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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3088468 No.3088468 [Reply] [Original]

Times you realized that you wanted to be a scientist

>in second grade
>go to auditorium to see guest speaker
>it's a guy with a lab coat and crazy green hair.
>asks for volunteer
>doesn't pick me but whatever
>takes out dixie cup
>asks kid to step on it
>dixie cup crushes under boy's weight
>unveils 30 dixie cups on the floor next to him
>places large plastic disk about the size of a manhole cover on top of dixie cups.
>asks kid to step on disk
>dixie cups uncrushed
>this completely BLOWS MY 2ND GRADE MIND.

>> No.3088477

That guy wasn't a scientist, he was a magician.

>> No.3088479

An illusionist.

>> No.3088492

I believe the correct term is pedophile

>> No.3088495


child molester.

>> No.3088501



>> No.3088510



>> No.3088515

pure motherfuckin' magic!

>> No.3088526

I met a child molester once. She asked me if she could give my son a blowjob and I was like, "Go for it"

>> No.3088528


>> No.3088530

Most child molesters don't usually go for such elaborate extremes, but whatever floats your boat OP. Follow your dreams.

>> No.3088540
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must have been friday

>> No.3088555

Some sex offender ran from across the street and down 5 houses to come talk to me once. We'd never met before he came sprinting over to me.
I didn't get raped!

>> No.3088564

>6 years old
>Jurrasic Park comes out
>fast forward, I'm in school for invertebrate paleontology
>close enough

>> No.3088570


What career options are you looking at?

Do you enjoy biology?

How are you enjoying your field and its options?

>> No.3088588

>Grade 10
>Went to a political conference thing for students
>everyone was retarded
>immediately applied for a student research program when I came back home

never looked back

>> No.3088612

I like geology/earth science more, which is why invert is so useful for me. I really like foraminifera and Quaternary science, which is great for reconstructing paleoclimates (which is what I'm interested in), but chances are I'll end up selling my soul to an oil company using fossils as oil indicators :-/

>> No.3088619

i dawwed, thats cute

>> No.3088630

>Be 5 years old
>Facinated by insects
>Read as many scientific books on them as I can
>Memorize tons of Genus/species
>Be in college
>Major in chemistry
>About to start my senior year/to late to change to biology

I do really like chemistry though. I have a pet tarantula (G.rosea) and plan to acquire more.

>> No.3088644
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this is the only good /sci/ thread i've seen in months

>> No.3088649


how exactly is it too late? couldn't you do an extra couple years and go for biology or a double major?

>> No.3088674
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>be 6 years old
>see the movie aliens

seriously though it scarred my mind forever, the thought of hostile aliens that is.

>> No.3088687

Well I get four years of being able to live at my parents as long as I'm in college for free. After that I have to move out.

I don't really feel like working/and going to school at this point in my life. I will probably pursue it later in life but at this point I'll probably just get my M.S. or PhD in chemistry.

>> No.3088698


Was it the thought of hostile aliens that scared you or the thought of RAPE?

>> No.3088713

>didn't feel like doing math anymore
>go into political science
>wtf is this bullshit
>gtfo of humanities
>now love math

>> No.3088762


That is kind of sad in a way, the concept of being used for your knowledge in that way.

>> No.3088823

When I learned why the sky is blue. I study optics mostly.

>> No.3088840

>11 or so years old
>chemistry demonstration at the science centre field trip
>the guy has an empty white cup and a cup with water
>asks someone to come up to the front of the room.
>he pours the water into the white cup
>he turns the white cup upside down, over the kids head
>no water comes out
>are you a wizard
>I want to understand

>> No.3088859

>grade 4
>go into bathroom all day and mix around with products
>Mix Listerine and toothpaste
>Think I made the worlds next greatest invention by being super clean

>> No.3088863
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>4th out of 5 undergraduate physics courses
>course covers EM and optics
>first day of discussion of synthesis of Maxwell's equations
>Professor busts out a 10' (inb4 metric) long metal tube
>climbs up a ladder and drops a permanent magnet down tube
>casually climbs down and catches the magnet as it exits bottom of tube
>eddy currents FTW


>> No.3088871


>nigga I made potions in my sink LIKE A BOSS from age 5 to age 8.

>> No.3088906
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I know that feel bro

>> No.3088911

>MFW I have no definitive moment of scientific inspiration
>But I wanted to become a scientist, or at the very least, go about my life very scientifically, because of my grandfather, a very famous Alaskan geologist and glaciologist who is incredibly badass
>But he has sore joins and a fused ankle and has trouble walking now
>I take care of him when I can because the guy is a fucking hero

>> No.3088922
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it was mostly seeing that guy being cut in half and vomiting white shit, the rape part is simply evolution at work.

>> No.3088954

>Be in freshmen chem
>predict the outcome of a chemical reaction to 4 decimal places
>realize the monumentally small chances of doing so randomly
>Just went through parental divorce, lost all faith in mankind
>I now can into science
>Now, I tutor AP bio and chem, and Im going to a decent university getting a biochem degree (its like being a doctor, without all the fucking life-or-death/you-dishonor-teh-famirry competition)

>Cause rediter
so thats what you call a true moment of enlightenment that changes your life forever?

