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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 222 KB, 1280x720, Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3065521 No.3065521 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, help me out. Have to wake up for school in 5 hours, but before then I have to "interview" 3 people about their jobs for my economics class. I just need a brief reply to all these questions.
>What is your job?
>Describe what you do?
>What educational level is required?
>How much experience is needed?
>Are there many people that qualify for your job?

>> No.3065532

>What is your job?
Male homosexual prostitute
>Describe what you do?
I get phones calls and have sex with men.
>What educational level is required?
An engineering degree. Any one is fine.
>How much experience is needed?
The engineering classes teach us a lot, and we do a lot of "practical work" if you know what I mean.
>Are there many people that qualify for your job?
Yes, you too can be one of us if you so desire!

>> No.3065542
File: 126 KB, 1280x1770, Lab coats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i dont get enough replies i'll just bullshit the interviews, but i'd rather not.

>> No.3065544

>What is your job?
IRC troll
>Describe what you do?
see gnaa.eu for details
>What educational level is required?
Intro to Political Science class
>How much experience is needed?
2 years
>Are there many people that qualify for your job?

>> No.3065563

what my parents tell me to do.
not much really.
well, i got my diploma.
how much i got nigga.
never asked, but i am pretty tall.

>> No.3065574

>What is your job?
Math tutor at a local college.
>Describe what you do?
Tutor math topics people are struggling with. Tutoring, but not doing people's homework for them.
>What educational level is required?
Highschool math at the bare minimum for tutoring the remedial courses. No official requirements other than that, except you should at least have taken the math course you're tutoring for at least once. (Pretty obvious, just means you can't tutor Diff Eq if you yourself haven't had Calc 3, for example)
>How much experience is needed?
Same as above, pretty much. No previous experience is really needed, except actually knowing the topics beforehand.
>Are there many people that qualify for your job?
On paper, yes, as there isn't a huge life of "official" requirements. In reality though, not a whole lot of people actually retain all the details required from their own studies that would allow them to actually tutor, so these people sort of get phased out during the interview process. But it's not a very prestigious job or anything, even if you just know highschool math you can probably get in tutoring at the remedial levels. No pay difference, except the people who can tutor the higher classes generally get more hours.

>> No.3065582
File: 71 KB, 720x540, Cern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do i get the feeling that there wont be many serious responses till i give up, bullshit that section of the project and go to sleep, waking up to find 200 replies.

>> No.3065587

>What is your job?

It's a classified position, they don't have a name for it.

>Describe what you do?

I locate and rely co-ordinates for attack on enemy ships and subs, if the need ever arose.

>What educational level is required?


>How much experience is needed?

I started out with no experience.

>Are there many people that qualify for your job?

They have another just like me on their side. As long as I sink his battleship before ours is sunk, we win.

>> No.3065593
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>my face when my only remaining ship is my 2 space destroyer, and i decimate your fleet while you try to find me

>> No.3065597

>What is your job?

>Describe what you do?
I sleep with exotic women and steal artifacts from bad guys in order to keep certain exhibits alive at the museum.
>What educational level is required?
Ph.D. in Archeology

>How much experience is needed?
I started doing this stuff back when I was with the boy scouts.

>Are there many people that qualify for your job?
Shia Labeouf tried, but he's an asshole.

>> No.3065649
File: 769 KB, 1366x733, Labcoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on the other parts of the project. Either way i'll be shitfaced when morning comes so im not in a hurry to sleep.

>> No.3065659

You need to interview people for your economics class.


>What is your job
President of Money
>Describe your job
I get to decide who gets the money
>what educational level is required
PhB, which is like a PhD but better
>How much experience is needed
A lot
>Are there many people that qualify for your job

>> No.3065695
File: 448 KB, 1024x576, Oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Class is a joke, hence me waiting till now to actually do something. Learned more from just reading the text book and ignoring the lecture. Not to mention a metric shit ton of group projects, where 4 people dick around and one does all the work.

>> No.3065719
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, Dr pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, probably wasnt a good idea to try this when /sci/ is moving at a snails pace. Ah well, what i've got is good enough to skim by with an 80.
Thanks to the one guy who answered seriously, and even everyone else dicking around. Gave me a few good ideas of how to bullshit the interviews.

>> No.3065747
File: 2 KB, 98x122, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your job?
President of the United States of America
>Describe what you do?
I'm da Boss.
>What educational level is required?
George W. Bush. 'Nuff said.
>How much experience is needed?
None. All you have to do is repeat vague catch phrases like "Hope" and "Dream" and you're in.

Hell, son, it even got me the Nobel Prize. You ever get the Nobel Prize for sitting around in your underwear eating fried chicken? I didn't think so, son.
> Are there many people that qualify for your job?
Anyone over 35 who can fake a Hawaiian birth certificate.

>> No.3065987

>What is your job?

>Describe what you do?
I squeeze women's breasts looking for lumps which could be breast cancer. I also spread their vaginas and thoroughly examine them.

>What educational level is required?
Medical school

>How much experience is needed?
Four years residency

>Are there many people that qualify for your job?

>> No.3066000

>What is your job?
>Describe what you do?
Clean toilets, mop floors
>What educational level is required?
US Highschool Diploma
>How much experience is needed?
1 year.
>Are there many people that qualify for your job?
Most highschool graduates are not responsible enough for the position.

>> No.3066006
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>I squeeze women's breasts looking for lumps which could be breast cancer.

Gynecology is miles away from oncology, you twit.