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3041109 No.3041109 [Reply] [Original]

how do i stop having suicidal thoughts

>> No.3041116



>> No.3041129

LSD, Mushrooms.

Basically any psychedelic will help you out with that.

>> No.3041134

Killing yourself should make them stop

>> No.3041135

The only reason one would wish to die is because he is not living.

>> No.3041142


become more manic. ssri's are best avoided unless you are a robot person (or want to be), but some mild stimulants might help. most importantly, set a reasonable, realistic goal for yourself, something you actually want, and can make visible progress towards daily.

>> No.3041146


>> No.3041184

Get purpose in life.

Find it by getting some new experiences. I would suggest a 3 month trip to Thailand and the surrounding areas. People are nice there. India is an option as well.

Easiest would probably to take care of your body as a purpose in life. Go to gym, eat healthy and measure the effects of it.

Good luck mate.

And yes, you can get drugs from your doctor that numbs you down a little. suicidal thoughts go away, but my bet is you have them because you're bored to death.

>> No.3041859

Man... I would love to leave to an exotic place for a few months, but my family would only try to talk me out of it, and my friends would think I only went to find a bride or some shit.

>> No.3041864
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>> No.3041894
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dedicate your life to the betterment of humankind

or just use yourself for an experiment where you eventually die

>> No.3041895

Kill yourself

>> No.3042450

If by saying that your parents would talk you out of it and that your friends would just think your looking for a bride, then you have already convinced your self of not going. in which could be your problem. you care too much about what other people think of you and that you think you know what others will say. you should just try to not think about it too much.

>> No.3042540

Suicide is a known cure for suicidal thoughtsl

>> No.3042623

its just fucking finals. get over it.

>> No.3042760

celexa, 60mg per day

>> No.3042782

Look no further for the definitive answer.