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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 327 KB, 1226x803, asdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3085052 No.3085052 [Reply] [Original]

rage time

stephen hawking facebook christian invasion

>> No.3085054

Stephen YOU ARE A MORON! ,SmAcK!,"What makes you think you are so smart anyways? I don't hear any pretty music! & I don't hear any great Philosophy! & i don't hear any CrAzY Funny Jokes! now L00K in to ME! dannyburleigh you just G00GLE my name there!,(I have 432 catchy original great songs & over 775 of my SHARPS comics & Tons of my orig Philosophy & other stuff too,& I would just like to add that i got hit by a CAR & left for dead just before 9-11 & i got thrown into the spirit World for about

>> No.3085243
File: 146 KB, 1576x671, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3085245

>they think he acutally uses facebook or will ever read their posts

i fucking hate humans

>> No.3085256
File: 11 KB, 681x301, 2011-05-19_143042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably not just Christians, but braindead New Agers as well. They've been railing against him for proposing that the human consciousness might actually not be some otherworldly superpower.

>> No.3085262

I hate stereotypes, yet find it absolutely hilarious how these people have such a bad grasp of grammar, or anything else text-related.

>> No.3085287

Hawking is a very smart man.

He has potentially trolled the majority of the human population whilst not being able to feel anything below his eyebrows.

>> No.3085303

I wish they all die in pain.

>> No.3085311

You are so unkind.

>> No.3085327

If I could only capture my hatred in balloons and throw them at people.

>> No.3085474

Well, you could capture your urine in balloons and throw them at people.

>> No.3085486

or you could just chuck buckets of shit at people

>> No.3085533
File: 41 KB, 788x463, 1303038322445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3085618

Stephen Hawking: There is no such thing as heaven.

It doesn't take a genius to figure this shit out.

>> No.3085636

Prove it.

>> No.3085652


2 possibilities:

1) troll?
2) don't know how to science

Either way, GTFO.

>> No.3085656

he already did.
hur durr, aliens are bad and will kill us all. even if they're able to cure him.

>> No.3085703
File: 73 KB, 640x360, lebowski_sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No heaven and no soul....where have I heard this before...hmmm...John Lennon maybe in "Imagine". Hawking has a great mind for science but as to the spiritual nature of humanity, well maybe he is out of his subject. As they say, to a carpenter everything looks like a hammer. It's like, just his opinon.

>> No.3085805

>out of his subject
So, if you are extremely proficient in scientific areas, you are automatically not qualified to speak about 'spiritual' things? That's just bullshit. Just like you said, he has a right to his own opinion and the right to express it. Nevermind that his stance is the most rational.

>> No.3085894
File: 49 KB, 428x410, 1289116444769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawking does have as much right as anyone to his spiritual, or conceptual, beliefs as it were. However he does not speak with any authority in spiritual matters, sorry. Our brains have two spheres dude, one is rationalistic so we can build houses, go to work, pay bills etc. The other is intuitive. We need both of them, not just rationalism.

>> No.3085904

>implying science isnt intuitive


>> No.3085955

The right/left brain argument is retarded.


>> No.3085970

That confirms their point

>> No.3086053

Oh wow,
just wow
That shook something inside of me
I no longer have a lowest possible reference
You have destroyed my world with your stupidity

>> No.3086076

It doesn't. What the poster and the faggots who use this argument are saying is that people use one side or the other as a general rule, which is not true. For an example both sides are used in mathematics.

And saying that scientist do not use creativity or intuitivity in their work is just retarded.

>> No.3086145
File: 14 KB, 546x566, vg17208_facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+150,000 years of evolution from rock-throwing cavemen to space explorers
>read this

>> No.3086162
File: 25 KB, 467x187, Faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and this

>> No.3086543

Stephen made all religiousfags rage without lifting a finger.
Good show.

>> No.3086659


He did lift an eyebrow tho ....

>> No.3086752
File: 3 KB, 451x133, 2011-05-19_210209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more delicious Hawking bashing:


The comments are either hilarious, or really depressing. I haven't decided yet.

>> No.3086801

>whilst not being able to feel anything below his eyebrows

he isn't a paralyzed you dipshit....
he has als
in fact... i think he is the oldest living als patient

>> No.3086888


This video makes me want to kill myself as a math major/ someone who can understand the math behind a lot of physics.

>> No.3086964
File: 43 KB, 503x600, how-can-the-human-race-survive-the-next-hundred-years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3087037


This video summarized: "I don't understand quantum physics and I don't really like math, but I have some really cool preconceived notions about god and spirituality and I'm just going to assume that I'm right without looking at any proof. Anyone who says otherwise, especially people who actually know what the hell they are talking about, are part of an elaborate conspiracy to keep everyone ignorant so they can keep being atheists and hating god because they're cripples." Makes perfect sense.

>> No.3087045

also quantum physics is controlled by consciousness. (Which is magic lol)

>> No.3088399
File: 14 KB, 470x403, Fahnny joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
