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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3047419 No.3047419 [Reply] [Original]

A science wizard from far into the future appears before you and allows you to choose one of the following. What do.

A: You can stop time for one hour a day. During that time you don't age but you can't stack hours.

B: A ring that made it so that you absorbed all the knowledge and skills of anyone or any book you touched but it breaks after 2 years. You keep all the knowledge and skills but you can't take abilities.

C: Each day you get 1000 kilograms of any food you want in a bottomless bag.
You can't get weed but you can get weed cookies..

D: A van that allows you to travel anywhere in the known universe that seats 7 people. You can also breath without oxygen when you're within one kilometer of the car. The van never breaks down or needs petrol.

E: You can rewind time for 1 hour a day. Non stackable and you're the only one who knows.

F: Can turn any photod item into a reality for 3 hours, then it goes back into the photo. No drawings or photshopped. And no repeats of items or photos.

G: 6 pieces of chocolate that give you immortality, and invincibility for 160 years each.

H: A world you can travel to at anytime that's 1/10 the size of earth. You can play god with it for one year, creating animals and plants, caves and lakes. After one year it's set in stone. After that you can invite 10 people to visit when ever you invite them for a year. Then you pick another 10 and so on. World outside slows to almost stop while you're there.

I: You can travel into tvs to make your own versions of movies, play vidya or just fuck stars.

J: unlimited supply of puddi.

>> No.3047430
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You've fucked yourself big time OP.
Here, let me show you what the rest of this thread is going to be like:

Pic realted

>> No.3047432


>> No.3047438

D, oh god D.

>> No.3047443

B. Touch the science wizard, use your newfound knowledge (from him) to give yourself the other nine abilities plus whatever else you want.

>> No.3047456

G: 6 pieces of chocolate that give you immortality, and invincibility for 160 years each

Really close between that and H. But i think with future tech i'll be able to do something very similiar (minecraftish)

The only other good option was the ring. but there would be no way to differentiate if the information was true, and I'm more interested in developing knowledge and advancing scientific frontiers than learning what has already been written. Thus the extra years to work.

>> No.3047457

D, D. I've always always always wanted to see the sun set on the other planet, fuck, I would remove 5 seats, me and my gf, that's enough. Seeing a star dying in a shore of some amonia.frozen lake on some distance galaxy. Damn,

>> No.3047463


>> No.3047490

G. 6x160=960 years of God like powers thank you very much.

I will now rule the world and make sure that no evil will come to pass, wars are illegal, billionares are illegal, renewable sources of energy are the norm, starvation is eliminated, vertical farms are erected, education is top priority, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT!!!!1111 I AM GOD so DO AS I SAY and BUILD A BASE ON THE MOON AND MARS, LET ME REIGN FOR 1000 YEARS AND LET MY NAME BE KNOWN FOR ETERNITY.

>> No.3047497
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I know that feel bro.

Would definitely be D. or G (960 years of immortality/invinvibility sounds pretty amazing. One could do marvelous things).

However, provided >>3047443 is possible. Then fucking B.

>> No.3047513

I want B more defined.
Do you absorb all information or just true information?
What about personal autobiographic information?
Perfect recall of the information or will the knowledge degrade over time?
How is it stored? Like mental pictures? Words? You 'just know'?
What about contradictory information?

>> No.3047523

The chocolates would be the best way to live forever, as you would probably live long enough for crazy age extending treatments to develop. The ring, however, you let you become a master of fucking EVERYTHING, assuming that is possible. I would travel fucking everywhere, trying to meet with geniuses whose unique thought processes I could hopefully adsorb, In any case, surely just absorbing a ridiculous amount of logic and creativity styled books would put you on par with anyone, allowing you to design and create your own life extending treatments and/or machines, and advance science, math, and whatever by decades after absorbing their relevant material. Surely original ideas would come easily to you once you know everything else?

>> No.3047524

Either B, D, or I.

>> No.3047528


>> No.3047545

D so hard right now

>> No.3047547

Shit, G and A are the shit.
i'm gonna go with G and wreck some shit

>> No.3047556

A question about the ring. Let's say I only have knowledge of Calculus I. If I touch a graduate level mathematics text book how could I really understand the material when so much prerequisite shit is missing?

