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3044606 No.3044606 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so fun to hate Jews?

I'm not advocating antisemitism, or condemning it for that matter. I'm just wondering why it feels so...satisfying. Any sociologists care to weigh in?

And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, either. That's why you get so butthurt over stormfags -- deep down you want to be one yourself.

>> No.3044636

inb4 b&

>> No.3044679

Because Jews tend to be more intelligent, and have more money then others, and due to a feeling of inferiority many people band together and hate Jewish people.
And you think that if people make fun of them, then they can't be THAT great, so u no longer feel inferior

Tl;dr you suck, go kill yourself

>> No.3044786

Jews are very dangerous to the White Europeans(I'm not a stormfag, but it's the truth). Jews are very ethnocentric and are in many positions of power. Many believe this is the reason American foreign policy is so insane. They also started many "anti-racist" groups, which target White people and shame them into submission, which allows the minorities to stomp all over Whites(not good).

>> No.3044812

because apart from the whole 'holocaust' thing the jews have had it pretty easy. They were given land in the middle east for nothing by the UK and they have the economic and military support of the USA.

It's okay to hate on them because they're so privileged. You'll just come across as so jelly.

What isn't cool is hating on the underprivileged. Child soldiers in Somalia Women and children forced into the sex trade in the Far East. The elderly man you has to push trolleys for Walmart literally until the day he dies because America can't build a decent social security system.

Sure you could hate on these poor fellows to pretend you're a hardened, desensitised /b/tard. But it wouldn't be funny in quite the same way.

>> No.3044830

Even the Holocaust thing wasn't nearly as bad as they make it seem. The 5-6 million number they throw around it way overinflated. It's closer to less than a million; which is nothing when you think how many white people Stalin killed and other examples.

>> No.3044836

I occasionally browse stormfront when i want to giggle.
And i mean it, they are too stupid.
Not because of jews or blacks but in general, just take a time to read their ideas about almost anything, like tough version of creationists.

50%+ of chess champions are jews.
And 25% of nobel prizes are jews (they represent the 0.0008 of world's population btw).

Its not just disproportional, it is near science fiction.

Inb4 iqfags.
Screw IQ, they are just smarter, just deal with it.
And yes i wish i was a jew.
And my wildest dream is to when i check my dna they tell me that i have jewish dna, i would cum instantly.
But i dont even look like a jew..so ;(

>> No.3044837

>I have done more extensive research than everybody else
>I am truly not pulling shit out of my ass
>also I'm citing nothing because I have nothing

>implying you stormshitters care about slavs
but you're perfectly fine with switching your beliefs just to make jews look bad, right?

>> No.3044961
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I think it's more fun to make fun of the Welsh. I usualyy start that shit after somebody goes HURR DURR J00Z

>> No.3044973

I wrote what you quoted but even I can tell you you're talking bullshit.

I'm not an antisemite and I don't deny jews in israel have gone through some really tough shit. There's been causalities on both sides. The Palestinians have had a worse at least geographically, if nothing else. However that kind of speculation is useless and will only come across as racist favouritism. The only way to solve the middle east problem is to convince both sides of their phony balony god

>> No.3046371


this is actually an interesting topic, and it's at least as anti-racist as it is racist

>> No.3046403

Jew here.

Whites *and* Jews complaining about being oppressed is fucking hilarious.

>> No.3046423

I have strong Welsh roots...

>> No.3046429
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>> No.3046435

There are a bunch of posts here about "Jews vs Whites".
I'm 1/4 Jew, and my entire Jewish family is white. We came from Romania and Hungary.
So no, not all Jews want to "target white people."
And yes, there are many Jews who are, in fact, white. Every Jew I've met has been white as far as I can remember, even those not related to me.

I do think this is an interesting thread, though.

>> No.3046454

>Why is it so fun to hate Jews?
ask Shakespeare

shits as old as time bro

>That's why you get so butthurt over stormfags -- deep down you want to be one yourself.

lolno, only people with small dicks think its cool.

also reported for thinly disguised /new/ shit

>> No.3046609

It feels so satisfying because it's like a religion for trolls, nudge, nudge. Part of a strategy on the JIDF is the act like foolish antisemitic and coerce others to engage in it as well. It's just like an atheist acting like a christian in a less than satirical manner. So basically you get a wide range of goofy, edgy, dumb, and thought provoking statements made about jews and it goes to create a light-hearted, oh-you~ pretext that nobody takes seriously.

I mean if you still take atheists versus christians seriously than I feel very sorry for you, so it is the same with Jews and niggers. Those of us that have been around for a while know that it's futile treating any opinion of ours seriously when it will just end up as joke-fodder for some mixed-bag legion of trolls.

>> No.3046623

>ask Shakespeare
>shits as old as time bro
Actually take it back one more notch to Martin Luther..
That's when the real activism started.

>> No.3046626

>shits as old as time bro
then it should be easy to answer the question, and yet you didn't

>> No.3046639
File: 71 KB, 500x555, with_jews_you_lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because theres just enough of them to be prominent in our culture but not enough for there to always be one within earshot.

>> No.3046640

A Jew cannot be white under any circumstances. They may have white skin but they're a mongrel, not white.

>> No.3046645
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report all /new/ threads

go shit up some other board asshole

>> No.3046650
File: 304 KB, 826x1338, michael_whelan__dead_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it so fun to hate Jews?
Because it's easier to be ignorant and prejudiced than getting educated on a subject and having a worldview that is wider than your own navel.

Also, being ignorant is in vogue in certain circles.

>> No.3046666

This is actually the most anti-antisemitic thread ever to appear on 4chan, although you're far too stupid to realize this. Go suck a dick.

>> No.3046719

Because at least in America, Jews have been waging war against White European ideals and values by turning America into a trash dump via multiculturalism for decades now.

>> No.3046789

fucking meta-ethics and quad 6 get
are you angel or demon sir?

>> No.3046816

This is true. Also, via insane pro Israel foreign policy for decades now. Which causes people(mainly muslims) to hate America around the world and bankrupting the country. They also created groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which attacks White people at its very core.

>> No.3046878

give me all your skinny on SPLC nao!
Fucking the spokesman dude looks just like Terrence McKenna.

>> No.3047734

:( i lost my entire family in the holocaust (true story, i only had 2 grandparents left and a great-grandparent) (fun fact, one of my great uncles was a close friend of hitlers, ended up in a concentration camp lulz)
im not actually offended by your post, but id like to see proof for your claim (assuming youre not trolling)

>> No.3047761

Them thr mose succesful group of ppl on the planet? Ever seen a jew beggar? Me neither

>> No.3047803
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous — cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity. "

"All of the other people have committed crimes, the "Jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them. They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race. "


While all other religions endeavor to explain to the people by symbols the metaphysical significance of life, the religion of the Jews is entirely immanent and furnishes nothing but a mere war-cry in the struggle with other nations."
