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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3077320 No.3077320 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. rage.

the most useless degrees:
1.- Journalism
2.- Horticulture
5.-Fashion designer
6.-Child and Family Studies
8.-Mechanical Engineering Technology


> Mechanical Engineering & Chemistry
> useless

>> No.3077325

Seriously. You can teach most of that shit to yourself.

>> No.3077340

Agriculture? Science, engineering and architecture need to accept Agriculture;s knowledge and start some vertical farms, hydroponic carrot farms, etc. Our growth as an organism on the whole depends on it (semi-outrageous claim).

>> No.3077344

You can teach yourself anything.

>> No.3077345
File: 48 KB, 600x535, disappointed turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw theology isn't on the list

>> No.3077356

Just to clarify there's a huge distinction between Mechanical Engineering proper and Mechanical Engineering Technology.

>> No.3077361

Mechanical Engineering is going down the shit tube because there are no machines in America. They are all in Chinese factories.

>> No.3077367

I think we can all agree that journalism is definitely number 1...

>> No.3077368

I'm surprised that mechanical engineering and chemistry is on the list but philosophy and theology isn't.

>> No.3077374

Is mechancial engineering technology the same as mechanical engineering?

>> No.3077383
File: 55 KB, 328x480, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3077386


>> No.3077387

What was their criteria for calling a major useless?

>> No.3077391

and horticulture

>> No.3077398

>vertical gardens

I'm all for that!

>> No.3077402


>> No.3077405

whatever, you know what I mean.

>> No.3077426

MET is the retarded offspring of mechanical engineering.
Less math and equations, and more hands-on, in the field, you are someone elses bitch
Many people considering Mechanical Engineering, but whom aren't good at math, go to MET
At my school, MET isn't even a part of the engineering college

>> No.3077425

no, mechanical engineering in the US is still doing very well. the DoD is always looking for competent MechEs, as are virtually all companies requiring engine/power system design.

>> No.3077440


Mother of god.jpeg

>> No.3077445


job opportunities and pay.

>> No.3077450

MET in my country is Mechatronics.

>PhD in Mechatronics
>Any job i want
>500k starting.

>> No.3077476



>> No.3077495

>useless majors
>no mention of astronomy
>mfw I'm an astronomer

Yeah, it's not going to benefit you in a practical sense, but I feel putting aside money for answering life's big questions is important. I'm essentially a vastly underpaid computer programmer, but I have one of the coolest jobs in the world.

>> No.3077510


For the chem thing, I can understand the pay thing, I guess, but there are a fuckton of jobs for chem majors.

>> No.3077511

even then astronomy is far more useful than any of the arts degrees since even thought it's discoverers might not be directly useful the technology and scientific theories that have been developed for astronomy often do have real world applications

>> No.3077520

OP Here.

Not agreeing with points 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Not knowing what 2 is tough.

>> No.3077526

The stuff I'm doing is very computationally demanding and applicable to many fields. Bayesian shit. Any other Bayesfags here?

>> No.3077540

>the technology and scientific theories that have been developed for astronomy often do have real world applications

any examples? not being a critic i am genuinely curious.

>> No.3077565
File: 57 KB, 500x478, tumblr_kzv39rmTNV1qbumrto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemfag here: rage over 9000;

How did they come up with this list?

>> No.3077566

Horticulture is growing plants.

>> No.3077573

All of my fucking rage.
Phenylthaline and acid base equilibrium experiments can burn in hell forever

>> No.3079031
File: 77 KB, 388x296, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most useless degree:Journalism
Easy there : who do you think did this list?

>> No.3079051

Journalism degree, for one, isn't by definition useless.
It's just that the demand for some of the "easier" degrees is way too high.

>> No.3079059

>getting a degree in chemistry
>not chem-e
