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3066862 No.3066862 [Reply] [Original]


Some new information about Rossi's Energy Catalyzer: he got a U.S. partner.
The interesting part is that he already got paid. So far he stated that he will only get paid if he delivers the 1 MW plant and it works, at least the argument that he only loses his own money if it turns out to be a scam doesn't stand anymore.

>Have you paid anything to Rossi yet?

>Cassarino: Yes we have.

>How much?

>Cassarino: Let’s put it like this, it was an important piece of the equation.

>> No.3066928

con artist: 1
victim: 0

>> No.3066975

Why hasn't anyone thought to get the machine analyzed as a part of the deal? Are they really just taking his word for it?

>> No.3066992

They aparently had a nonpublic private demo before.

can't they just release the secret already so everyone can build their own.

>> No.3067004

They've had several. That's precisely why they haven't released the details