>> No.3089017

>Freshmen year in high school
>Humanities, English, Foreign language classes all boring as fuck
>Geometry really interesting, I'm doing well
>Physics possibly my favorite class ever at this point, also excelling in this class
My 9th grade physics teacher evoked in me a lifelong love for the sciences (I know it sounds cheesy). To this day I still love physics, probably my favorite of the sciences.

>> No.3089041
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I know that feel bro.

>> No.3089057
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>4th grade
>Teacher and I talking during recess
>He mentions gravity is the curvature of spacetime
>Go home, research relativity
Didn't understand most of it, but I still found it absolutely beautiful. It was at that moment that I decided to become a physicist.

>> No.3089120


>one day fucking around with chemicals in the bathroom
>mix bleach with cleaner that contains ammonia
>create mustard gas
>choke on bodily fluids

>> No.3089163
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>5 years-old
>read one of those astronomy picture books
>have a carl sagan moment and realize how minuscule we are in the universe
>hhhhhhhooooooooooooooolllllllllllyyyyy ssssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt

>> No.3089352

>be fourteen
>smart friend always on about something awfully interesting
>quantum computing, theoretical physics, artificial intelligence
>computer crashes, he installs linux for me and shows me how to use it
>we would work out together and discuss dietetics, nutrition, kinesiology, and so on
>he was genuinely interested in helping me with math homework

We subsequently began too share many interests, and here I am today studying computer science.

>> No.3089364

so he was gay and he banged you or?

>> No.3089372

you forgot the part when you sucked each other off for one entire summer

>> No.3089376

hive mind

>> No.3089378

>5 yrs old
>motherfucking Star Trek : TOS
not all that glamorous i suppose...

>> No.3089394
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>watch Gattaca
>holy fuck, that where we're headed
>degree in Genetics

>> No.3089408
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It was the ultimate bromance. Together we would also direct short films, write fiction, monitor stock exchange, and go for long sweaty hikes.

>> No.3089412
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>second grade
>fascinated by the stars and space
>want to be an astronomer
>in college
>art college
>mfw i still want to be an astronomer

>> No.3089418

that movie was terrible

>> No.3089431
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suck ma dick, luddite

>> No.3089440

>implying i'm a luddite
fuck off, the plot was weak as fuck and the girl was such an ugly broad

>> No.3089451


I like Uma Thurman, but I am probably weird.

I thought the plot was okay, nothing spectacular.

>> No.3089463

>implying the plot was the focus of the movie

>> No.3089475

>be 6
>go into father's workshop, computer components everywhere
>he's using tiny screwdrivers on a laptop
>teaches me everything he's doing
>takes some old parts and helps me build a shitty desktop
>run Windows 95 and play games he helped me write in QBASIC
>want to be a computer guy ever since
>find out that it's actually really boring

>> No.3089494

>implying plot doesn't make the movie and entirely convey the focus

movie sucked, end of story. fuck off

>> No.3089551

>i like being right
>objective truth is the least wrong i can be(inb4 shitstorm)
>physics seems to be the leader
>mfw gravity (seems cool but it's been kind of static for a number of years) vs particle physics (overcrowded and kind of boring with the particle zoo and the limits on tech)
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.3089599

I've never really had a definitive moment. As long as I can remember I've been interested in science. Started with being obsessed with dinosaurs, then moved onto animals in general and a love of biology. 10th grade kinematics was confusing to me, so initially I didn't like physics, and balancing chemical equations seemed tedious and boring so I didn't like chemistry either. As I went through 11th and 12th grade though, biology became (at least to me) more about memorization than predicting stuff (I can't really explain mean well, but hopefully you get it). Physics slowly became my favourite subject, along with maths.

>> No.3089847
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>getting a job in august as a programmer
I find your comment offensive, uncalled for, and mildly true.

>> No.3089891

>Be 5
>Brother buys me an estes rocket
>Build my own in third grade (engine and all)
>Submit it to the science fair
>be paraded around as a genius and known for the rest of elementary school as the kid who built his own fucking rocket.
>Aerospace engineering motherfucker.

>> No.3089907

>Read this thread for a bit
>get to this post
>forgot I switched from /v/

>> No.3089930
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>like, 4 years old
>magic school bus + bill nye every god damn day
>utterly fascinated by every field there it
>describe the function of blood cells to my preschool class after the teacher holds up a red ball and asks "what's this, kids?"
>presentation on the comet hail bop to the 4th grade class when i was in 2nd grade, diverted into a Q&A about black holes and cosmology
>do a science fair project in 6th grade on fusion power and fusion weapons. win first place at the school, third place at regionals. I did all of my own work for it

looking back, i think i'd gotten proportionally dumber. feels bad

>> No.3089938
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>Year 6 science
>teacher was a cool guy, wheels in some machine that makes hydrogen and oxygen bubbles
>makes a fair bit of them, they all explode and it is colossally loud
>he shows us it formed some water because that is what water was made out of

>> No.3089939

Holy shit
Are you me?

