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3047031 No.3047031 [Reply] [Original]

1. On a 1-10 scale, 1 being no trust and 10 being complete trust, how well do you trust political leaders in Washington?
2.Do you think that people that go into politics are basically honest?
3.Do you trust political leaders at a local level more or less than those on a national level?
4.In your opinion, what single event caused the greatest damage to the image of political leaders?
5.What President of the U.S. did you believe was most honest?

>> No.3047048

1. 4
2. I think they start out that way.
3. More
4. Hmmm... I'm not sure. I doubt political leaders have been trusted since before I was born.
5. Honest Abe, of course.

>> No.3047063

1. 5
2. I think a majority of them have good intentions of being agents of change, but wind up having that goal sidetracked by special interests.
3. Much more; government is for the people so I like being able to interact more with politicians like those more locally.
4. Watergate, but I dunno.
5. No answer.

>> No.3047066

>dem titties

>> No.3047079

1. 6
2. about their plans no... about current events yes
3. local yes national less have to pander to more people
4. Nixon always Nixon
5. Clinton

>> No.3047102

1. 4
2. They're the same as everyone else.
3. Nope.avi
4. Probably Watergate, and it sort of made dishonesty from our leaders legitimate.
5. Washington

>> No.3047133

1. 4
2. No, the kind of people that go into politics either want to push an agenda or are power hungry.
3. About the same, see 2.
4. The people in charge have always been corrupt.
5. Abe

>> No.3047141

1. Zero. You aren't supposed to trust the government, at all. You give them just enough power to maintain the state and federal programs you need. No more than that, and you monitor them because the government is still made up of human beings with human frailties.
2. Most of them probably start out that way, but everybody is subject to corruption, especially in that environment.
3. N/A, zero trust for either. You should damn well start holding them to their promises.
4. The advent of "politician" as an independent profession.
5. Trick question. They're only as honest as you can force them to be.

>> No.3047147

1. 1
2. On a personal level? Sure. On a business level? It doesn't matter. Business always follows the money. Politics is not an exception to this rule.
3. Less. Local politicians are much less visible and thus are able to get away with a lot more than politicians in washington.
4. In recent memory, Scott Walker talking to who he thought was David Koch as though Koch was his boss.
5. James Madison because he was not ashamed to admit that it was never his intent to found a government that operated on the opinions of its citizens; only the most powerful in the land should have a voice.

>> No.3047169

1) 1
2) Nope.
3) Nope.
4) Lincoln's presidency.
5) William Henry Harrison

>> No.3047181

butthurt confederate detected

did your 4x great grand daddy lose a leg defending the rights of men more wealthy than he who happened to live in the state state to own blacks?

>> No.3047186

Aw yeah, I was in Madison for the largest protest.

>> No.3047187

I wish more Japanese porn stars got breast implants like Ourei Harada.

>> No.3047193


I do not support the state. The confederacy was a state. I do not support the confederacy.

>> No.3047230

1. 2
2. Most are not, the ones that start out with good intentions either go nowhere or gradually become corrupt.
3. definitely more local, but I live in a city where there have been a shit ton of mayoral scandals
so we're always getting fucked but to different extents.
4. Political image? Obviously Watergate, before that, most Americans found it almost treasonous to openly doubt or harshly criticize their elected president. And now we have Fox News.
5. JFK

>> No.3047247

1. 0
2. Nope
3. More, I can actually reach my town hall in a reasonable amount of time
4. End of WW2
5. George Washington

People actually trust politicians?

>> No.3047253

1. 6
2.They start off that way until they realize how brutal politics can be
3.I've witnessed too much local corruption to trust them. At least national officials are constantly in the public eye, but I'm sure there are plenty of corrupt ones nonetheless.
5.Franklin Delano Roosevelt

>> No.3047278

1. 0. There still isn't proof of bin ladens recent death.
2. Yes, but introduce money into the equation and watch that cute honesty fade away.
3. Somewhat, because they mean basically nothing. They all work against the people though so it doesn't matter.
4. 9/11, it has barely shown yet, but in the long run people will realize how stupid America as a whole was.
5. Roosevelt. He was the picture of what america should be.

>> No.3047310

1. 5. I'm skeptical about the interests of politicians, but I'm not overly concerned about it.
2. Some are honest, some are not. It all depends on the individual in question.
3. Not particularly. Some of the local officials are really corrupt and are still corporate whores. BAE opened up a new office in my town, and the local government did everything short of offering BAE a blowjob to get them to move here.
4. Watergate
5. Every President of note has been involved in some sort of duplicity. Its just the nature of the job. I'd maybe say Eisenhower, mostly because of his warning the public about the growing military-industrial complex. And even that came after the last possible second before he left office.

>> No.3047316

1. 3 when democrats are in office, -5 when republicans are in office.
2. At the start, yes.
3.Yes much more, Local leaders actually have to live right in the community they are elected in, Its in their own best interests to actually help out the community(and again, since they live IN it, theres more reason to, kinda like how state level leaders will try to get special deals for their state, and to fucking hell with the other 49 states), and in my opinion they are.
4. Two words, Patriot act.
5.No strong opinion really.

>> No.3047328

>1. 0. There still isn't proof of bin ladens recent death.

Hold up, photo evidence,dna evidence, videos of his blood stained mansion, AL FUCKING QAEDA admitting hes dead, vowing revenge and all that, and theres no proof?.

Tin foil hat confirmed to be stapled on.

>> No.3047337

>> hold up, NO photo evidence, Dna tests take more than a few hours, no videos of it actually happening, AL FUCKING QAEDA claimed he died in 2001 of lung complications, AL FUCKING QAEDA is also a group of poorly educated sand monkeys, burial at sea 15 hours after we catch him, sounds like a whole fucking lot of bullshit to me.

>> No.3047361

that isn't proof. that's us taking their word for it.

he's dead, i will admit that, but he died a long time ago.

>> No.3047396

I hate conspiracy theorists. No logic, no proof, no evidence. Disagree and get called a sheep.

>> No.3047413


No logic or proof? You're taking the word of the american government. If there isn't proof laid out in front of me, then I would have to say it isn't true.

>> No.3047828

>If there isn't proof laid out in front of me, then I would have to say it isn't true.

I dont believe you, I know tinfoil hat types, even if they laid out photos, video, you would just be all like "photoshop, and the video was done in the sound stage they faked the moon landing in"

>> No.3048392

1. 1
2. I think some are in it for themselves from the get-go, others started out optimistic and are crushed by the corrupt system
3. Less. Their scandals and corruption are more visible and more subject to local gossip mills.
4. Countless individual events combined. Namely Lincoln (in b4 confederatefag), Wilson (getting us involved in WWI and the sedition act, FDR, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama...it's been downhill in terms of executive power and corruption since Lincoln, and really downhill since Teddy.
5. Honest honest? Any one of the first three. Jefferson especially, although he couldn't be honest about his religious beliefs in public (a U.S. president would still get impeached for stating he's an atheist).