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3057304 No.3057304 [Reply] [Original]

The whole concept of the universe ending really overwhelms me. I know it's debatable in some scientific circles whether it will end or not, but it seems from what I've read that the universe does have an expiration date of sorts of its own.

It really almost makes me nihilistic, but it mostly fascinates and overwhelms me so much.

It's bad enough we're trapped on this shithole planet, but it's even worse that we're trapped in this big, unpredictable universe.

>> No.3057323

As they say, the logical step after atheism is nihilism.

>> No.3057315

We've got a few billion years to mull it over. I wouldn't worry about it in the short term. Baby steps. Worry about this shithole planet, first.

>> No.3057332

Time is distorted in regions of high energy, so even if the universe eventually ends, we can make it seem like a nearly infinitely long time

>> No.3057334

I see what you mean. Even with that in mind, I get angsty thinking about how easily Earth can get destroyed.

I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.3057357

I understand, but there are tangible solutions to this first problem, and they're being worked on by people. Just support them or work with them, and go on living your life.

>> No.3057378

And the next step is acceptance. And being a colossal dick. Existentialism is optional.

>> No.3057388

>It's bad enough we're trapped on this shithole planet, but it's even worse that we're trapped in this big, unpredictable universe.
Then kill yourself.

What can you imagine would be better than our circumstance? A magical fairy land with strawberry gumdrop slides and ice cream houses?

>> No.3057395

So, OP, now that you know how fragile our existence is, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.3057407

ITT: Angsty teens whose moms wouldn't go to the prom with them

>> No.3057403
File: 453 KB, 624x464, feynman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel threatened by not knowing things.
I think it's much more interesting that way.

>> No.3057434

You guess is as good as mine!

I don't want to kill myself, but I still feel overwhelmed.

There's apparently nothing I can do about it.

Good point. I don't feel threatened. I actually like knowing this!

Please don't remind me of high school. I hated it so much.

For the record, I'm not a teenager. :)

>> No.3057462

Knowing that everything, even the universe, will end and there is nothing we can do about it make me desperate at first.
But then it makes me think of how amazing that is and how lucky I am for being alive right now to even know that.

>> No.3057465
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, universe owning machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the universe seems to be a big stage for reactions to occur within. it's filled with the stuff that can develop into lifeforms, and absolutely littered with worlds and the stars that host them. It's a giant sandbox for intelligent beings, just waiting the uncounted eons to be touched.

>> No.3057470

That is a very good point!

In other words, and I'm trying to be positive here, the universe won't end in our lifetime.

>> No.3057535

according to one prevailing "big bang" theory, other pockets of inflation, within the soup of inflationary space, could engulf us at any moment.

>> No.3057543


>I hated it so much.

Is that why you hate the world? Because the other boys were mean to you?

>> No.3057557

There were myriads of reasons for me to hate high school...

I don't hate the world though. It just scares me sometimes.

>> No.3057568

In addendum, yes the other boys were mean to me.

At least I'm honest about it! :)