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3049248 No.3049248 [Reply] [Original]

China leads the world in production of engineering graduates.
>still eating with chopsticks

>pic related. chinese engineer

>> No.3049265

Chopsticks aren't any worse than knife and fork.

They are in fact better at achieving the cultural imperative - not to stuff your face with spoonfuls of shit and become obese.

>> No.3049261

>implying chopsticks is not ten times greater than derping the food with forks and knives

>> No.3049270
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If by engineers you mean copy-pasta fags, yes, that's true.

> mfw chinese students only learn to read books an memorize then copy stuff instead of being creative and therefore will never be a threat to our engineers.

>> No.3049279

Engineering in china: Repetitive work defined by western country industry that the given western world company is too lazy to bother to do themselves.

>> No.3049283
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>> No.3049288

Chinese thesis arent quoted as much as western papers. They may have quantity, but we have quality

>> No.3049291

Western engi-queers are all manner of jelly about their chink counterparts.

>> No.3049294

A lot of that is because nobody in the west reads Chinese theses, whereas the Chinese read errything.

>> No.3049336

Chinese engineers have to solve to problem how to copy something and produce it as cheaply as possible.

>> No.3049351

What China considers to be an engineer has nothing to do with the standards in the West concerning education.

A Chinese "engineering" degree can be obtained at 2-year technical institutes.

Don't believe the hype.

>> No.3049379


Depends. I'm a tutor at my university and had a chinese student who could barely speak my language in my group.

He was an "energy engineering" student and needed to do a year at a foreign university. He was pretty good at learning new stuff, he used a mathematical book for learning Lagrange-/Hamilton-formalism and got it pretty well.

>> No.3049438

I don't doubt it. There are definitely good engineering programs and students in China. But too often, China fans have been touting numbers that have no real basis for comparison. When the Chinese government calculates the number of engineering students, they also include those enrolled at 2 year technical colleges.

>> No.3049449

all this anti-china stuff has gotten massively out of hand

did you know there are people who think their economy is larger than ours?

>> No.3049453


Exactly. If my position title is brain surgeon, and I actually sweep floors, well ...

>> No.3049460

>devalue currency
>produce good on the cheap for import

>> No.3049462

>for export

>> No.3049468


yes, assuming you meant export that is a thing they have been doing

it has given them the #2 largest economy in the world, almost 1/3 the size of the United States.

>> No.3049479

most creative inventions didn't just spurn out of nowhere. They come from dedicated researching and derives idea base on the results. Most of it is just trial and error

>> No.3049484


The real reason China will over take the west is because of the difference in leadership.

The political leaders of China are former Engineers. They understand the importance of having a large manufacturing base and being able to control access to things like rare earths.

In the west the leaders are finance banksters who sell off the infrastructure and outsource manufacturing to make a bigger profit.

>> No.3049531

>The political leaders of China are former Engineers. They understand the importance of having a large manufacturing base and being able to control access to things like rare earths.

This post made me sad, but also happy at the same time. I guess this is the reason why China are the only country putting actual resources into thorium?

>> No.3049533

>Implying a large amount of American engineers aren't asian.

>> No.3049541

You know realize that the average IQ of east asians is higher than whites.

>> No.3049617


Yeah, because as said they learn books and certain problems by heart.

>> No.3049618

In a test designed by whites for whites no less

>> No.3049648


Asians > Indians > Arabs > Whites

>> No.3049652
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Regarding what?

>> No.3049659



>> No.3049660


>In a test designed by whites for whites no less

The test is designed for people that can understand engineering. How the fuck would it be biased for whites? Please explain this ridiculous logic.

>> No.3049665


1/(penis size)

>> No.3049670

In 10, 20 years - you can always just attach a artificial penis.

>> No.3049678


But the brain will take a lot longer to crack. You guys will always be uglier and stupider.

>> No.3049685

He's obviously referring to the IQ tests