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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3053075 No.3053075 [Reply] [Original]


>Paternity can now be verified by a simple test – but that doesn’t mean it should be

>It’s a wise child, they say, that knows its own father. Nowadays, however, wisdom is hardly required; DNA tests can do the job with scientific certainty. For the entire course of human history, men have nursed profound, troubling doubts about the fundamental question of whether or not they were fathers to their own children; women, by contrast, usually enjoyed a reasonable level of certainty about the matter.

>Now, a cotton-wool swab with a bit of saliva, plus a small fee, less than £200, can settle the matter. At a stroke, the one thing that women had going for them has been taken away, the one respect in which they had the last laugh over their husbands and lovers. DNA tests are an anti-feminist appliance of science, a change in the balance of power between the sexes that we’ve hardly come to terms with. And that holds true even though many women have the economic potential to provide for their children themselves.

>The subject has resurfaced lately, courtesy of a story in the Daily Mail, about a married television presenter who for years had been paying for the support of a child conceived, as he thought, as a result of his relationship with a writer. It seems that after meeting the child for the first time, he asked for a DNA test; it duly turned out that he was not, after all, the father. Poor child.

>> No.3053082
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>> No.3053086

women hate anyhting that give men even the faintest control over reproduction

>> No.3053097

One of the few times when the comment section maintained my faith in humanity.

Here's a similar piece by the same author, pointed out by one of the commentators: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article6814885.ece

>> No.3053095
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>> No.3053124

Indeed, I couldn't have said it better myself.
There's nothing left for me to point out.

>> No.3053125
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That's not a periodic table...

THIS is a periodic table....

Shut up, I spent 3 minutes in 3ds max okay?

>> No.3053127
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i read a article once about a study that found that something like 60% of US doctors would NOT support a law that REQUIRES them to inform the parents if they do other unrelated medical tests that point to a paternity issue.

the most common reason given was that raising the issue might place the mother in danger, and doctors feel that they shouldn't ever be required to do that

it is astonishing that with as personal an issue as this is--the truth is so easy to find out now, and yet there's entire laws and institutions trying to prevent you from knowing it


end of article, from the link:

"...But in making paternity conditional on a test rather than the say-so of the mother, it has removed from women a powerful instrument of choice. I’m not sure that many people are much happier for it. ..."

Melanie can go suck a donkey cock. (its prolly who her real daddy is anyway) A girl should know who she is fucking in the first place, and not dip-dick with guys she wouldn't be willing to claim as the father


there is an equally-sensible solution as well, even easier and cheaper to implement than DNA testing: simply totally eliminate child support payments.

oddly enough, feminists don't like that even less

>> No.3053130

>feminist whores want to cheat easier

>> No.3053135
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>At a stroke, the one thing that women had going for them has been taken away, the one respect in which they had the last laugh over their husbands and lovers
>Can't cheat as easily
>Can't get a guy to raise someone else's child as easily
>The last thing we had going for us is gone
Cool story, feminists.

>> No.3053138
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MyGirlfriend'sFaceWhen I mention how the technology exists to separate my sperm among the x's and y's to ensure we only have sons and that i'm both against and terrified of having girls.

>Because they're great for the first year but awful for the next 25.

>> No.3053149

Feminists must be the most miserable creatures on earth.

"We want equality. But the most equality for us!!"

>> No.3053160

this article is from october 2010

why post now op?

>> No.3053165

Glad to see the female commenters can see through the bullshit of that article as well.

Autistic femanons here usually rally to defend their gender's whores because they perceive articles like this to be an assault on their entire gender.

>> No.3053174
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Yup, that's a feminist. Ugly as sin.

>> No.3053176

Those technologies are fallible. They only increase the chances of having a boy from 51% to about 75%.

>> No.3053181
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>Think of this, too - every time a provider-type is cuckolded, the next generation inherits a slightly larger fraction of whores and players.

