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File: 262 KB, 1280x960, sweetmotherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3079576 No.3079576 [Reply] [Original]

If we found out tomorrow that matter is continuous, rather than discrete, that is, if we found out that quarks are made of something that is both indivisible and uncountable, what conclusions could we draw from that about the universe?

>> No.3079585


oh my god that looks fucking delicious

>> No.3079606

That matter is continuous.

>> No.3079612

Not much to begin with, the laws of physics won't change and our understanding of the laws of physics won't stop being accurate, just like classical physics was proven to be 0.0000001% inaccurate because it doesn't take into account special relativity yet we still use classical physics.

As research continues however, especially into why a continuous phenomena collects into quanta of energy and mass within a certain range, we may find uses for this information.

>> No.3079613

>implying we could find that out and not just be limited by our tools of observation

>> No.3079637

so quarks are made from something indivisible
meaning its quantised

>> No.3079660
File: 367 KB, 1126x1437, goldenopulence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very impressive, Bateman; but that's nothing. Get a load of this.

The Grand Opulence Sundae. Yours for only $1000.

>> No.3079680

Wait. Are those almonds covered in gold?

>> No.3079747

yes, they are called decadence almonds.

>> No.3079763

yes lets eat some gold, it tastes like any other metal but slightly less strong, unpleasant none the less.
at least for a thousand dollars you can make your shit sparkle if nothing else.
yeah, this is how real rich people spend their money like bill gates and not wannabes.

>> No.3079783

If I was treated to a gold-sundae, I would collect all my shit for a week and burn it to get the gold out.

>> No.3079802

its still only gold leaf so its very thin, there's fuck all gold in that thing.
its just a gimmick.

>> No.3079823

And people wonder why I'm a socialist

>> No.3079828
File: 94 KB, 523x300, tarnished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, isn't gold really toxic? I thought that was why it didn't tarnish, that it kills anything that tries to grow on it?

>> No.3079838

gold doesn't stink

>> No.3079844


Really? Because I find envy a very simple (though unpleasant) motivation to understand.

>> No.3079847

no, silver kills some germs tho'

>> No.3079851


...and yet silver tarnishes while gold doesn't?

>> No.3079858

Tarnish is oxidation like patina on bronze

>> No.3079863

what's tarnishing to do with anything anyway?

>> No.3079877

Gold isn't toxic because nothing in your body can oxidize it.

Therefore, if nothing can oxidize it, it is unable to be digested in your system.

>> No.3079893


You mean... like strings?

>> No.3079894

that would mean planck's constant is wrong and alot of quantum mechanics is wrong

>> No.3079921


wrong, retard.

>> No.3079962

Then it's time for some Banach-Tarski shenanigans

>> No.3079972


Solid silver can kill germs because some germs are reduced when silver is oxidized near them.

What occurs is the electrons transfer from the solid silver and move into the biological suspension, the electrons kill the bacteria because it disrupts the normal circuitry (to basically put it) which allowed it to function.

Think of it as plugging 30,000 toasters into one outlet. The voltage of excess electrons shuts down the cell.

>> No.3079985
File: 39 KB, 365x316, 1213613426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because seeing people engaged in grotesque levels of conspicuous consumption while millions of people are starving or suffering from lack of medical care is "envy".

>> No.3080063


>> No.3080090


You have to think of it in terms of actual material resources rather than just monetary terms. If a rich person decides to eat a pile of gold, that doesn't prevent poor people from eating real food. The effect of conspicuous consumption on the rest of society is that they are making what they are consuming scarcer, and therefore more expensive. So if rich people conspicuously consume by wasting milk, then they are harming poor people because they're making milk more expensive. But if rich people eat lots of gold, they're just making gold more expensive, and access to gold really isn't an urgent need for those in poverty.

Of course, it's true that instead of buying gold sundaes, the rich could have spent the money on charitable donations. And indeed if you have enough money to spend a thousand bucks on gold sundaes, you really should give to charity. (A thousand dollar donation to a carefully chosen charity could save a person's life.) But it's the not-giving-to-charity that's the problem, not that gold sundaes. If a person decided that buying a gold sundae was too silly and instead decided to spend the money on a new computer, they would be spending more modestly, but the poor wouldn't be any better off.

Which is to say, yes, anyone who buys a gold sundae is a douchebag. But it's a symptom of a larger problem, the gold sundae itself is harmless enough.

>> No.3080259

>Which is to say, yes, anyone who buys a gold sundae is a douchebag. But it's a symptom of a larger problem, the gold sundae itself is harmless enough.
I never said the gold sundae itself is the problem. What it represents is the problem.