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File: 285 KB, 1181x1800, Herman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3060349 No.3060349 [Reply] [Original]

The Main Tea Party candidate in 2012 is Herman Cain.

A successful business man who turned a failing company into a profitable industry.

He also has a Mathematics BS and a computer Science degree.

Bought time we had an intelligent Mathematician in the white house.

So much for Tea party stereotypes about being racist and hating Math and Science.

>> No.3060350

>token black guy is a token black guy

>> No.3060372
File: 126 KB, 480x640, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token black guy is a token black guy

mfw that feel

>> No.3060386

Not at all

Token black guys don't have Math Degrees and Computer science Grad degrees.

Don't you want a mathematician/Scientist in office instead of another lawyer?

Come on you guys always whine about how politicians don't know anything about science and math.

He also has proven success in Business.

The republicans in this race are by far more education in science and math then the democrats.

For example Gingrich has a PHD and Ron Paul is a doctor

>> No.3060389
File: 34 KB, 640x427, phd in maths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in mathematics
>300k starting
>any tree i want

>> No.3060391

>has a mathematics bullshit
damn it, cannot unsee since that one guy said it last night

>> No.3060390

It's not like the Democratic party is really that much better in terms of sheer numbers. Herman Cain would be awesome.

>> No.3060404

>Gingrich has a PHD

Yeah, but he has a Ph.D. in HISTORY. That's equivalent to maybe a B.S. in Civil Engineering

>> No.3060405

>tea party
pick one

>> No.3060407

>BS in mathematics
>No job I can get
>$0 starving

>> No.3060411

>yfw this guy should have been the first black president instead of Obama

>> No.3060412

He also loves science and wants us to colonize the moon.


He also believes in evolution and is not a protestant

>> No.3060429

Too bad, Obama ruined the image of a good black president forever.

>> No.3060437

If he associates with them, he just has high INT and low WIS.

>> No.3060438

>there was one bad black president
>therefore there can never be a good black president


>> No.3060446

Too bad, George W Bush ruined the image of good white president forever.

We need to elect a Mexican.

>> No.3060448

>He also loves science and wants us to colonize the moon.
Fuck yes. Obutthead is oblivious to the scientific virtues of going back to the moon. Even GWB knew we needed to go back to the moon.

>> No.3060451

>Obutthead is oblivious to the scientific virtues of going back to the moon

Well, you're oblivious to the massive cost that would require.

>> No.3060461

Fuck that. We need an Asian president. That would be fucking awesome.

>> No.3060457

he has a Masters in Computer Science

This is an objective fact.

Its also a fact that Tea party members are on average Better educated then the general population.

>> No.3060455
File: 30 KB, 401x300, vote-for-pedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3060462

With SpaceX a lunar mission would costs less then 1 shuttle flight.


>> No.3060466

Too bad the majority of the voters does think like that.
Deal with it.

>> No.3060468

>BS in Math
>Masters in CS
>Still panders to the lowest common denominator

Why is he still an idiot?

>> No.3060471

LOL, hardly. He cancelled the moon mission and said we should go to Mars instead. What do you think costs more?

>> No.3060476

I don't believe you.

>> No.3060483

How does he pander to the lowest common denominator?

>> No.3060490


because thats how you win political debates

>> No.3060493


>> No.3060496



Except I would prefer to be called "Immortal Emperor, Highest of Earth, Equal to Heaven."

>> No.3060499

Putin wants to go to the Moon too. 2ND COLD WAR.

But seriously, I hope there is more worldwide investment in space stuff.

>> No.3060513

I didn't say "why" I said "how"? In what manner? The tea party is a movement against the common denominator. The common denominator is "the government will take care of you, don't worry. We'll punish the rich and take care of you when you're old." The tea party is the principles of low taxation, limited government, individual responsibilities and rights, which happens to be the stuff that the people who started the country believed in.

>> No.3060514

Because he has a different view then you do.

People who disagree with you are not stupid

Liberals are just as stupid as conservatives

>> No.3060518

The people who started this country also believed in riding horse carts to the market. Do we do that?

>> No.3060526

>Is not a protestant
Don't tell me he's Catholic, ew.

>> No.3060525

People shouldn't assume that every viewpoint is correct, people should assume that everybody is wrong. Compromise seeks to preserve everybody's agenda, when in fact a rational would work tirelessly to take them apart.

>> No.3060529

That's a silly analogy, but your general point can still be made.

Are the general principles enacted by the founding fathers still relevant? Personally, I don't see a sufficient reason to say "no". Little of what we bitch about is inherent to the constitution.

>> No.3060528

Promised costs and actual costs are never anywhere close to each other.

>> No.3060535

Also Capitalism is the only way for us to ever colonize space.

Tea Party would do more for Science Then the Liberals ever would.

For example SpaceX built a Rocket for less then 30% of what it would have cost NASA(This is confirmed by NASA)

Throwing Money at science=/=Science gets done

>> No.3060534

So was JFK. So?

>> No.3060537



laid it on a bit too thick there in the middle.

>> No.3060536

Why does no one understand my question? Why do you think he has a different view than me?

>> No.3060538

>the stuff that the people who started the country believed in.