>> No.3047564


>> No.3047572


>> No.3047575

G no question

>> No.3047578
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G as long as no gay shit is allowed. i.e. using C to make tons of immortality chocolate or using B to steal the wizard's powers.

In b4 tons of faggots saying B and D... grow up.

>> No.3047585


Magic. Fuck you're stupid.

>> No.3047590


Just got rapey up in this bitch.

>> No.3047591

OP here, lets assume that in the case of B.

i) You cannot touch the fucking wizard and take his powers.
ii) All information/knowledge contained within something becomes yours. Regardless of whether it is false or contradictory to previously absorbed info - that is up to you to decipher and sort through.
iii) Information is still liable for degradation in the same that your memories now are. It's up to you to figure out a way to keep all that information forever.
iv) It's stored/recalled in the same way that you do for information now. Whatever that may be.

>> No.3047601


>> No.3047603

wanting to live forever (essentially) is more grown up than wanting a ring that allows you to gain knowledge?
elitist bastard

>> No.3047609

B. being proficient in all disciplines and trades will allow you to make the connections for incredible scientific breakthroughs. most of the others will be exploited for sex etc but that will get old fast and you will spend extra time learning things, just save time and get the ring.

>> No.3047614

B, immediately touch the wizard
this is the only rational answer

>> No.3047623

I love how everyone on /g/ thinks G is 960 years of immortality even though it's clearly designed so you can extend the lives of friends.

>> No.3047637

go into MIT and shake some hands

>> No.3047644

it's me

G. sounds pretty good but need to be better defined, what exactly invincibility, I don't know, you could be drugged and send to space, orbit the sun for the next 1000 years, kind of sucks. Besides, with that much power, I'm sure I'll go over to the darkside pretty soon.

B. That ring is pretty good too, but I think it's impractical, you'd learn as much as all the books, knowing all the fact doesn't mean I'm smarter, just maybe make me more of an asshole since I know all the answers, but then, I don't know everything. Cool at parties I guess.

A&E are similar, could use to get rich, especially in trading, robbing, or just get sex.

F&I are similar pretty much, cool.

C is pretty much useless, actually, if I can share the food with other people, I can imagine myself feeding some people in disaster area. That's kind of cool.

H. kind of good, eventually people will learn to respect nature and conservation.

J. useless imho

>> No.3047648

I believed that after 160 + of seing the same person you would go pretty crazy. So kee p it to yourself 960 years is long enough to learn how to forget your friends without any after tough.

>> No.3047659
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Yes... faggot.

>> No.3047663

>implying ppl wpuld extend the lives of friends

i would chuch that shit in a choccolate smoothy and start bossin muthafuckas

>> No.3047674


iseeuaremadtho, whyumadbro?

>> No.3047678
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>i would chuch that shit in a choccolate smoothy and start bossin muthafuckas

>> No.3047696

Lord Ozymandias! Your Mars Base is under attack! ... Preliminary reports state that the attackers are the WATCHMEN!

>> No.3047703

B. I could advance the human race so far.

G comes with all sorts of problems. Losing everyone you ever loved a good 10 times over is never fun. Plus it'd get boring. Sooner or later probably after about 400 years you'd start to feel like it'd all been done before.

>> No.3047713

>I love how anons read altruistic uses into items that are intended to cheese the fuck out of the universe
>implications of neckbeard /sci/ friendships IRL

>> No.3047722


It is because you'd have to be 12 years old to think that the possession of a ring that makes currently known information readily accessible to you would permit you to solve the worlds problems and advance society in a profound way beyond the reach of 960 years.

>> No.3047728

G sound like a stronger version of the movie "A man from Earth" /sci/ you need to see it

>> No.3047735

K. Be a medical marijuana grower, but you can't smoke any

>> No.3047752

>permit you to solve the worlds problems
You'd be amazed how much information out their is in books and how many problems could be solved by correct use of interdisciplinary knowledge. I'd be surprised if anyone in the world knew more than .0001% of the knowledge that books contained. The possibility of gaining a near 100% of that knowledge would be amazingly useful.
>advance society in a profound way beyond the reach of 960 years.
And what makes you so important that you would be able to advance society in basically 10 times your current lifetime with basically nothing but the ability to be unbeatable? What are you doing know that's so important that future and arguably smarter people couldn't do?