>> No.3053186


i don't think it's that simple

and, stop worrying so much about these feminist bitches who will take what they can get; it's just their nature, account for it and move beyond

>> No.3053189

I'd rather have a few daughters myself actually.
Looking at myself and my 3 brothers while growing up: we were absolute horrors.
Fighting, destroying things, fighting some more..
Although our parents *were* pretty terrible.

>> No.3053217

And in 5 or 10 years when we're ready to have kids (we're 24) the technology will have improved.

>> No.3053226


you should watch idiocracy

5, 10 years????

nigg­er you're in the prime of your life right now

link related


>> No.3053310

The comments section is a pretty good read.

>> No.3053317



>> No.3053494


Is it me or does she seem pissed that people are Muslims rather than Christians/ Catholics?

It seems a bit unfair to me. With that being said i haven't read it all, I've gotta leave now, so someone else read it all and report back.

>> No.3053526

In Germany the mother can deny a paternity test and the acclaimed father has to pay child support although his whore gf might have cheated on him with a broke ass dude.

>> No.3053531


>"What? You say that I am the father and I must pay child support?

>It couldn't be me. I am not paying one penny.

>What? You want a paternity test?

>No no no. I will never consent to such a thing. As I am a male feminist who believes that DNA tests are anti-feminist application of science."

Fucking lol'd

>> No.3053540

Do it without the mothers consent, you don't need her DNA

>> No.3053842

This shit makes me sick

>> No.3053861

If you simply convince a women that you really will make sure that her last moments in this life will be of abject terror at a time of your choosing, they go away and you dont have to pay for a test.

>> No.3053868

This article was written by a crazy person.
Not all women are retards like this one.

Paternity tests are an important issue for those with several possibilities of being a father.

IMO, the biology of these paternity tests is REALLY AWESOME and part of what got me interested in genetics. Best. General. Biology. Lab. EVER. Except we did it looking for a specific set of genes, not testing paternity.
link to a cool video forthcoming, so long as I can find it...

>> No.3053890


Dammit. Can't find it. My bio profs. were a little retarded and didn't post the link to that site, so I have to go back and find my notes from bio to do it. And those are in a box somewhere, so... not going to find it today. But I will try to submit it to /sci/s sticky link.

>> No.3053913

same here bro.

>> No.3054029

If this bitch ever comes through the maternity ward I work at, I'm switching her goddamn baby.

>> No.3054180

>Male writes a stupid article
>Lol what an idiot
>Female writes a stupid article

>> No.3055657

It was the ultra-feminist content that pissed us off, not the fact that the writer had a vagina.

>> No.3055767 [DELETED] 

This is porn, but related
>Motherless AD6BF3C
(sage for NSFW)

>> No.3055957

I showed it to my GF

She thought it was retarded

>> No.3056029

Is that story talking about Andrew Marr? I use his DVD and book instead of revising for my (British political) history class. I so regret taking history...

>> No.3056071


>> No.3056097

I guess I'm a side-subject of this article, as a few years ago, I had a girl come back to me 8 months pregnant. She left me hanging, and ran off and got pregnant with another dude, well after she left, so I knew the child wasn't mine. Well, when the father bolted, she knew how much of a good guy I was, so she found me at work and wanted me to take her back.

Sick, I know.

To be honest, I wanted to take her back. I really did. Before she left, she was who I thought was the one. We had a deep and long-lasting relationship before then, and it really weighed on me when she came back.

I wanted to take her back, but deep down I knew I was going to be left hanging again. And left hanging with more baggage, with a baby that wasn't mine but whom I'd feel obligated to take care of.

Hell, it wasn't until recently when I stopped fretting about whether or not I made the right choice. But this only reinforces it further, and fuck these bitches who think that they have the authority to deceive us because they're women.

Really. Fuck you. You aren't doing good, decent women any favors.

>> No.3056173

True dat.

From the article,
>Uncertainty allows mothers to select for their children the father who would be best for them.
But that isn't fair. Let's say Alice has sex with Bob and Charlie, and gets pregnant with Bob's child. Charlie may be a better father than Bob but that doesn't defeat the fact that Bob is the actual father. The DNA test tells us _who actually conceived the child_ and this is the fairest way of selecting the father.