>> No.3089956

>7 years old
>Parents buy me a magnet kit
>Place two magnets in a test tube, like poles facing each other
>Magnets defy gravity

Now at uni for math undergrad

>> No.3089960

i....hope not...
why, did you have an eerily similar childhood?

>> No.3089961


Shit yeah.
I built a crappy railgun with a magnet kit that my parents bought me one year for christmas.

>> No.3089963

>hydrogen explosions
HAHAH holy shit. did it shake the ceiling tiles down? that shit is LOUD

it's great when you bubble the hydrogen up through a bubble machine, and this have little bubbles of pure hydrogen floating around.

>> No.3089967

Math edition.
Like most kids, I hated math in most of high school, SOHCAHTOA and a^2 + b^2 = c^2 weren't doing much for me.
The exact moment was I was in 8th grade, when we were in Geometry, and the teacher told us to attempt to derive the formulas of various shapes.
I was hammering through them, got up to cones and cylinders while the other noobs were trying to wrap their heads around the 1/2(a + b)h. Something about the logic and rationality of it interested me, this developed even more when our class started Polynomials and Functions.

>> No.3089973

H+O explosions seem to be even louder. It did shake the windows.

>> No.3089978

That shit was cash. And to believe I'd pretend to be awesome and make business cards on my parent's computer when I was young of me being a manager of a Chinese Restaurant.

I'm not even Asian, goddammit.

>> No.3089988

In chemistry, we had to do a chemistry project and explain the reaction. Some mates and I made a fuck-ton of hydrogen balloons, wet a string connecting them with kero. We lit the string and let them fly while a crowd gathered. Fucking insane reaction from the cunts watching it, really loud pop, and we got an A on our project.

>> No.3089999

>middle school
>read books on high voltage experiments and tesla coils
>went to junkyard to get some ignition coils
>experimented for a while
>later connected together a light dimmer, a lot of capacitors, hv diodes, huge coil of telephone wire on oatmeal box, some thick wire, and a aluminum foil donut
>6" inch sparks and brilliant corona

>> No.3090001


I tried to start a trading card business and made tons of them and business cards.... I was moderately successful.

>> No.3090011

>18 yrs old, smart "I'll be a doctor"
>1st year biochem, clueless, fail calc, GPA 3.3
>2nd year, in love, fuck a lot, GPA 3.3
>3rd year, better get serious about skool, GPA 3.3
>4th year, popular, drunk all the time, GPA 3.3
>not going to med school
>spend 3 years to get MSc studying p53 tumor suppressor
>not for me
>sell everything and take flight to Singapore (canadafag)
>in one day, get job as mid-level manager of a medical lab. righteous!
>singapore boring. spend next 12 years in Korea as English teacher
>actually make most of my money editing patent translations in all scientific fields
>back to canada, get MBA
>back to Korea, start my own company writing annual reports. specialize in biopharm and banking
>back in canada now. gonna open my own bakery next month
>learned how to bake wathcing Utube videos
>good life. happy as shit

>> No.3090014

> be 11
> watch space shuttle launch
> wants to be astronaut
> fast forward to now, graduated with a bsc in astrophysics and a masters in planetary science
> shuttle program discontinued
> dreams crushed
> works at KSC gift shop

>> No.3090063

How was teaching english in Korea? I've recently been thinking about doing this.

>> No.3090100

utterly fantastic, but i'm not gonna summarize 12 years here. /trv/ has regular threads on it. i've participated in some that have lasted for days - trv's a slow board. facebook also has several korea-related groups. go for it!

>> No.3090110

hop on the train for the next space craft program. or land a position at spacex or something

>> No.3090189

>be a 8yr old kid, told i have aspergers and would make a good engineer.
>that is all

>> No.3090193

Do you enjoy butt sex as well?

>> No.3090197


What, was you shrink a pedophile or something?
That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.3090208

Do it!

>> No.3090211


Same story here except I haven't graduated yet and I'm doing AE/Astro...

SpaceX here I come. That or MIT for a P.hD

>> No.3090284

its ok i guess, i prefer normal sex though
i'm pretty sure she wasn't, i cant remember to well

>> No.3090347

You guys were young when you found out. I had a hunch as a high school freshman when I started reading books on electronics and built a computer. But I didn't really know until I got to college and math and science were the only things that seemed to present an interesting challenge.

>> No.3090389

so fucking jelly

>> No.3090397

>take jello powder
>pile it onto a plate
>take eyedropper full of water
>put drop of water on top of jello powder
>jello powder + water drop = INSTANT GUMMY
>holy fucking shit, this is science?!

>> No.3090398
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You went through all that to become a baker? Well I hope you make apple pies.

>> No.3090405


Where are you studying bro?

>> No.3090440

>final year of school
>A's in maths and physics
>realise it was my destiny to become a physician