Impress chicks? I think we know who the real 12 year old is here.

>> No.3047769

as if living for concurrent 160 year sessions is somehow going to provide you with the ability to amass a great amount of knowledge, so much so that you completely change the course of humanity (really, youre just scared of death) you just have a long time to access the same info i can access, only you have to spend your entire 960 years reading and interpreting it while all i have to do is touch a book, touch a few more books, compare and contrast, and come up with new ideas.

>> No.3047799


My self-importance and what I'm "doing know" is irrelevant. In 960 years humanity will have solved any problems you think yourself capable of solving with some naive conglomeration of trivia.

>> No.3047800

> know


>> No.3047802

I think I get it

see wizard
take picture
choose F
summon wizard from picture
choose E
rewind time one hour
summon wizard again
Choose B
wait for the original wizard to show up
use the ring on him, hopefully he knows how to make chocolates
If you're not able to replicate his abilities and he does offer another wish, choose G , or whatever you prefer.

>> No.3047812

>In 960 years humanity
And you'll have helped this how?
>naive conglomeration of trivia.
I'm sure if you say it enough it'll be true.

>> No.3047814


escapistfag here.

>> No.3047826
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Stop thinking so small, /sci/

It's J.

Because it can OBVIOUSLY be exploited to avert heat death and possibly the Big Rip.

>> No.3047842

I second this opinion, interdisciplinary are some of the coolest most practical people I know. But I still take G (>>3047457 it's me)

Fuck the world, the majority of them are too stupid too ignorant and too easily manipulated for me to give a fuck about.

Again, the OP said, you get the knowledge, but you absorb it like a sponge, right or wrong, or even contradictory, and subject to degradation like actual memory( >>3047591 ). I personally don't remember much stuff from 2 years ago.

If I get to put thing in my memory, I want the best ones, the one noone could possibly have (fuck me, I'm doom to be alone for life, oh well, then I'll get /fit/ too)

>> No.3047851

or in 960 years the earth will have been destroyed because you were too afraid of dying to take the time to touch a book and absorb its knowledge.

>> No.3047867

>>And you'll have helped this how?
My enjoyment of societal advances isn't dependent on being responsible for them.
>>I'm sure if you say it enough it will be true.
It's true regardless of what I say. I just enjoy pointing it out.

>> No.3047875

>ii) Information is still liable for degradation in the same that your memories now are. It's up to you to figure out a way to keep all that information forever.
Welp that practically makes B useless.

Good job basically killing off the best choice OP.

>> No.3047877

Guys we all know that unlimited knowledge is cool but it's no guarantee of success. Having knowledge is one thing but synthesizing that knowledge is another, and that requires natural talent. I mean, we already have unlimited knowledge at our fingertips with the internet.

To be frank B is more useful for espionage than for scientific progress.

>> No.3047893

im trying to use B so i can learn to speed read, how to better retain knowledge read in a book, and how to be a bad ass race car driver. scientific progress is cool and all, but im in it for myself. and im not afraid of dying (not trying to be bad ass, but ive taken enough philosophy courses to not be afraid of the inevitable) so i dont need to be a pussy and eat chocolate to stay alive longer. i just want to live my life to the fullest, and being able to quickly absorb the info from a book will greatly help me in my quest to live my dreams.

>> No.3047899

*I mean D, not G, the van doesn't need fuel, never break down, and you can breath within 1 km of it. I can probably bring enough good people to colony a new planet. Then fucking wage war with earth, then enslave everybody on earth. Then I can kill off people, then utopia. Or my kids can do it.

>> No.3047912

I would likely say H, though its a bit vague, if you have god powers, couldn't you just make some say, oh, apple trees and each apple has the effect of G?

>> No.3047914

>My enjoyment of societal advances isn't dependent on being responsible for them
So basically just going to wait around for other people to do shit? You're a pretty boring and unimaginitive guy.

