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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3046776 No.3046776 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a community college student anything?

Math questions are encouraged (precalculus only)

>> No.3046782

how does it feel to be a failure?

Don't actually respond to this, I don't want you to bump your shitty thread

>> No.3046780

What do u want 2 major in and why?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

How long is your penis?

>> No.3046786

Why do you think I care about anyone attending any institution other than the elite private universities?

>> No.3046784

Does it suck to have to admit to anyone that asks that you're stupider than they are?

>> No.3046792

how are you feeling today?

>> No.3046788

>What do u want 2 major in and why?
>lol, CCspeak

>> No.3046794




I would like to be an Engineer

I see myself still going to school and working

5.8" inches

>> No.3046796

tired as fuck from working all day.

>> No.3046807

>pre-calculus only

Those American schools man.

>> No.3046810

u jelly? America is the best country in the world.

Deal with it.

>> No.3046819

>Community college

I sure hope you aren't building any bridges in my area, I tell you what.

>> No.3046822

I'm American and I feel that I have to object to that statement. Western Europe (except Spain) is a much nicer place than the US. The UK is probably the best country in the world, because the society isn't so fucking conservative and they have good colleges and research institutes. And the happiest place on earth is Norway, so in my personal opinion, the US can suck a dick.

>> No.3046821

so many trolls on 4chan.

>> No.3046831

cool story, brah

>> No.3046833

integrate sec(x) faggot

>> No.3046834

What state? If California, are you fighting with budget issues and overcrowded classrooms and hassles like that?

>> No.3046838

ln(sec(x) + tan(x))

>> No.3046840

Not OP, but I'm going to a community college with a very strong pre-engineering transfer plan with multiple engineering schools like ITT Tech and Devry.

>> No.3046845

I haven't took calculus so I don't know the answer to that.

>> No.3046850

ITT tech and devry train engineering technicians, not legit engineers

>> No.3046853


Why do you not have the funds to attend university full time and why did you not garner respectable scholarships to attend the school you want to transfer into.

>> No.3046856

Why so much hate for community college students? especially those that are willing to learn.

>> No.3046857


>I haven't took calculus

Nor basic grammar.

>> No.3046868

You have a string of length L.

You cut it into two parts. You bend one part into a circle, and the other into a square.

What length of string will give you the max area for the circle?

What will the area of the square be?

>> No.3046869

Because you've demonstrated many times that you are not in fact willing to learn, but you are willing to post in comments in an attempt to garner a sense of moral superiority for yourself.

>> No.3046883

>legit engineers

plenty of these so called "legit engineers" constantly need to be babysitted by field engineers with years of experience and no degree(in the oil fields were I work). So get off your high horse ok.

>> No.3046887

Why do you not have the funds to attend university full time and why did you not garner respectable scholarships to attend the school you want to transfer into?

>> No.3046892

<span class="math">\displaystyle \lim_{x\to-\infty} tanh(x)[/spoiler]

>> No.3046907

well fuck this thread way to many trolls.

>> No.3046904


Nobody needs to build bridges in France.

>> No.3046912


In communist community college, collecting field data from = being babysitted by.

>> No.3046915

cause I'm not one of those rich conservative faggots that have an infinite amount of daddies money.

>> No.3046919


Don't worry. Most of the 'engineers' in here couldn't solve that basic limit.

>> No.3046929 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr can you right these procedures for me. I don't understand how this system works.

>hurr durr I went way over budget and didn't even complete the project but atleast I can integrate tanx

>> No.3046932

Don't worry, kid. You're just getting trolled by other community college students. Don't listen to that Liberty !!nQrIRh+JHbs tripfag

>> No.3046944


Still didn't answer my question.

>> No.3046946

>hurr durr can you write these procedures for me. I don't understand how this system works.

>hurr durr I went way over budget and didn't even complete the project but atleast I can integrate tanx

>> No.3046952

Are you a minority? If so, why?

>> No.3046956


So you are one o those loliberals that go to school on the theft of other's labor?

I also asked about scholarships. Why could you not get any, and or enough to pay a little of your own money coupled with them to go to the school you wil transfer to?

