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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3060706 No.3060706 [Reply] [Original]

So some Canadians cured cancer. Why did I have to find this at fucking /v/ of all places? Why you not talk about it?


Pic related, it's canada but with no immigrants.

>> No.3060712
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Wops, wrong link. This is the ones with the cancer-cure


>> No.3060716

Cancer isn't some single sickness which can be cured in one stroke. That's probably why /sci/ isn't talking about it.

>> No.3060722

4th thread today. about 2-3 more to go

>> No.3060725

>Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested.
Instantly closed, all of my hate.

What fucking bullshit.

>> No.3060726

the drug doesn't work, doesn't kill all the cancer cells, it's a good idea but they're still working on it

>> No.3060735


You didn't even bother reading the whole sentence?
It's because the method can't be patented.

>> No.3060736

>Pic related, it's canada but with no immigrants.

All Canadians are immigrants

>> No.3060738

Tard, it was discussed here twice. The article dates back to 2007 and the research did not result in a potent new anti-cancer drug.

>> No.3060749

Until it is picked up by the MSM and there starts to be an actual buzz in the medical community, you can safely assume it's about as real as the last dozen claims producing cold fusion.

>> No.3060757

>>glycolysis, a different way of making energy.

All my rage.

>> No.3060777

If they're going to have headlines like that, AND it's based on legitimately significant news, it will crop up in better places. I lose nothing by calling bullshit on this specific article.

>> No.3060799

>it will crop up in better places.
You mean, for example, where pharmaceutical companies like to advertise?


>> No.3060809


There are legitimately reliable sources of research news.

>> No.3060826
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>implying cancers are so easily beaten.

>> No.3060833

That aren't used as advertising for pharmaceutical companies?

I don't think so, Tim.jpg Whenever one magazine or source has a -wiff- of credibility and legitimacy, Pharma is there fast enough to be embarrassing, and slightly suspicious.

>> No.3060866


Get real, if this worked big pharm would be all over it to find a patentable formulation.

>> No.3060873

Advertising isn't a conspiracy, fuckwit.

>> No.3060882

He's agreeing with that point. You mean the other guy.

>> No.3060897

inb4 comparision with cold fusion

>> No.3060906

I think he's underestimating how fast pharma will pump every gram of credibility out of a journal.

>> No.3060923

So...what's your point?

Can't trust any of those 'respectable' journals as they are read by enough people to warrant adverts by the big names?

>> No.3060925

this has already been tested to some extent. turns out it has some pretty fucked up side effects like nerve degeneration.

it can also cause liver cancer, strangely enough

so no it's not the silver bullet

>> No.3060935

[citation needed]

>> No.3060943

They shouldn't have advertising at all, idiot.

You pay for a subscription.

>> No.3060947

And cable TV shouldn't have commercials.

Deal with it. I do.

>> No.3060949

No, not degeneration, just numbness. Learn to read, idiot.

>> No.3060951


Fuck you, I threw my television out.

You watching re-runs of Jersey shore? Again?

>> No.3060961

lol u so mad
I only have basic cable because it makes my internet cheaper (lol Comcast), and I don't really ever use it.

>> No.3060966

Please, you pay a fraction of the costs with a sub.

>> No.3060972

>hardly ever

Sure, buddy. Pull the other one, it has bells on.

Hey, is the History Channel going to re-run "The factual prophecies of Nostradamus" anytime soon?

>> No.3060981

also canado gives healthcare for free basically, why would they not want to use something that is dirt cheap and available. fucking conspiracies, why do they persist.

>> No.3060980


Also, idiot.

>> No.3060978

DCA is being studied by all sorts of agencies world-wide, and clinical trials are going on RIGHT NOW. Calm down. If it turns out to be a miracle drug, it will become known as a miracle drug. It's only been in the news since 2007, and these things take time.

>> No.3060986

u so mad
Does it hurt to be that mad?

>> No.3060987

oh my fucking god, if you existed you should have struck me down.

>> No.3060988

Please, they don't do much work. There aren't that many costs to a journal besides shitty paper and the comments section.

>> No.3060991

cry some more. If there weren't ads subscriptions would be more expensive.

>> No.3060994

>fucking conspiracies, why do they persist.
projected sociopathy

>> No.3060996

The ads pay for the journal. I should get it for free.

>> No.3061001

Not only are you doing psychology, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3061005

call the waaaaaambulance

>> No.3061006

lol. no.