Sure gonna have an interesting life.
>It's true regardless of what I say. I just enjoy pointing it out.
You're basically stating that current human knowledge is a "naive conglomeration of trivia" if we assume that people and books contain the majority of current knowledge currently out their(they do) then further advancements will be based off this trivia.

In turn this means that you're depending on this "trivia" to advance technology in the next 960 years. So either you don't consider human knowledge of consequence or you do think it is important, however the two points are contradictory so stick with one and drop the other.

Either both G and B are useless by your claims or G and B are both useful to see advancements made.

>> No.3047931

>Having knowledge is one thing but synthesizing that knowledge is another
Which is why we the
>skills of anyone
Is important.

This is a null point. We gain the skill and talent of someone who could naturally synthesize the ability.

>> No.3047941

>You keep all the knowledge and skills but you can't take abilities.
You don't get someone's thinking capabilities, you only get things they've learned.

>> No.3047954

Tough between B, E, and G.

I would choose E if I can rewind as many times as I want for the day as long as the full rewind time elapsed cannot surpass 1 hour.

Do you realize how much pussy you can get with that ability? Also, no more embarrassing moments, always answer impossibly hard questions that profs throw out because you just heard him answer it, acing most exams by brushing up on shit you didn't study hard on but are on the exam, having mulligans for interviews ,etc. etc. etc.

>> No.3047962

>You don't get someone's thinking capabilities
>A skill is the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both.

>> No.3048004

better idea:

1. see wizard
2. take 20 pictures
3. choose F
4. pick all of them
5. when running out of chocolates bring out the wizard and take a picture of him before asking for more
7. live forever

>> No.3048032

I choose c. Every day Id choose what I needed, weed cookies included then send the rest of the allotment to countries in need of food.

>> No.3048048

D, fucking D.

>> No.3048055

B would be the most obvious choice, as it doesn't rule out works of fiction, or things you write for example.

So you'd have immense control and your imagination would be the limit.

Simply write a characterized version of what you want, or, a character doing or that knows what you wish to know - absorb it, and bam.

>> No.3048064

Shit, I thought it was two and I would have chosen B and H to make a paradise that I could then use to conduct massive experiments and provide centuries of gain for the sciences within a relaxing and welcoming environment.

>> No.3048068

F has some cool implications. 3 hours is a lot of time - you could have pictures of money, women, various technologies, mentors and so on.

>> No.3048155


It may be short lived compared to the other options but it can yield some extremely beneficial results. You live a few years longer than you would normally. A small perk compared to what you could actually do and use the potentials of the power. You're essentially invincible because if a bad situation comes around such as you're about to get mugged with a guy with a knife/gun. You can take the weapon and use it to kill the mugger right then and there as well as you can just walk a few miles away from the crime scene.

Robbing banks and other wealthy institutions is a given but you can always give yourself just a bit more time for something important. You can also kill entire armies of men if you have the proper setup within in that hour. Some asshole take the G option and confronts you about your shenanigans? Just stop time and put him somewhere for safe keeping for the next few hundred years. Another guy is after you with the Van? Just wait until they come to you. Freeze time and hijack that motherfucker.

The only person that can "beat" you is the person who chose E. They can revert everything you did in that hour back to when you stopped time and an hour before you stopped time, totally negating everything you did.

>> No.3048177

>They can revert everything you did in that hour back
unless you stop time and cut off their head.

>> No.3048198
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H, I shall call my planet Elysium. and i shall make it like pandora, with floating mountains. BEST HOME EVERRRRRRRRR

>> No.3048201

o o ooo oo take me! take me!

>> No.3048215

D, or G.

Either would be excellent, and I'd be fairly torn.

>> No.3048220

(Though D would have to come with a climate control and something to keep harmful radiation out)

>> No.3048243

with G do you still age normally? If so then it might be a pretty bad option as most of the years would be spent being weak and senile as your body continues to break down but just never enough to kill you.

>> No.3048251

Immortality generally implies no aging.

>> No.3048253
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The science wizard also gives you this so you can end it all if that starts to happen.

