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File: 14 KB, 300x275, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3055070 No.3055070 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a PHD in Political Science anything

>> No.3055078


Can you get a job with a Bachelor's degree of that?

What kind of job do you have?

>> No.3055080


what are the latest discoveries in your field?

>> No.3055092

I am in first year poli sci.

I applied for biochem for next year.

>> No.3055094

Why is Ayn Rand so ugly? He's so skinny and wiry.

Also, was he gay? I heard he was.

>> No.3055098
File: 250 KB, 800x1200, Vanessa-Hudgens-Feet-390348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your main political standpoints?

>> No.3055099

Ayn Rand is a fucking cunt. She denounced altruism because people have free will and the will to change their situations without people's help. She said that "weak" people are not deserving of love and support, whether it be spiritually or monetarily.


>> No.3055091

What do you think of White nationalism? Would you be comfortable having different ethnic groups rule over you(Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics)?

>> No.3055128

where's my food?

>> No.3055131

>I don't know anything at all about Rand or her ideas, but I've heard edgy leftist hipsters hate her, so I do too!

>> No.3055133


Clearly Marxism-Randism.

>> No.3055143


I teach Pol Sci 101 at a CC


That capitalism doesn't work for the majority of the people


I think nationalism is a mental illness.


I believe in personal liberty and government intervention in the economy

>> No.3055158

What do you do for living?

>> No.3055169


>> No.3055174


teach to who?

>> No.3055175

>That capitalism doesn't work for the majority of the people
Is that your opinion or fact, what proofs? Can you answer more complex?

>> No.3055180

Piss off loser. You are fucking useless.

>> No.3055190

OP what are your goals, to work for MSNBC? I mean if you could do something like that, it might be cool. With the current circus act that we call politics in the USA studying current events is sort of a joke. However, the history aspect is crucial although pretty much useless as well.

>> No.3055192

Well lets examine the theory first. The theory of capitalism is that every capitalist should be free to invest without government intervention. Now what would the capitalist invest in? products that improve the lot of the masses? safe tools and equipment for use in their factory? NOPE. The capitalist will invest in whatever makes them money no matter how immoral or unsafe. Their interest is not that of the masses. Even Adam Smith admits to this. So capitalism even fails in theory as well as practice.

>> No.3055195

Real science is too hard for you?

>> No.3055206



>> No.3055224

Why are stupid people allowed to vote?

>> No.3055220

That was almost directly from one of her interviews, faggot.

>> No.3055218


It's his opinion.


Rand hated forced altruism - i.e, steal someone's money and give it to someone else. She had no problem with voluntary altruism.


The Capitalist makes money BY serving his consumers desires, if he didn't serve the masses, other Capitalist would and he'd lose in the market. And if he makes something that damages other people's lives and/or property, than he infringed their property rights and should be punished - if he isn't punished, than that's because government did a shitty job enforcing the law.

Go read some actual books on Economic subjecs rather than make shitty Marxist rants. A few good books:

>Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazzlit.
>Free to choose, by Milton Friedman
>"Socialism: An economic and Sociological analysis" and "Interventionism: A critique" by Ludwig von Mises
>Capitalism: A treatise on economics by George Reisman

>> No.3055231

>Go read some actual books on Economic subjecs rather than make shitty Marxist rants. A few good books:
>Austrian bullshit

You're making as big of an ass out of yourself as OP.

>> No.3055247

>political science


sage for troll not even trying

>> No.3055249

I'll ask what you're likely going to be hearing a lot.

Can I get fries with that?

>> No.3055253
File: 30 KB, 646x365, 1303873437203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the deal with wealth distribution?

Do you think this is fair?

If yes: how do we fix it

If no: How poor does the bottom 50% have to be before its not fair anymore?

>> No.3055270

>Rand hated forced altruism - i.e, steal someone's money and give it to someone else.

Oh? Is that why she turned on a dime and took government money for medical expenses the moment it was her turn to suffer misfortune?

>> No.3055272

dude I think you mixed "yes" and "no".
btw I don't think it's unfair if this distribution isn't result of illegal stuffs.

>> No.3055275


Economics in one lesson is a book that explains the broken window fallacy and the problems with protectionism/rent control/inflation, nothing too far-fetched or "Austrian", mostly things everyone can agree with if they understand the arguments.

Free to choose is a book/tv series by Friedman - a Chigago School economist - which is really popular and simply explains that the market economy benefits consumers and criticizes some forms of interventionism.

Mises's "Socialism" book is simply a critique of Central Planning, and a very good one, influential to this day. The critique of Interventionism also deals mostly with Rent-Control and the like, and criticizes how there is a tendency for interventionism to create problems that are "solved" with interventionism that creates more problems in a vicious cycle. Nothing too far-fetched, no Praxeology or Anarcho-Capitalism in either book.

The Reisman book does take things too far with Austrian-Theorems, but, it's still a pretty good book in general.

One shouldn't dismiss good books respected to this day as "Austrian bullshit" just because of their personal biases regarding the authors.

>> No.3055279

Although the action seems intellectually dishonest, it fits into her philosophy of shameless self-propulsion at the expense of others.

>> No.3055288


Julius Caesar.

>> No.3055285

In your opinion, who was the greatest political leader that the world has ever seen?

>> No.3055293

Fuck your shit, you gosh darned cunt.

which is more important, the advance of technology at the expense of the current human race, or the comfort of the current human race at the expense of technological advance?

>> No.3055301

Bush(the son).

>> No.3055304


Technology is a tool of humanity to further its own ends, so anything but the latter is irrational.

>> No.3055311
File: 47 KB, 480x412, epic-troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir I think you forgot your face here it goes.

>> No.3055317

Russia came close but ultimately capitalist were able to bring her down economically.

>> No.3055363

You didn't answer my second question.
>Would you be comfortable having different ethnic groups rule over you(Arabs, Blacks, Hispanics)?

>> No.3055365
File: 114 KB, 500x386, regulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: Name 3 members of the American oligarchy that support the far left because of it's political value in widening state control. There are 1000s.

2: What do you think of functionalism?

Don't you mean...
If no: how do we fix it

If yes: How poor does the bottom 50% have to be before its not fair anymore?

>> No.3055378

you obviously made your PHD in the US

>> No.3055466

>PHD in Political Science
>Political Science


>> No.3055481

OP, you should learn some programming and make the coolest game ever. Like a simulation of IRL wars and politics...fucking awesome.