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3045152 No.3045152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3045161

>every response summarized:
Yes, but under these conditions blahblahblah, and I would suck this or fuck that or do this for $X blahblahlbha

>> No.3045158


>> No.3045163

Hahahahaah money is for faggots. Only a fool would belittle himself for legal tender.

(See what i did there?)

>> No.3045164

What kind of dicks? Over what period of time? Do I have to swallow?

This stuff is important.

>> No.3045167

i'd pay anything to suck 100 dicks /cyanide and happiness

>> No.3045169

Sorry, but I can't afford to pay one million dollars right now.

>> No.3045178


random, infinite, yes

>> No.3045185
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Would suck 100 dicks for free.

>> No.3045189

$10000 a dick = yes, without hesitation

>> No.3045212

Yes, can I request horses?

>> No.3045235

Probably. It seems like a easy job and do it over a month or so then you can get a nice start in life.

>> No.3045245


>> No.3045259

engineer here, no I wouldnt

>> No.3045261

I would. I'd just need to get horny enough beforehand. I'm straight but once I get turned on I'd do any number of things.

>> No.3045293

how about you do your math homework when you get horny?

>> No.3045306

What if it's publicized all the news and everywhere else? You'd have a hard time walking through your capital/vegas/monaco without getting recognized? Assuming those are some of the places you'd like to relocate to afterwards.

@OP: no.

>> No.3045308

What kind of faggot wouldn't?

>> No.3045583


I'd still do it. People don't care after a while and I don't see how it would affect my job in any specific way. Also, a lot of people would say "I would do that too", especially after someone (me) have already done it. Sheep mentality to your advantage right thurr.

>> No.3045607

Fuck, I'd suck one dick for 10k.

I don't give a shit. It'd have to be done through a mediator, though. I want my whore money.

>> No.3045613

The question isnt if you would do it, its what would be the lowest amount you would do it for.

>> No.3045624

Not for One MILLION... maybe for TEN. But there would have to be many strict guarantees

>> No.3045635

I'd do it for....
Ten grand.

>> No.3045638

I would pay 1,000,000$ to suck 100 dicks.

>> No.3045682

Is that little Johnny Boehner there? It's ok, as long as you dress like a prissy little pachyderm!