>> No.3048263

A) 365 extra hours per year, that's 15 days and 5 hours per year. I'm 23 so if I live to be 80 that's 57 years of 15 extra days That's 855 days plus whatever the extra 5 hours adds up to over that time. So you end up with roughly 2.5 extra years of life, of which you don't age.

E) The same as A except you age, so by the time I was 80, i'd actually be 82.5.

G) 960 extra years of life, during which I cannot die, get sick or injured. That means I could probably go without sleep without dying, though it would damage my state of mind.

B) You can turn that 2 years into 960 if you choose G

C) You don't need food if you're immortal

D) Mite b cool. I guess it would be like being Doctor Who without the time travel.

F) Useless pretty much. Would be cool for the first week.

H) I'd only do it if items from the world are commutable with Earth. I could solve resource shortage pretty quickly if so.

I & J: Are you even trying?

>> No.3048276


If you're invincible, you wouldn't age. Can't get sick either. Your endurance would probably be high as hell if not infinite because your muscles wouldn't be damaged during physical activity.

>> No.3048283
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>I could solve resource shortage pretty quickly if so.
>own a planet
>give a shit about earth

>> No.3048289
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I can give y'all that after you die, but only if you don't call me names and/or rape and pillage.

>> No.3048296


Aw, why do we have to wait till we die to be immortal or know if you exist or not? Unfair.

>> No.3048314


A,B,E are the only rational choices for me.

I don't want to get fat or make all the people who starve go crazy on my ass, i don't want to travel into the universe while knowing shit is fucked up here on earth and my loved ones are here, i don't need to make "fiction" real, i don't want to risk the chocolate melting or falling into false hands, i don't need to play real life minecraft, i don't want to be a god and i don't want to be part of a ficticious universe.

Thinking about the PUDDI again though...

B would be awesome, but what about the knowledge that is derived after the 2 years? I will never have access to it all. So no B.

A sounds tricky. Time stops? For me as well? Will people remember what happened?

E is my choice. Do anything you want, then quickload.

>> No.3048316


sorry to disappoint, but

> You keep all the knowledge and skills but you can't take abilities.

>> No.3048340

I would pick D and just go about my normal life. It would be nice to never have to pay for gas or buy another car again.

>> No.3048348

skills = abilities

>> No.3048356

Need info on H. What tools are at our disposal when creating the said world, can we create a species smarter than humans, like say, the protoss? making protoss would kick assss. Also, if time is almost stopped on earth while in this dimension, it means time goes faster there and in a year here millions would pass there. I'm seeing much more potential to improve the human race by learning from a more advanced civilization, and honestly who gives a shit about humans when there could be fucking protoss.

>> No.3048385

A,B or E ....i think E

>> No.3048538

D assuming it's FTL and capable of protection from environmental extremes such as temperature, radiation etc.

>> No.3048548

Immortality is my little obsession and i hope that within 960 we will have some form of it. but maybe D because it is the reason i want to live forever, travel the universe.

>> No.3048571

D so much.
It would be so awesome to be near a huge star about to go supernova and collapse into a black hole, assuming the van has shitloads of radiation protection.

>> No.3048579
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Nice one OP. Let's see.

A: Nah.
B: Nice. But after the two years won't I be able to learn from anymore?
C: DO WANT. But is it really 1 ton or 1000 GRAMS?
D: Kinda want.
E: Oh boy, I'd like that.
F: Nope.
G: That is going to be some old chocolate...
H: Got Gmod.
I: wtf no.
J: Ahhh, no.

So either 1 kg. food-a-day-bag or time-rewind.

>> No.3048588
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> mfw when you are then allowed to travel into a black hole and see what happens inside

>> No.3048592
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> mfw inside.

>> No.3048596

B mother fucker i have 2 years ? i can cover slot of ground in two years.

first start at the library, touch every thing , then go find the greatest minds in the world and shake there hand, fuck shake every one hand, have the world knowledge and life experience of 1000's of people

>> No.3048602


It only look slike you would fall forever and not arive "inside" for an outside observer.

You yourself would end up inside.

I like to believe it's colorful in there. Lot's of rainbows. Neat stuff.

>> No.3048652

B I could probably make myself immortal within 20-30 years. Interdisciplinary approaches are by far the most important of any field. But I've never met a Chemist who could tell me shit about Navier–Stokes equations.

