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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 850x1134, What-the-Bleep-Do-We-Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3048582 No.3048582 [Reply] [Original]

Prove this wrong /sci/.
You can't. You can't cause they're right. We create our reality. Because atoms and electrons can't be measured, except when you look at it. So if we close our eyes,there's an infinite number of possibilities going on around us.

Also, because the atoms that were around during the big banging, are still around, that proves that we were once all one consciousness, lets just being spread out.

The universe is just a hologram, something that our mind creates, whats 'real' is our connection to each other..

>> No.3048584

Oh look, it's this daily thread again.

>> No.3048589

> watch psuedo science garbage like "what the bleep do we know.

>Acquire Quantum Physics and Philosophy degree

>> No.3048593

>smoke weed erry day, get high and formulate bullshit theories about the universe
>acquire quantum physics and philosophy degree

>> No.3048595

What the fuck were the producers smoking when they made that video?

>> No.3048604
File: 40 KB, 233x350, man-holding-money-billionaire-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in quantum mysticism
>make 300K dollars by simply thinking
>any universe i want.

>> No.3048617

>>3048582 atoms were around during the big banging


>> No.3048623

>Because atoms and electrons can't be measured, except when you look at it. So if we close our eyes,there's an infinite number of possibilities going on around us.

hahaha, wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.3048624

"the eye" is science fiction.
Sci fi is fun unless you try to give people the impression it is fact..
This movie claims it exists and turns it into pseudo science.

>> No.3048625


ya'll nigga's posting in a troll thread

>> No.3048635

Wow you're a failure. Go take a basic modern physics course similar to what the people who made that video did not do.

>> No.3048639
File: 33 KB, 288x351, hurdur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3048641

>Prove this wrong /sci/. You can't.

exactly. This is the hallmark of pseudo-scientific bullshit. Just about all of the claims in this film are unfalsifiable. Here's why that's pretty important:


Oh, and by the way, this movie was made aby a cult known as Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, headed by someone called JZ Knight, a woman who claims that she is channeling a Lemurian warrior who fought the Atlanteans over 35,000 years ago

>> No.3048645

Also this random retard took pictures of water molecules and posted pics in a subway station. Proves that water has feelings. Therefore, God.

>> No.3048651

Don't listen to these fucking idiots they're all up on newtons dick your on the right direction just lacking insight

>> No.3048661

Oh, so when you die the universe dies too?
sage for retarded narcissism

>> No.3048673
File: 35 KB, 830x438, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. You science men are so funny. You make fun of religions cause their too strick, but so are science men. No one in this thread has given me a valid argument.

Let me drop you with this nugget of infomation. When you seperate two electrons that have bonded, they react, in sync with the other. They feel each other's pain. Atoms and electrons make up our hearts and bodies. So fundamentally, we're all linked. tsk tsk, the mighty /sci/ at a loss of words

>> No.3048681

Whenever a quantum object interacts with a macroscopic object with well defined location and velocity (ie. most things bigger than several atoms), the quantum particle is localized by the interaction and thus is "measured".

If this wasn't the case, you could actually do Schrodinger's cat experiment and have a cat in a superposition of dead and alive states.

There you go. That's why I can't wish myself a million bucks.

>> No.3048682

go back to /b/

>> No.3048685


so if they didn't reacte in sync, that would mean that they didn't feel each other's pain?

>> No.3048697

Classical physics is a joke and does nothing to try to explain the true nature of reality, quantum mechanics is just the beginning in our journey of understanding the universe fuck newton

>> No.3048698


mind = blown

>> No.3048709

Niggas trollin

>> No.3048718


>They feel each other's pain.


>> No.3048720


but if electrons can't be measured as you originally claimed, how can you possibly know they react in sync?

>> No.3048724

0/10 It's not even worth debating you if you can't even use proper diction in your arguments.

>> No.3048731
File: 49 KB, 192x171, solid snake newspaper pffhahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw OP

>> No.3048742

This is what happens when people without physics degrees attempt to understand quantum mechanics.

