that humans were the saviors and most advanced race out of all known species. This was the first time I could ever grasp the concept. I like believing that humans are the only civilization this far advanced but it probably isnt true...

>> No.3089443

"As of Monday next week, we will no longer be issuing interstellar travel permits to the Gliese 581 system for film crews. After the tragic deaths of adult entertainers like Uranus Buns, Stormy Titans, and the famed transgender performer Venus Trappz; the Surgeon General has advised that it is unsafe to travel to that system for purposes outside of trade and general tourism."

>> No.3089444
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I fapped and came hard to aliens of all things in this thread.

>> No.3089449

Some more thoughts of mine on the human condition and our place in the universe.

Even eusociality evolved as a quirk of reproductive genetics, the drones being more related to their queen than they would ever be to their own offspring. You serve your genes and your society better as a sterile drone than as a reproducing individual. This could be applied to human societies as well. "Die for your country" is touted as a noble sacrifice. Maybe that sacrifice is comparable to that of a drone. Die in combat to benefit your country, your family, your unit, your friends. Your loss has furthered the goals of your cooperating group. Maybe the same archaic instinct that motivates ants to form a living, yet lethal, bridge across streams for their queen's migration is the same that motivates millions to mobilize to the battlefields of the modern era.

>> No.3089457

the good thing about /sci/ is that at least sometimes you get a good answer.

but truth is i don't even browse other boards.

cept /d/.

but OP is a fag and this thread will attract more trolls to our board.

>> No.3089472

What does it say there in the bottom right corner? MBA, MBE, MBG?

I recognize the artwork and I'm pretty sure it's by Dorian Cleavanger.

>> No.3089473

This thread has proven nothing except for the fact that /d/ is legend tier board.

>> No.3089482

/sci/ should take that as a challenge.

Years ago, my parents told me that TV would rot my brain. I would watch the Simpsons every day after school on a local station until my father would proudly announce at 6:00 that it was time to "get educated" as he put it. "Homer's d'oh won't teach you anything about the world.", he would proclaim as he got ready to absorb the local newscast.

I think my parents were wrong. Television, violent video games, and the internet were all rather benign as far as their effect on myself goes. However, I think television HAS rotted the brains of our parents' generation. Rapists behind every corner, child molesters in every van, terrorists in your gated community, "Aruba: where your pretty white daughters go to DIE" , incomprehensible foreigners invading your country and culture, kids doing jenkem, D&D as a satantic front, and Saddam coming to get granny with his WMD's.... all this and more is not only watched with credulity but fully believed and acted upon. The people of this country are just too gullible, too scared of their fellow man, too absorbed with sensationalism, too engrossed in an US vs THEM siege fantasy... television certainly rotted someone's brain but it certainly wasn't mine.

>> No.3089500

i wants moar sex with your moms

lets start a furry porn thread
rule 34 c'mon

>> No.3089501
File: 53 KB, 453x604, 1304216771646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTF are you talking about man

go to /d/ right now.

do it faggot

>> No.3089507

Just some more of my ramblings.

Fun tidbit: I went to get my hair cut today. I am now sporting "star trek" sideburns as a subtle statement of nerd pride.

>> No.3089511


9/10 OP congrats

>> No.3089515

nobody gives a flying fuck you shit face

>> No.3089518

OP here, I am a fag

>> No.3089519

It's turned into an alien porn thread and you're mad about sideburns?

>> No.3089522

Yup, an anthropomorphic cigarette posting on an imageboard. Amazing what science can do, isn't it?

>> No.3089534

OP here, I am a f@g

>> No.3091041
File: 13 KB, 221x141, 1305863016228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great. Aliens travel halfway across the galaxy to find humans, and the first thing this white faggot wants to do is show it his cock.

Probably gonna ask it if it thinks he's hung.

>> No.3091073


Physically? Probably not hard to find some way. Adverse reactions to alien proteins/analogues would be a major concern.

Reproduction? No chance whatsoever. We can't even reproduce with species that have DNA nearly identical to our own.

>> No.3091191
File: 24 KB, 445x456, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is good and all, but /lit/ is more civilized and its posters are more well-informed