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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3079677 No.3079677 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. What do you do when you suddenly have freedom to pursue education that you value once you hit your mid twenties? Do you go for it or is it too late and a lost cause?

I grew up in a very strict traditional family and got my GED at 16 (yeah, retarded I know). I got married off at 18 and now only at 24 did I have the courage to leave my relationship. I want to pursue a college education, I have a specific interest in honing my science/mathematics skills (/sci/'s official guide to the internets is helping quite a bit, so thank you all), but I am being constantly discouraged by those around me in saying that it's too late and I should have stayed in my marriage.

I know someone cannot become a genius through hard work. But do any of you believe with the right work ethic and motivation, someone can get a high quality education if they fucked up well into their early twenties?

>> No.3079687

age doesn't matter, learning is still worthwhile go for it op.
out of curiousity, what went wrong with the marriage?

>> No.3079684

The most successful students tend to be the ones who put off education until their 30's. Youngsters mostly lack the self-discipline to work as hard as they could.

>> No.3079690


His wife turned out to be a man. Tits or GTFO.

>> No.3079701


Go for it OP. it is never too late. If you really want to do it, you will and you can.

>> No.3079706


Well, I didn't have much of a choice in it. I was a young, dumb girl and my parents made an agreement and I didn't stand up for myself. He was okay, but I was never in love with him, and he never supported me getting jobs or going out and started to become very angry that I would not have kids with him. I think we make better friends.

It's encouraging to hear this, I just get embarrassed about starting late, since I will have to take mostly intro courses, I think.

>> No.3079708
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>> No.3079715

Eh... not entirely, I'd say. Young adults have no other responsibilities (e.g. no family to take care of, job, bills, etc.) so I think it makes it easier for them to focus on studies if they choose. I, for one, have massive motivation problems and do indeed lack that self-discipline. But I feel it'd be worse if I was older and had other things to attend to.

>> No.3079718

Well you'll be 6 years behind everyone else, you'll have to support yourself at the same time as you do your agree, and there's no guarantee it will help your career.

Why do you want to do it? What do you think you'll gain or benefit from it?

>> No.3079720


Okay, thank you. I've read a lot of riveting (admittedly sometimes stupid, too) discussions on here about intelligence and its malleability, and while I have no misconceptions about me becoming some genius at physics just from reading online stuff, I like to think that I can make the grades. A big issue for me is I have the largest interest in what I also have the least confidence in, which is /sci/ related stuff. But it's what I want to learn the most about.

>> No.3079721

good for you. lucky escape.
i think arranged marriages suck balls. was it like a religious thing? arranged marriage is like a muslim thing, yeh?

>> No.3079727

I once had a boss who started getting her BA after her last grandchild had finished getting their's. Despite having a stroke, she finished it, and still works 3 tech jobs. If you're alive, you can do it.

>> No.3079729

also, this reminds me of the city elf origin campaign on dragon age...

>> No.3079732
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>Education is a life long process and it is never too late.
Just as you had the courage to leave your relationship. You need to learn to do whatever you want simply because you want to. Anyone who doesn't support you shouldn't be part of your life.

>> No.3079736


I am muslim (well, was), but it happens in a lot of other cultures/religious affiliations too.

Honestly, I think I'll gain experience and knowledge? I know it's not a guarantee for success, but at this point I feel so ashamed of letting my mind be stagnant for so long, and not even venturing into certain intellectual avenues for fear of not being able to do it, that I just want to prove to myself that I can understand stuff and grasp concepts. Even if I know I won't be some genius at it.

It will probably cost me money, but I don't know what else to do. I can't have much of a career anyway with just a GED.

>> No.3079745

I started my degree computer science right out of high school and realized I hated it so I dropped out. Took a couple of years to figured out what I wanted to do with my life, took a bunch of random classes to get a feel of different disciplines and now I'm 23 and starting in mathematics.

I even had teachers tell me they prefer teaching to someone who has some life experience (I'm not saying everybody in their mid 20's are so wise and interesting but) than some 18 year old kids who just goof around.

The only concern I have now is that age might be a factor that plays against me when I enter grad school, but if you have the grades and the experience it shouldn't matter much.

>> No.3079759
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>I am muslim (well, was)
again, lucky escape and well done!
all my admiration!

>> No.3079771
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>good job quitting, bro

>> No.3079782

Islam is the most scientifically compatible religion. I'm surprised you don't like it.

>> No.3079787


Thank you. It's actually pretty hard being an apostate since I still have to pretend I believe in everything around my crazy family, but an education is another goal I have to move as far away from them as possible. Unfortunately in this economic climate it can't be done right away (the moving thing).

>> No.3079793


Honestly, I can say from experience that what is scientifically compatible is not the religion or ideal in itself, but those who wield it and believe in it. My family for instance uses Islam for pious reasons, and they are very scientifically ignorant so they will pick and choose what to believe in.

>> No.3079813

Islam used to have a very strong scholarly tradition, something that I really hope resurfaces.

I didn't get into college until age 25. Worked my ass off, now at 31 I have graduated summa cum laude with a chemistry degree and I'm heading to grad school. Don't give up, but be ready to work hard. Discipline is the key, just as much as brains. You can do it!

>> No.3079822

im in a somewhat similar situation, only i'm 22, its never too late, do what you want dude, you don't need anyones approval, life is meaningless, we are meaningless, but in that there is meaning, you are free to do whatever the fuck you want, because it doesn't matter to anyone but you, so go do what you've always dreamt of oP, i'll see you around

>> No.3079827

you have to pretend...damn, that sucks.
but seeing as muslims kill apostates (in islamic countries anyway) then that's the safest thing to do...

>> No.3079839


It has been resurfacing in the younger crowd in many countries, and there is of course a countermovement by dumbfuck traditionists who want to make it illegal to teach evolution in muslim schools.

And thank you, I am prepared to work hard and focus completely on my education, it's just a daunting and intimidating task ahead of me starting at this age...I might even have to take a couple of crappy community college courses before university, who knows.

>> No.3079873



OP, you're still young. Go for it. If you want to do something, don't hesitate. This can be something that changes your life forever, so don't avoid it because you think it's "too late".

Discipline and dedication are key.

>> No.3079881


> I know someone cannot become a genius through hard work

That is retarded as hell. Just fucking do it faggot.

Also i wish that gif would have been made with strutting Leo instead.

>> No.3079903

It really is never too late. If you've got the means, definitely go for it.

>> No.3079977


I love you anon, not OP, but I really like your positive mentality. May the infinite creator bless you. Stay the way you are.

>> No.3080011

So you lost...5 years. You are going to live another 50. Hell yea, go for it.
If anything, a bit older people are better at studying, because they have more going on in their lives. Youngsters have too much free time and they put off studying for later - which causes them to cram and forget everything. With a tight schedule you will study in bursts, which for many is a better way of remembering/understanding. You are also more emotionally mature which will help you avoid lots of bullshit drama when dealing with your peers.
It's all good.

>> No.3080124


> Youngsters have too much free time and they put off studying for later - which causes them to cram and forget everything.

As a "youngster", i can confirm this. Fells good when you're on it, feels bad afterwards.
Most of my time was wasted.

I'll still get an awesome job because i'm one of the lucky people who easily memorize stuff.

>> No.3080155

I wish i didn't goof off in high school. If i could start over with what i know now i would. Did they really expect me to listen to the consequences?

>> No.3080880

everyone thinks that way. the smart people actually accomplished things. you were just stupid like everyone else

>> No.3082041

I think someone can get a better education sitting down and setting their own educational goals. However if you want a job, go to school