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3066067 No.3066067 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody help diagnose me?

I'm a 19 year old student, and for the past two days I haven't been able to concentrate at all. My mind feels like it's full of fog and reading, writing or even following conversations is becoming difficult. These symptoms began after I woke up (the night before I went out for dinner and had a lot to eat) and tend to lessen or intensify at different periods throughout the day. I don't do any drugs, smoke or drink and I am physically fit. I don't have a headache, although I can feel a slight pressure at the back of my head, and my temples.

The only thing I can equate this feeling to is the racetam "brain fog" (I tried one-time small doses of piracetam 800mg/aniracetam 300mg/oxiracetam 300mg a few months ago, and discontinued use after not encountering any positive effects.)

I'm quite stressed out during the day, and usually need to study 3-4 hours a night to stay on top of all my work... so I can guess this may come about as a result of too much stress (which everyone is telling me), although I don't believe it. I've been a lot more stressed out before and nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I went to see a GP this morning, and after having some blood taken and gaining nothing at all from the visit I was redirected to a neurologist. However, I have to wait 3 fucking weeks for the appointment, and if this brain fog continues I'm going to go fucking crazy.

Has anyone here experienced similar brain fog? Any doctors, or people with medical knowledge care to help me out?

I can provide more information, although even typing a couple of sentences out is a huge chore right now.

>> No.3066071

>TL;DR - 19 year old male, mild-severe brain fog lasting for two days now, difficulty reading, writing and focussing. Redirected to neurologist by GP but the closest appointment is more than 3 weeks away. Don't know what to do right now as I'm incapable of doing anything but sitting on my ass, with numerous assignments due and tests only a couple of weeks away.

Any help is appreciated guys.

>> No.3066081

Hypoglycaemia, or a thousand other things.

>> No.3066083

How much sleep do you usually get?

>> No.3066089
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>went to a doctor after two days of not being able to focus

>> No.3066090

Not a scientist, nor am I a chemist or a pharmacist, but I think that if at all possible, more sleep and some "chill out" types of aerobic exercise to destress yourself would be beneficial.

I haven't encountered a brain fog, but I have felt over encumbered and at times, it seems like I've gotten lost in my own thoughts. But it passes with time.

Any other info about your habits that could possibly hint at anything?

>> No.3066093


I sleep fine, usually 7-9 hours per night depending on when classes start.


I doubt it's hypoglycemia, I had a pretty big dinner the night before the brain fog started. I can only speculate that the there was something wrong with the food I ate, although the other people I was with all seem to be fine.

>> No.3066095


OP: Seems somewhat of a lack of sleep mixed with a lot of stress

>> No.3066104

MS or other degenerative neurological condition, probably demyelinating. Possible brain tumor.

good luck OP, that's how it starts.

>> No.3066111
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Sounds more or less like what I'm experiencing recently, OP.

>> No.3066112

It's not just my focus, most of my cognitive abilities have been affected. Reading, talking, forming thoughts are generally a LOT slower than they usually are.


I'm following some of your advice, I've stopped trying to finish off my assignments, however the nagging feeling that I'm wasting valuable time is still gnawing at me...

While exercising the day before going out to dinner I noticed a slight pain at the back of my head. I didn't think much of it at the moment although that side of my head feels slightly numb right now (I'm a hypochondriac so it could just be placebo).

I'm trying to think of anything else that could be of use... I'll update as soon as I can.

>> No.3066124

also possible you suffered a minor stroke. if so, that's got a far better prognosis than most chronic neurological conditions.

>> No.3066130
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Working out and studying less for a little bit might help.

I might even try going out and getting completely fucked up.

It's just like when you look at a Where's Waldo book for too long. You just need a break. Some time off.

>> No.3066133


I've been speculating about this but there's no chance of getting diagnosed for a couple of weeks. Will this just go away by itself or am I going to die/get worse if I don't see a neurologist/doctor very soon?

>> No.3066147


This makes sense, although I'm in a bad spot to be taking too much time off work/studying... I guess I'll see if I get better within the next day or two and if not I'll try and find another neurologist to visit.

>> No.3066148

the neurologist can tell you.

If it's MS or FA or something, it'll go away for a while and then come back for a while, a cycle that goes on for decades until it becomes debilitating.

If it's a stroke, which I've personally experienced, you'll be fine in a week or two. However I'm at higher risk for major strokes having had minor ones at an early age. Blood thinners and blood pressure meds would be on the menu. But if that's what it is, and it sounds a bit like it, you'll recover fine. If it was a stroke I'd expect you to have experienced extreme headache for a little while, as well as complete inability to understand language or speak. A lot of confusion and pain, as well as probably partial paralysis and perhaps problems seeing or focusing your eyes.

only your specialist can tell you for sure though.

>> No.3066152

just curious, OP: where are you studying?

>> No.3066153
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>> No.3066158

lol... people talking about brain tumors and strokes.

People get way worse symptoms, blackouts, hallucinations, extremely strange sensations and emotions from stress and mental illness.

It might be that the piracetam came from a dodgy supplier, could be partial seizures, depression, anxiety, wait and see what your doctor says. Did you tell them that you ordered racetams online? They're legal to import in the UK which is where I'm assuming you live.

>> No.3066159


I'm not experiencing any of these symptoms to the degree that you describe... I'm feeling slight pressure at the base of my brain and temples as well as difficulty thinking, reading, writing or completing any task requiring intense focus.

I also had a small cold a couple of days prior and still haven't recovered from that. Lethargy and random chills but nothing major as colds go...

I guess I'll just hope for the best...

>> No.3066169

drugs taken several months ago now presenting symptoms? seems unlikely.

>> No.3066181

you could have slept through a TIA, but it seems unlikely, they're a bit shocking.

the complete loss of speech for a few hours to a few days is common, and not something you'd overlook. In my experience it comes before several weeks of brain fog. The headache isn't present in all people, but I'd expect any passing aphasia would be noted since it starts out severe and slowly gets better.

you could also just have a really long lasting atypical migraine. Like one without the pain.

>> No.3066182


I ordered it from cerebral health (http://www.cerebralhealth.com/).).
Cheapest, reliable source I could find.

I'm positive that these symptoms aren't arising from my use of nootropics. I took very small quantities, and haven't taken any for months. If there was a problem I'm guessing I should have felt it by now. I live in Australia.

>> No.3066192

Why don't you try planking?

>> No.3066207

Update: the symptoms seem to intensify when I am writing or doing any activity that requires concentration (like typing this).

Since the general consensus seems to be negative, I'm going to try and schedule an earlier appointment with a different specialist.

>> No.3068443

have you gained any weight, muscle loss, felt more tired than usual? You may have hypothyroidism.

>> No.3068449

It's lupus. Better shit brix, OP.