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3064522 No.3064522 [Reply] [Original]

Will humans eventually die out?

>> No.3064532

I think so.

>> No.3064536
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>> No.3064546
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The human genome will. But what was born out of Mankind, that will live on until there is not a proton to remember what we did.

>> No.3064551
File: 374 KB, 1280x1024, sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the sun.

in 5 billion years it will engulf the earth.

>> No.3064557

>Implying we won't be long gone by then.

>> No.3064561

Within 1 billion years, the Earth's surface temperature will be boiling.

>> No.3064565
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No. We'll evolve into something non-human, probably some kind of hairless, large-headed entity whose only thoughts are that of logic and efficiency; governed by a supercomputer whose intellect is not only never questioned but whose creator is unknown.

>> No.3064570

So, in 5 billion years we will still be living here? Ok.

>> No.3064586


Nope. The exact opposite will happen. People will seek more and more hedonism and distractions due to the massive ennui sweeping the species and we'll revert back to the comfort and safety of a new dark age. We can see that happening now. Nobody is clamoring for the betterment of the species and the masses don't give a shit. We won't be evolving into anything grand.

>> No.3064601
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>Nobody is clamoring for the betterment of the species

I concede that the masses don't give a shit. But fuck those.

>> No.3064605


A few people can't get shit done without mass support. Let's face it, we COULD and SHOULD be a lot better than we are, but it's not gonna happen.

>> No.3064607
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did someone say speciation?

>> No.3064613

There has to be a happy medium.

>> No.3064619


The same technologies that can lead to a hedonistic society of pleasure (Molecular nanotechnology) can be used to augment the human condition in ways raw biology and genetics would not allow.

>> No.3064640


There isn't. Look at what we've become. Our flawed biological structures were great for living in caves and primitive societies. Lust, greed, etc., made sense if we lived like animals. The problem is that most of us are still guided by those same desires and instincts rather than forging ahead past those same baser instincts. The dumb simply outbreed the smart and our minds seek distractions from life and its problems. It's easier to be ignorant of things than having to think about real problems and issues.


Why would we want to become more hedonistic? That's the problem and what's leading us to a new dark age. When our bodies can feel pleasure we rarely seek to advance beyond it and do better. Take the Elohim from the Time Machine. Sure, they were happy as hell, but they were also weak and stupid. It only leads to degeneration and ultimately a collapse.

>> No.3064670
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Implying the equivalent of some kind of computer generated matrix providing sexual pleasure and intellectual entertainment is not the hedonistic nirvana. The internet was brought forth because of humanity's lust for games; it will evolve into a full blown reality in the coming centuries/decades.

>> No.3064682

might as well since space exploration becomes more and more impossible.

>> No.3064714


futurists everywhere. Why don't you guys all meet and circle jerk over michio kaku.

>> No.3064726


We're not really advancing as we could or ought to be advancing.


That is what's happening to our species. Our technological progress has surpassed our collective wisdom as a species. We won't come to an era where eugenics, genetic/technological modifications become the norm. We'll never hit an era where everything is done in order to advance the perfection of our species. We fucked up. Humanity had a good run and could have went far, but we didn't. And that's fine. But we can't pretend that our hedonism hasn't really taken us down a notch or made us fuck over our own species constantly due to those feelings. In order for us to advance we'd have to hit a Vulcan level of emotional control first. That's not gonna fucking happen. We couldn't even listen to our own wise people who supported giving off GOOD emotions. And we're going to remove them entirely and make logical choices for our species and its advancement? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.3064731

Space exploration will boom as soon as we find a cheap way to get into space.

>> No.3064756


>> No.3064764


>implying anyone ever did anything solely for the 'advancement of humankind'


>implying its not

>> No.3064775


I'm okay with this.....

I fucking hate this species anyways.....People still think snakes can talk and its godamn 2012. I hope it all burns down.

>> No.3064785

You are the "we are too complexe" or the "we are our soul" type?
The first, irreducible complexity, well ... and the second, i have bad news for you.
In other words:

>> No.3064801
File: 57 KB, 610x340, Lady-Gaga-Born-This-Way-610x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on just the thing, I call it a magic wand.

>costs trillions of space bucks

>> No.3064859

i was reading that the human race will start to devlove into a lizard type creature in ina few million years

>> No.3064935

>implying we can 'devolve'