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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 623x399, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3045917 No.3045917 [Reply] [Original]

Christians 1, atheists 0

>> No.3045920

Trying too hard.

>> No.3045919

Leave us now.

>> No.3045925

the egg

>> No.3045937

Shitty troll is shitty. /sci/ will still fall for it.

245 posts and 50 image replies omitted

>> No.3045949

The bible, they were made fictitiously by man.

>> No.3045950

>using examples from your own religion to prove it correct


>> No.3045959


[citation needed]

>> No.3045965

Prove Adam and Eve existed in the first place.

>> No.3045974


Prove they didn't exist.

>> No.3045983


You're claiming they exist, not me. You prove it.

>> No.3045985

No historical evidence, now where is your evidence, other than shitty fiction

>> No.3045988
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>> No.3045989


There's no historical evidence of anything before written history. Doesn't mean it didn't exist.

>> No.3045993


>> No.3045999
File: 95 KB, 752x559, joker_i_dunno_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If god exists and he created Adam and Eve, then who was Cain's wife?

Christians -1, Atheists 0

>> No.3045997


No, but we have archaeological evidence.

>> No.3045996

In other words you can't prove they existed. So your case is invalid.

>> No.3045995
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pic related

>> No.3046001

I did.

>> No.3046002


Isn't Ricky Gervais that guy who shoved a gerbil up his tailpipe?

>> No.3046007


But you also can't prove they didn't exist.

>> No.3046012



>> No.3046013

I'm pretty sure it was Adam and Steve. Faggot OP doesn't know history.

>> No.3046016



>>"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim."

>> No.3046019

>inbreeding everywhere

>> No.3046020

>the fact that you can't disprove something means that it must be true

>> No.3046028


That's why I'm an agnostic. You atheists and Christfags can continue beating each other over the head while I watch in amusement.

>> No.3046034
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>Adam and Steve
>Faggot OP

>> No.3046038
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>> No.3046045
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>> No.3046049


Then join the agnostic master race.

>> No.3046052

I killed God and Jesus and used their foreskins to fasion a hat that I wear to church.

I also have superpowers now becuase I ate their brains.

Prove Me Wrong.

>> No.3046053
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>implying evolution can create anything

>> No.3046066


>> No.3046059


implying that God's nonexistence isn't a claim. I've said this before on other threads: A null claim is only valid once something is an established norm (I.e. "That koala doesn't have a shell" because that's commonplace") however if you were to say "A hoochgak doesn't possess a guth'ik'ia" then you have to prove that. Guess which one claiming God doesn't exist falls under ?

>> No.3046060

How many people facepalmed when they seen this?

>> No.3046077


>> No.3046078


Everyone except OP.

>> No.3046080
File: 145 KB, 600x700, agnostic is not a belief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3046083

>the internetz says it
>I believes it
>that's it
Can't argue with that.

>> No.3046084


I didn't say it was a belief. Atheism and theism are beliefs.

>> No.3046091


Not me, I'm pretty much immune to the stupid now

>> No.3046096


You cannot prove a statement that is without content, only the converse.

>> No.3046099




>> No.3046108
File: 28 KB, 300x441, SuccessfulTroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

39 posts and 8 image replies

>> No.3046112


The positive assertion that there's no God.

>> No.3046123

Its still not a believe.

>> No.3046128
File: 1 KB, 126x82, 1303344992887s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i can't spell belief

>> No.3046129
File: 566 KB, 1651x2550, definition of atheist, agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agnostic is just a modifier to the term atheist or theist.

Also atheism is not a belief

>> No.3046132


(cue Eric Cartman voice) Atheism is not a positive assertion, you stupid Jew!

>> No.3046140


>Stupid uneducated belief
>Got called a retard

>> No.3046138
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 1272250476589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if when we die, we are born in another universe and do it all over again. highly likely

>> No.3046142


How so?

>> No.3046145



>> No.3046159

Hey, theists. If God exists, then who created atheists and Allah?

>> No.3046169


Atheists don't claim that any afterlife or supernatural beings exist. They don't claim anything. Therefore they have nothing to provide evidence for,

>> No.3046170


God is Allah moran

>> No.3046188
File: 51 KB, 450x450, Trolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that déjà vu when I saw the same thread on /b/ a few hours ago

And the troll worked there too.

>> No.3046190


Well, Yahweh is Allah**

>> No.3046197
File: 408 KB, 616x1024, i trol u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3046198


No, but they make a lot of claims about the Bible being mistaken that they have no or dubious evidence for.

>> No.3046204


Yeah, but that's /b/. /sci/ is supposed to be smarter than them.

>> No.3046205

Such as?

>> No.3046222


You'd think so, but...

>> No.3046233


Where would you like to start?

>> No.3046238



>> No.3046250


No, but hipsters have tried to turn it into a third option.