This always makes me rage. What's with all the cocksucking of the founding fathers? They were just some enormous pricks who happened to be at the right place at the right time. Why would everythign they have said and done be gospel? I suspect many of the tea party retards think that God somehow made them special.

>> No.3060540

Thats not a belief you idiot.

Also Freedom does not go out of date

>> No.3060544

LMAO! So you think that having a government that constitutes 40% of the GDP is some kind of INNOVATION that the founding fathers would have embraced if they had only thought of it? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.3060550

Because they Created the Form of government that is the heart of every single devolped country in the world(Except UEA and Kuwait but they are only good because of oil)

>> No.3060553

This thread is an absolute clusterfuck of retards.

>> No.3060554

Why would you assume they are relevant, with all that has changed?

>> No.3060583


Yea no pandering. He talks straight and doesn't dodge questions, just speaks da fucking truth!

>> No.3060582

Because they were geniuses and political philosophers than should be studied, admired, and emulated. Their principles are also in our constitution, so if we don't agree with them, we should be changing them. One or the other.

>> No.3060586

>Bought time we had an intelligent Mathematician in the white house.
>Bought time

'Bout time someone noticed this.

>> No.3060590


>Because they Created the Form of government that is the heart of every single devolped country in the world

That isn't true.

The UK, Canada and Japan all remain Monarchies.

And there were democratic republics before the US.

>> No.3060598

Why would you assume that things like the freedom of speech, of the press, the freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, the checks and balances to protect against the tyranny of any one of the branches of government would somehow be irrelevant today? Anyone who's paid attention the last 200 years will notice that nothing whatsoever has changed in politics, except that political wisdom and scholarship has become far more scarce.

>> No.3060599

A few generations on Americans will be breeding all new races of humans just so they can have a president with unsullied genetics.

>> No.3060604

Ceremonial Monarchies

They elect their real leaders

>> No.3060606

ITT: A hipster faggot has his head so far up his ass that he actually thinks the tenets of the tea party movement make sense.

Seriously kid, you never go full retard.

>> No.3060608
File: 516 KB, 1280x1998, 1305476781920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glenn bAck made more and he didnt needed a degree. This comic saays so

>> No.3060616

Wow, holy crap. Too bad he'd never have a chance at getting elected saying things like that.

>> No.3060629

>mfw the real story was that he was a degenerate
>who found Jesus and Mormonism and became a conservative

>> No.3060631

Japan's constitution is pretty much a carbon copy of our own.

>> No.3060635

You would be surprised He won South Carolina buy like 80%

I think not bullshitting matters more to people then political correctness now

>> No.3060652

the guy is dumb as bricks, hes just like that "the rent is too damn high" guy, he just shouts buzzwords like WE NEED MOAR JOBZ

theres nothing tea party about him. if the tea party chooses him, they lost my respect completely. hes better than the typical neocon, but not by much. ron paul wiped the floor with him at the debate.

>> No.3060654

>Friend of mine has a BS in mathematics
>Wants to become a high school teacher
>Has taken Calc 2-4, ODE, PDE, Analysis, Analytical Geometry as core courses.
>Fails multiple choice, high school teaching test 3 times

degrees dont mean shit

>> No.3060669

>I think not bullshitting matters more to people then political correctness now
If only that were true. If that were true we'd be profiling arabs and muslims at the airports instead of groping toddlers to see if they have explosives hidden in their privates.

>> No.3060685

I don't know why we don't adopt the Israeli security model. Basically behavior profiling and searching questions.

>> No.3060686

Just look at Donald trump as a case study

>> No.3060691

Ron Paul is good at sound bites but he's crazy as a loon.

>> No.3060707

because thats racist

>> No.3060720

>implying anyone is going to vote for Donald Trump.

>> No.3060729

yea hes so crazy to be honest and vote exactly like he says he will unconditionally. enjoy your "sane" obama type candidates who just tell you what you want to hear and do something different when they get to office

>> No.3060734

Or what they do at train stations and the capital building... have bomb-sniffing dogs. That would actually be effective, as opposed to what they do at airports which is completely ineffective, besides being offensive to personal dignity and unconstitutional.

>> No.3060740

They have a Prime Minister, a separate head of state, and they didn't have jury trials till this decade.

>> No.3060742


Israel is basically an Apartheid state right now though. Is that really the model you want to follow?

(And Israel is a Apartheid state for the same reasons that south Africa was. If they allow the Palestinians equal rights the Jews are no longer the Majority and they lose control of the government)

>> No.3060779


That's not why he's crazy. That's how we know he's crazy.

>> No.3060808

Sure, I believe he's honest. And I'd love to have someone who would gut the federal government. However, I also believe he's crazy enough to be honest about foreign policy, which means he would end all our overseas military presence, including taiwan and korea, which basically means world war 3.

>> No.3060814

IMO Korea would be OK. Taiwan, maybe not.

>> No.3060815

I don't see how you can compare it to Apartheid. Palestine is essentially a separate state from Israel. They claim to be so.

>> No.3060850

Korea would not be OK. Seoul is within shelling distance of the border. NK has the 4th largest land-based military in the world (the US is 3rd). It's twice as large as SK, who ranks 11th.


NK has 3x the air power as SK. (In this case the US is obviously 1st, and is our vital contribution there)
