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3055808 No.3055808 [Reply] [Original]

So, are we going toward an oil chrisis?
How would the world react to it?

Pic unrelated

Captcha: cartesien fordies

>> No.3055813

Expect a shitstorm in about 20 years.

>> No.3055838



>> No.3055845
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Dunno, I've read a lot of stuff about going green and a solar powered world is becoming more feasible every day.
Up to now we haven't had any real reason to go solar.

My point is, even if we exausted the last drop of oil we wouldn't go back to the stone age, probably an entirely new moel would surface.

Pic unrelated but cute.

>> No.3055856

A man whos mass is 75kg walks up a flight of 12 steps each 2cm in 5 seconds. calculate the power in watts and show working.

>> No.3055870

Well, we could go to solar. But energy would be at least 50x more expensive than it is now. In addition to the solar panels, utilities would have to figure out how to store solar power for the night hours (it would take batteries on a level higher than we have ever produced before).

Thorium + Space based solar (Dyson sphere) FTW

>> No.3055871

Dear god, why don't you faggots go back to /b/?
If you don't care about a thread just ignore it or at least learn how to sage.

>> No.3055905
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Agreed, but as I've said there has never been a real reason to develop said tech.

>> No.3055926


Yes we are. Peak oil etc.

We will probably dick around like a bunch of retards until we finally get our shit together. That's the human way of doing things. Some numbers:

Total energy available directly from the Sun: 173,000 TW
Total energy from wind (not including crazy jet stream harvesting shit): 1220 TW
From biomass: 166 TW
Waves, currents, and ocean heat: 65 TW
Geothermal: 44 TW
Current global human usage of energy: 15.7 TW
Tides: 4 TW
Hydroelectric: 1.5 TW
Nuclear: lol dunno

>> No.3055928
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Yes. If the rate of use was dropping, it would be okay. But it's not dropping, it keeps climbing on.

But the process is too slow for people to actually realize it's happening, so no one is alarmed.

While in a way it's a good thing that peopel aren't panicking, it has also led to the current ignorance and want for more at the cost of the future.

I'm not gonna make any predictions, because smarter(and stupider, you call on who's who) people than me will give you those.

But I'll say this: relatively soon, the western world and the developing countries that are dependent on us and primitive oil technologies will have to change the way things are done. Either willingly or by simple force of necessity.