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3066891 No.3066891 [Reply] [Original]

How can one cope with ADHD, or ADD, using natural supplements, like vitamins, or specific food ?

Or at least improve concentration

>> No.3066901

A healthy diet consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables can help you concentrate.
Do not eat junk food or fatty foods, and do not drink fizzy drinks; they can make you unfocused and lethargic.

>> No.3066906

eat more fats and proteins and limit your intake of carbohydrates

>> No.3066905


Why would you want to? Just get a script for percocet / adderall, that shit is like magic.

>> No.3066907

daily rigorous exercise and eating healthy (which above all else means no junk food, and lots of variety. whole grains, fruits and veg, lean meats...)

fish oil supplements have decent evidence that they help.

i have severe ADD, and i know that my focus is far better when i'm in good shape and eating well, but then when i most need the focus, i.e. most swarmed with work, eating well and working out become almost impossible, making work take longer... downward spiral.

so i try to make due with ritalin and coffee.

>> No.3066915

no seriously, look it up

>> No.3066917
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fizzy liquids, huh?

>> No.3066918

INB4 you try to force your vegetarian faggotry on everyone ITT.

>> No.3066935

NO U, tripfag
He only added that one should eat fruits and veggies, but he said nothing about not eating animal products
>more like: ITT: junior highschool reading comprehension

>> No.3066939

You're an idiot and your militant atheism has taken over every aspect of your personality.... and I'm an atheist.

>> No.3066949

you'd do better to not be so concerned with your fat intake

>> No.3066952

well...not yet.
but i know she is a vegetarian.

>> No.3066965

>you'd do better to not be so concerned with your fat intake

reason/citation? i didn't mean to imply the low-fat thing as being of top importance. just a proper balanced diet with variety.

>> No.3066966

Just like a tripfag to be completely retarded.

Also, zoology isn't a real degree. Unless you want to fap to animals for a living, you fat fuck of a furry. "Woman" such as yourself have no place in any field of science.

>> No.3066981

fuck you

>> No.3066987

I was not even going to mention it, actually.

>> No.3066999

because fat is not sugar... i don't have any clinical citations but I am speaking from emperical evidence rather than anything I have read.

>> No.3067001

No, I don't think I will. Who knows what diseases you might carry. I shudder to think.

>> No.3067005

I've never met a Harriet. Harriet... the spy?

>> No.3067007

Meditate, OP. I don't have ADD, but I do meditate to improve my concentration beyond what it is currently. Worth giving a shot.


>> No.3067013
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>> No.3067028


Exercise will help more than food. Work out at least once a day.

Avoid sugary drinks such as fruit juice and soda.

Take some fish oils.

>> No.3067045

you know what works even better? not breathing at all... the only 'cure-all' known to man!