Also, I like how when a woman wants a DNA test it's ok:
>one of the candidates being wrestled to the ground by Bridget’s girlfriends, so as to swab his inside cheek for a DNA sample
But if men do it, it's "ungallant"
>Jude Law recently found himself in just this position, and unhesitatingly and ungallantly demanded a DNA test.

Bitch neo-feminists like her are no better than sexist men. The balance of power is naturally determined. I'm not saying it's right, but it is natural. We can level the playing field, and that is fine, but trying to tip the balance of power in the way many feminists seem to be trying to do is hypocritical. I would go so far as to say it is worse, since they have a retrospective view of what sexual inequality is like, whereas men have not been in that position.

>> No.3056205

Right, because a single data point is all you need to conclude that the entire feminist movement as a whole wants to ban paternity testing.

One from the Daily Mail and the Spectator, no less.

Honestly, /sci/, I would have thought you would have been better than this.

>> No.3056223


I know. Reading the comments, however, really is restoring some of my faith in humanity, however.

This brand of feminism is vile, and nothing more than an excuse for women to be bitches and get away with it.

Reading through the comments, this really struck me as being a good, sensible ideal to feminism

> when I thought it was about promoting the idea that men and women are both valuable and one sex isn't intrinsically better than the other. That was my definition of “equal.” Not equal in all abilities or biology, but equal in worth as human beings with complimentary roles in life.

>> No.3056249

worst case scenario: illegal tests. no biggie.

>> No.3056262

Uhm... yes they do.
Self-proclaimed feminists (i.e. actual activists) not the kind every woman is by default because hurr I'm a girl.

>> No.3056312

fun fact: she actually went in a rant against adultery in another article.

>> No.3056378
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male feminist here.
idk if you know, but /sci/, and 4chan in general have a knee-jerk reaction to anything that might challenge their male sense of superiority.

stick around, youll love the "hurr durr girls cant do science" threads.

>> No.3056406
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Send Link!

>> No.3056428
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>Melanie McDonagh is the father of my baby! Please start sending the checks immediately and don't you dare deny your paternity based on some genetic excuse like your gender.

>> No.3056452

they just want to spread their genes ( subconsciously) , read the selfish gene

>> No.3056490

what bullshit, unbelievable. I personally am a bastard, meaning my mother made me with a married man. this was retarded on her part, though I don't know if she knew that at the time. a few years back before I was 18 my mother and I sued my father who vehemently denied I was his son. I should point out I kept seeing him at the school he worked at and he gave me money on a regular basis (pocket change) so he is well aware he is my father. the court obviously decided a DNA test is the best way to solve this, and although I gave a swab of mine but he rejected the test. I hope the court sees this as proof of my claims, but my point is FUCKING DNA TESTS ARE ESSENTIAL IN SUCH SITUATIONS. NO PARTY HAS THE RIGHT TO SCREW THE OTHER ONE OVER. FUCKING RETARD FEMINIST BITCH CUNT WITH RETARDED ARGUMENT THATS EASILY USED AGAINST HER.

>> No.3056603

why are men so easy to troll?

>> No.3056627

Is this bitch married?
If so, I have some bad news for her hubby...

>> No.3056644


>> No.3056774

This is the sort of self-satirizing shit that keeps women from making any kind of progress anymore.

>> No.3058027
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>> No.3058041

keep giving in to liberals, /sci/

sooner or later theyre take away all your rights, all the things you love, etc. and if you speak out youll be a racist/homophobe/whatever it is this week. little by little there will be no one left to speak on behalf of reason and freedom.

>> No.3058046

I know /sci/ likes a challenge.

What's a reasonable argument AGAINST paternity testing?

>> No.3058115
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someone explain to me why feminism is even necessary

>> No.3058259
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because men will oppress women like they always have by opening the doors for them, and paying for everything while they are slaves at home watching oprah. They will pay them less at entry than a man who has been working at the same company for 20 years.