>> No.3061007

Cancer cells generally use glycolysis rather than respiration (oxidative phosphorylation) for energy (the Warburg effect), as a result of hypoxia that exists in tumors and damaged mitochondria.[13] Usually dangerously damaged cells kill themselves via apoptosis, a mechanism of self-destruction that involves mitochondria, but this mechanism fails in cancer cells.

A phase one study published in January 2007 by researchers at the University of Alberta, who had tested DCA on cancer cells grown in mice, found that DCA restored mitochondrial function, thus restoring apoptosis, allowing cancer cells to self-destruct and, therefore, the tumor shrinking.[14]

These results received extensive media attention, beginning with an article in New Scientist titled "Cheap, ‘safe’ drug kills most cancers".[15] Subsequently, the American Cancer Society and other medical organizations have received a large volume of public interest and questions regarding DCA.[16] Clinical trials in humans with cancer have not been conducted in the USA and are not yet final in Canada, emphasizing the need for caution in interpreting the preliminary results.[16][17]

Seems like they're doing plenty of research on it. FDA guidelines, however, mean that it won't be on market for maybe 10 years.

If you have cancer, you'll have to do some digging to get the drug. Ask your doctor, find out where a study is being performed, try to synthesize the stuff yourself or make good friends with a chemist.

>> No.3061017

They do the mostest work evar!

How about that, I can make baseless comments to.

>> No.3061020

[citation provided]

>> No.3061021

Couldn't you simply volunteer to be a guinea pig? You got nothing left to loose anyway. (if all other treatments have been tried)

>> No.3061041

A journal that sells advertising space to pharmaceutical companies is not a credible source, because they are biased in favor of their advertisers.


>> No.3061052

>Thinks a glossy magazine is a journal, because it has "journal' in it's name.

>> No.3061068

Because dichloroacetate is no more effective at treating cancer than other therapies

>cured cancer
No. It should be illegal to make vacuous claims

>> No.3061076

I'm still amazed that people think cancer is a single disease for which we will eventually find a single cure.

>> No.3061080


>> No.3061139

Oh it gets better.

"In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria, "

>>In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria,

>>human cell, the mitochondria,

>>Mitochondria. Cells.

Yeah... they could have at least done the research.

Also: Thread #9.

>> No.3061162

Oh, look. That same error from 2007 that gets pointed out in every thread is PROOF that you are God of everything, and they are fumbling cave men.

>> No.3061178

>In the 5 patients tested, the drug took 3 months to reach blood levels high enough to alter the tumor's metabolism. At those levels, there were no significant adverse effects. However, at some of the higher doses tested, DCA caused nerve malfunction, i.e. numbing of toes and fingers. Importantly, in some patients there was also evidence for clinical benefit, with the tumors either regressing in size or not growing further during the 18 month study.

Yeah, no.

>> No.3061241

I'd contest that. Mitochondria can be considered cells in biological circles (particularly when you look to their evolutionary beginnings).

They also are the single most important part of the cell for controlling the apoptotic cascade when something goes awry.

I've not read the paper and I don't know how much shit may or may not be being spouted, but this is a perfectly accepted consensus in cellular biology.

>> No.3061265

To everyone getting cross about having to pay for the journal:


>> No.3061267


This wasn't really a condemnation of the paper, I find it's findings interesting. Really I was just talking about the idiocy of the media when reporting scientific stories.

>> No.3061290

I've actually read the story the thread is about now, probably should have done that first.

Yeah, I see your point. It's a little better than most but the real story they're trying to sell here isn't DCA treatment but rather an alarmist anti-bigpharma sob story. Utter bullshit.

>> No.3061299

Unfortunately not, declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg code throw a spanner into that.

>> No.3061454


I thought it was kind of odd that they left out the fact that mitochondria drastically increase ATP production, and are therefore the source of most of our energy.

>> No.3061460
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but op.. they already discovered the cure for cancer

pretty cool documentary about this method out there

>> No.3061528

It's not all that relevant here. Since starting pharmacology the notion that mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell gets sidelined. You keep it at the back of your mind, but it really doesn't matter too much. The big thing to note about mitochondria is that if anything goes wrong they just nuke fucking everything (think Madagascar in Pandemic II).

>> No.3061572

Well, I have http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21557214 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichloroacetic_acid#Potential_cancer_applications
But yes, this is old and OP's article is bullshit (not to offend OP with this).