>> No.3048769
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1303518373382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here... you guys resorting to picking on my english? you really are out of arguments then.. just admit, I stumped you and your foolish thoughts process. No matter how many equations you write, Albert Eisenstein still never found out what creates gravity. Ergo, you can't teach a dog the science of physics. ergo, we humans can't understand the high levels of the universe.

What we do know is that matter doesn't exist, its all just an illusion. Its all laid our for your eyes to see in the Double slit experiment. Only when we see the balls of light, do we see where they land

>> No.3048797

You guys seem to ignore the greatest flaw in this movie.

Some tard took his ordinary black and white camera and took pictures of WATER MOLECULES, which was shaped like little ice cubes or blobs. He ADDED COLOR to the pictures. Then he posted them in a subway station. Some were red, therefore they were angry. Some were blue, therefore they were sad or what the fuck. This movie has now proved that water has feeling. etc

>> No.3048828
File: 77 KB, 541x800, art100texturethreecopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carcala hates your dick

>> No.3048833

What the fuck are you talking about man

>> No.3048851

Assuming your not trolling the reason no one is trying to debate you is that would be like debating someone who thinks the earth is flat; its just too stupid to be taken seriously.

Here's a very long and boring explanation of why your movie is bullshit:

>> No.3048859

>Only when we see the balls of light
but do the balls touch?

>> No.3048902


>> No.3048955
File: 12 KB, 204x207, bwahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw ears detect quantum strings.

>> No.3048965

I raged when I got to disease = energy state.
Must take a break.

>> No.3048971


haha, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of QM.

You probably also think if you close your eyes and run through two doors close enough to each other you will interfere with yourself.

>> No.3049014
File: 27 KB, 300x300, peekaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3049029

I believe some of this to an extent, but where I draw the line is the application of an observer to spontaneously manifest matter in front of them, just because he's streamlining his consciousness to his observation. I mean, the world around you is not contingent to your consciousness, it is not solely dependent to your interactions to it. I do, however, believe in an interconnectivity that surpasses our conscious minds, through a matrix.

>> No.3049049

Sorry when you say matrix I think of this
<span class="math">\left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
a & b & c \\
d & e & f \\
g & h & i \end{array} \right][/spoiler]

>> No.3049060

What does QM say about free will?

>> No.3049065

That works, too.

>> No.3049072


>> No.3049120


How dare we read what you say and check it for overall consistency in order to judge the validity of the content you have provided.

>> No.3049132

>No matter how many equations you write, Albert Eisenstein still never found out what creates gravity.
I believe he concluded gravity is created by the mutual attraction between two (or more) bodies of mass.

>> No.3049141

OP you seem to have some contradictory statements here.

You are saying that matter only exists when we look at it, but at the same time you say electrons feel eachothers pain, and also that the atoms we have now are the same as since the big bang.
But if the world only exist because we see it, then how can there have been atoms before any of us were around to see them? And if atoms only exhibit a certain behaviour because we form them that way, how can you be sure that they actually know eachothers pain?

Pseudoscience, an art form

>> No.3049194

I expel enough energy to make all these posts exist, thereby proving to me, that you do not exist. I can easily make all of you continue not existing if I choose to revoke all my energy from being on this computer. How does it feel to know that you are all interlinked by my consciousness and I can think you all away, huh? That's right, I'm god.

>> No.3049200

That is quite alright.

I am too.

>> No.3049206

But remember, that's only because I'm letting you! ;)

>> No.3049210


I am sure when the cancer and AIDS begin to ravage your body, these powers you claim will remain.

>> No.3049213


It was created and distributed by the cult "school of Ramtha" or something.

Cults always get QM wrong.

Therefore, it is wrong.

>> No.3049232


Silly spectral of my imagination, these aren't "powers"! It's the reality I have molded that lets you continue being, not black magic voodoo.

>> No.3049243

I'm sure I'll care when you're dead.