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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3047798 No.3047798 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to take an easy quarter
>only two engineering classes and one history course
>group projects, group projects everywhere
>two exams tomorrow, been so busy with projects I slacked off on the material from lectures and reading
>cramming the night before, feels like finals week in week 7

Who wants to talk about heat transfer models or biomaterials? My Heat Transfer professor is actually having us run our models in Microsoft Excel instead of matlab, and I can't tell if he's screwing with us or if he is just a terrible engineer.

Picture unrelated, but should be nostalgic for the old /sci/ crowd.

>> No.3047824

>running models in excel

you must be lying

>> No.3047865

nope. We're running finite difference models of heat transfer through materials and for anything longer than a second or so he just has us copy our cells out for a few hundred columns. I really hope that's not how he does his research. I'm just going to keep this class a secret and deny everything if anyone asks me what we learned to model in.

Nobody here doing material science or biomaterials this term?

>> No.3047910

>post on /sci/ in its first few months
>decent scientific discussion
>come back months later
>homework threads, religion threads, high school threads
>nobody wants to talk about actual science.

this is the only bump I'm going to make. maybe /g/ will talk about something beyond high school level.

>> No.3047918
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>us run our models in Microsoft Excel instead of matlab

>> No.3047949
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let's get this shit started

>not keeping your heat transfer models in the fridge