>> No.3048717

A has possibilities but the only things you could really use it for is fast travel (useless) espionage and stealing (E is much better for those two)

B is an obvious choice but information overload is a huge issue. Better to use E to make shit-tons of money and create an interdisciplinary think tank...or a dozen of them

C lolwut?

D I feel ashamed for not wanting this even slightly

E Vegas baby, Vegas. If you steal money using A it could conceivably come back to bite you in the ass. Sure you'll eventually get kicked out of every casino in the world but by that time you'll have millions and you can start day-trading. Before you call this selfish, I will argue that with billions of dollars you can help humanity at least as much as any of the other options.

F if not for the restrictions on drawings/photoshops this would be my pick. With the restriction it's almost useless.

G This one is VERY hard to pass up. I'd still probably pick E and just donate a few billion dollars to the SENS foundation

H This has some potential. Need more detail. Can I stay there indefinitely and live forever? Can people who leave ever come back?

I There is no I

J You ran out of ideas didn't you>

>> No.3048746

If I don't have to use my time stop continuously, so that I can use a few seconds at a time, I'd definitely stop time.

I'd have to be permitted to move things during time stop, like how stopping time is portrayed in fiction,

>> No.3048749
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I fucking LOVE chocolate. So G.

>> No.3048778


>> No.3049171
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I really want to pick D but I'm gonna go with G for a guaranteed and perhaps better version of D

>> No.3049177

For those of you who picked g, how long would you wait before talking the first piece. And would you tell anyone?

>> No.3049192

These threads were better if two was allowed to be chosen. Then people could think up clever combos.

>> No.3049215

I'd go for D. All of my dreams fulfilled.

>> No.3049218


>A science lizard from far into the future appears

fixed for realism

>> No.3049229

B, definitely B as it can be exploited the most

>go to every science convention
>shake every famous scientists hand
>use knowledge to invent immortality
>sell it to become the richest person ever
>use money to research FTL travel and build space empire
>effectively get option C, D, G, H, I, and J without the downsides, possibly even A, as well as a device which acts similar to the ring, by feeding information directly into my brain like in The Matrix

>shake US presidents hand, obtaining the nuke launch codes
>nuke everyone

>> No.3049236

I have to go with E.

A would arouse suspicions too much if I'm going missing from place to place too often.
B has time limit of 2 years, thus maximizing absorbed knowledge within that time period would be such a hard task, and having so much skill and knowledge would only burden me.
C has the constraint if the bag were stolen.
I don't care of any alien world so D is out of question.
F is cool, but time manipulation is better, and I have to prepare the photos before doing anything meaningful.
G is the worst. Eating one piece then guarding the rest for 800 years, that would make me insane for sure. I wouldn't get any sleep.
H, SimEarth is fun enough.
I, I rather being the spectator.
J is stupid.

>> No.3049296

Hopefully with all that immortality, I'll live long enough to get that whole immortality drug humanity will have made.

>> No.3049300







>> No.3049350

Some letters are dominated by others.
For example, why ask for 6 pieces of chocolate, when you get a ton of any food there is. Chocolate is food.
E obviously dominates A.
But most importantly I.
I dominates everything.
I make a 960 year-long movie (=6x choc), of a guy who has a van that can travel anywhere in the universe, is god of some 1/10th sized world, and can rewind time and absorb knowledge.

>> No.3049368

I because imagination will be the only limit

>> No.3049375
File: 34 KB, 296x255, 1300474507_darthlebowskiartstrip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you think any books or people contain the knowledge to do any of those things.

Have fun knowing stuff and dying in 30 years

>> No.3049386
File: 62 KB, 490x769, 1271860540462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3049407

obv obv obv obv you take option D. It is almost definitely the only way we could ever colonize earthlike planets.

>> No.3049436

>play God
>create plant that when ate works like B&G
>create domesticated animal that rides through time
>I just won the game
>u jelly?

>> No.3049458

I lol'ed at the thought of colonizing planets one van full of people at a time

>> No.3049491
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>K. Be a medical marijuana grower, but you can't smoke any