>> No.3046959


>> No.3046972

>theft of other's labor

kid, you don't even know what the fuck labor is. You're talking to working class man not your spoiled lollibertarian peers in school. Please gtfo my thread.

>> No.3046977

>mfw i'm a high school freshman in pre calc

>> No.3046980

>he thinks budgeting is the responsibility of the engineers and not the project manager's finance and accounting guy

>he thinks engineers acting as project managers don't delegate work

>> No.3046985

You're being trolled hard. Just letting you know, nigga

>> No.3046989


Kid? Ar you 89 years of age?

You go to a public school funded by theft of labor. Do you get government "grants"?

Why can you not get scholarships? You must be a terrible student.

>> No.3047007

liberty is troll along with all the other fags knocking on community college.

>> No.3047008


I go to a CC and you make the rest of us look even worse.

>> No.3047012


Stop talking about yourself in the third person, poor under.

>> No.3047015
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>> No.3047020

bad thread

>> No.3047021

More moral superiority coming from a loser who hasn't even attained the level of intellectual mediocrity.

>> No.3047027


trolled hard by a person that admits to going to a cc

I feel bad for you, poor under.

>> No.3047029

>make thread asking for questions
>call everyone a troll

yup, sounds about right

>> No.3047030

I want to hug this thread.

>> No.3047036

Why does my ass begin to itch after sitting for too long?

>> No.3047044

>implying OP isn't the troll

Y'all niggas gettin trolled.

>> No.3047043

Liberty, you are my favourite /sci/ tripfag.

Can you guess my least favourite? Hint: It's that fag who goes to community college

>> No.3047041

Hi OP, you're a huge faggot. I'm going to community college for a separate reason, to save more money working labor (Like you claim) in order to go to a full four year university after getting an associates in ME.

A family member of mine works at the community college so I get an "Employee scholarship" (2,500$ per semester? moar liek 450$) I have scholarships awaiting use at a university later.

When I get done with my associates I'll be pretty well knowledgable in ME, have the financial means to go to a 4 year without trouble and I'll be able to move onto AE without any trouble, and my core classes will be totally out of the picture

See, you're in community college because you suck shit at school, and can't earn a scholarship.

Just an FYI: People who get an associates in engineering and stop there end up being "Engineering assistants" or "Interns", and have a hard time moving up. Enjoy your life, faggot

inb4 engineer gets bitter about being a faggot.

>> No.3047047

Fellow engineers, let me point you to a better thread

>> No.3047056
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>associates in ME.

stoped reading there

>> No.3047062

>Community College

Stopped reading there.

>> No.3047064


inb4 civil engineering

>> No.3047072

> a tripfag

Stopped reading there.


Thank you, kind sir.

>> No.3047073

>a long string of bs desperately trying to aggrandize own life
>feels need to do this on anonymous board
>inb4 engineer gets bitter about being a faggot.

>> No.3047075

Wait, what kind of engineering are YOU going into in cc?

>> No.3047078

I'm not doing engineering. I'm just taking the basic classes so I can transfer to a uni.

>> No.3047086


....to do what kind of engineering ?

>> No.3047091


Which you won't get into considering you couldn't do it the first time around.

>> No.3047099

4-years actually prefer transfer students from CCs. The transfer rate is much, much higher.

>> No.3047100
File: 173 KB, 366x366, TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is trolling really that fun?

>> No.3047111


How did you find /sci/? How slow was /b/ for you to come here?

>> No.3047113
File: 10 KB, 239x266, 1304806765630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's guarenteed in my state.


Trolling a nitwit who also goes to a CC like I do is entertaining.

I tutor faggots like you every day.


Now solve my fucking equation, bitch:

<span class="math">\displaystyle \lim_{x\to-\infty} tanh(x)[/spoiler]

>> No.3047127

where you that faggot from yesterday that posted the problem that involved squeeze thereom?

I can't read jsmath on my browser so fuck off.

>> No.3047136
File: 239 KB, 2550x3300, Y0UJC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then solve it. lulz

100 bucks says you don't even know how to enter it into a computer program to solve for you let alone demonstrate the required steps.

>> No.3047171

>21:59 - 22:07
>OP went to look up problem and can't figure it out

You're welcome /sci/.